Noem suggests Biden’s dog Commander should suffer similar fate to Cricket | CNN Politics

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem suggests in her new book that President Joe Biden’s dog Commander should suffer a similar fate to the working dog she shot on her farm.


Heidi Dobbie Hello I am very impressed with your profile and personalities, I pray God to give you a perfect gift of health, long life, May your day be filled with happiness and joy and may you be filled with thousands of smile....stay safe I always enjoy what you share here on your profile but we're not friends on Facebook only on the page. I tried sending you a friend request but it wasn't recognized.. please do send me a friend request, I hope if you see it my message you will text me back have a wonderful day

Art Hutcheson I'm not American, thank the gods, so I read both sides and stay impartial - unlike you.
He didn't fall asleep, but if he did, it would be the perfect response for this non-event... they STILL haven't been able to charge him with anything... it's a case of "show me the man and I'll find something - anything - to charge him with".
So, tell me, did I get anything incorrect with what I said about Joke?
It's all very well to spout idiocies that you can't prove about Trump - but every single thing I wrote re Joke is verifiable and thus the truth.
You sound extremely juvenile so I won't hold my breath for an intelligent answer, however.

Alice Robertson Hullo idiot. Do you think 'friends' would trust this dog around children or strangers ever again? Have you proof he is happy... is alive? Don't be a numpty.
As for "decent" human ... is this a good time to mention the grandchild he ignored.. he put up Xmas stockings for the dogs and not for her..... and the fact he had to be publicly outed and shamed into acknowledging her?
Or that he hasn't mentioned the 5 American hostages still being held by Hamas and demanded their return or he'd withhold the billions of taxpayer-paid aid he's still sending to Gaza? Nope, he's threatening to withhold (taxpayer) dollars to Israel unless they stop fighting the very people trying to exterminate them. Yeah, THAT makes sense!
Or that he NEVER mentioned the thousand or so Americans he left behind in Afghanistan despite his promise: "Not one American left behind"?
There are twice as many Jews in America as Arabs. I'm guessing that they will all be voting for Donald Trump this time around. So your vote will disappear into the void, along with your dear leader's brain cells. And not before time!

Anna Ai Tell that to Joke Biden. He's caused HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of HUMAN deaths, just since he's been in office! Let's start with Kabul, then the 100,000 every year of fentanyl, then all those Illegals who were murdered, injured/starved and died, or drowned on their way over the open border - the women and children amongst them now in living horror; then the young American women brutalised and murdered by Illegals in the States, and all the inner city gangs now run by the most vicious Mexicans and Venezuelans... and all the destruction that will hit you when those terrorist cells hiding amongst you put their diabolical plans into action.
There's a lot more... but that will do. Just keep it all in perspective.

Well, I guess I should go down the block and shoot the little, tiny Maltese that bit me for no reason and drew blood. Noem said Cricket had "attacked" people before she got her and she shot her because she feared for her children. Why did she bring a dog with aggressive tendencies into her home with her children in the first place? She's lying to cover her abject cruelty to Cricket and the goat who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Noem was just angry that Cricket had embarrassed her in front of the other hunters and then, in front of her neighbors. It's all about Noem's ego and the animals were sacrificed to her ego.
