Tuberculosis outbreak declared public health emergency in Long Beach, but overall risk remains low, officials say | CNN

An outbreak of tuberculosis has led to a public health emergency in Long Beach, California.


️Living with a virus for eternity is something one need to sit down and think. There is a you cure out there for any type of viruses and diseases. So why listen to people who will discourage you and not give you cure. Alternative cure for any type of viruses, diseases and STDS available. Contact Dr Oaikhena Herbal medicine for help in ridding out your problem.
1; HSV1 and HSV2
2; Lupus diseases
3; Cancer
4; Human Papilloma virus (HPV)
5; Crohn's diseases
6; Diabetes
7; Sickle Cell Arnamia
8; Herpes
9; HIV
10; Fibromyalgia.
11; tuberculosis
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This is what happens when you have open borders. People from third world countries bring diseases which haven’t been treated. I’m from near Rochester NY, but went to Eagle Pass, Tx, this past February. I wanted to see, first hand, what was going on at the Southern border. I talked to officers and public relations staff from Charlie Company. On the way home, I stopped in Alabama to see friends. I stayed at a hotel, in Bessemer. Unbeknownst to the manager, I listened in on a staff meeting taking place. The manager was saying that the 40 immigrants would be staying “awhile” and that they were to be placed on the second floor. She stated that two of those rooms had to be sealed off, fumigated, and washed from floor to ceiling because of an “infestation”. This is the sad truth of illegal immigration and they are being let in because the democrats need their votes.

false, faaaalse all that system promotes is false, evil and a lie, all bad things is for being separated from GOD- JESUS CHRIST and to put faith in the vac.cines and phar.makeia (spi.ritist dru.gstore) that it is consecrated to dem.ons and I don't care if you believe me or not... We are at the END and almost totally of the people continue with nonsense... The preaching of the WORD of GOD continue until GOD wants. Starting on April 8, darkness and wickedness increased.I hope you haven't looked at the eclipse or gone out. The eclipse pass through a place called Jonah, by 7 whose name is Nineveh and another called Rapture apart from a "comet" that has been called the devil... But they won't tell you that on TV. The Bible is being fulfilled, naturally. IT IS THE SIGN OF THE SON OF MAN

Luke 11:30: "For as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, so also will the SON OF MAN be to this generation"

Luke 21:25-28: "And there shall be ️signs in the sun, the moon️, and the STARS and ON EARTH..."

40 DAYS THE NINEVITES HAD TO REPENT AND WHEN THEY REPENTED, GOD ceased the punishment He was going to impose on them... What's happening now... Well, from April 8 until those 40 days are over, the WHO treaty for mandatory vac.cines will enter into force.

Stay at home and repent, turn to the LORD JESUS CHRIST. The wrath of GOD will be poured out very soon. READ THE FULL TEXT and SHARE ALL THIS INFORMATION

I don't understand why are Facebook team and Zuckerberg are not in the jail

With access to such a large dataset, Facebook has a unique opportunity to manipulate its users and their realities. This enables both a deeper understanding of its users (more data to feed the machine), and the power that comes with influence.
Remember that Facebook feeds are not chronological. Facebook decides what posts you see, and who sees your posts.
Research Into The Human Psyche
I'd like you to seriously consider the idea that Facebook has a greater ability to understand the human psyche than every psychologist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, and behavioral economist in human history combined. If this shocks you, allow me to explain.
Academic and practical work on the human psyche tends to have sample sizes measured in the hundreds. I've read my fair share of studies, and I don't think I've seen an n larger than a thousand. Ten thousand at a stretch. On top of that, you have the usual sample selection problems. Study subjects tend to be desperate - for class credit (university students) or money (the rest of them). Most people aren't study subjects and never will be.
Most people are Facebook users, though. At least the wealthy ones, on a global scale. And an n of 2 billion and growing is literally orders of magnitude larger than any psychological study, ever.
Facebook knows this, which is why it has Facebook Research. This division is the most powerful psychologial experimentation center in human history. It has 2 billion study subjects and more data to understand those subjects than most researchers can dream of.