CNN reporter blocked from entering MAGA meeting in Hungary | CNN Politics

Some right-wing leaders think Viktor Orbán, the authoritarian prime minister of Hungary, should be a model for a Trump second term. CNN’s Kyung Lah reports.


Warren Runyan Never mind that violent crime rates, especially for homicide in large cities, have fallen sharply during Biden’s presidency, after a surge during the pandemic. Trump, as he often did during his presidency, is using anecdotal evidence to make an emotional case against undocumented immigrants. But here’s the rub: There is little evidence that immigrants — or even undocumented immigrants — cause more crime. Still, there is enough ambiguity in the data — or so little hard data — that it’s difficult to point to conclusive findings that would change opinions. “Many politicians, law enforcement personnel and ordinary citizens are nonetheless incensed because this person should not have been in the country and thus capable of committing a crime,” said Michael Light, a sociologist at the University of Wisconsin at Madison . The United States has a population of about 330 million, so one can assume the undocumented share would be between 3.5 and 4.5 percent. There is strong evidence that all immigrants — in the United States legally or otherwise — are more law-abiding than native-born American citizens. Most immigrants are motivated to do well in their new country, especially if they bring skills that can enhance local economies, and so there is little incentive to break the law.

Neil Peart Your post is full of absurd statements . In case you didn’t consider this fact, the U.S. has laws that do not allow the President to dictate everything that you suggest he “allows.” How can anyone respect our laws when you suggest our president be a dictator that tells citizens, parents, businesses etc. what to do? Nonsense! And about the funeral,of that slain officer - Trump’s presence was a travesty . He betrayed law enforcement on 1/6 and his dereliction of duty to assist law enforcement should not be forgiven. Even if he was invited by the widow and I give her that to ease her sorrow. At least Biden had the good sense not to politicize the wake.

Marianna van der Bijl Brussels hasn't destroyed the world. The UK has discovered the opposite when they voted for Brexit.
Prices / inflation , is world wide even in the UK.You should know that . Turkey has an inflation of 57%.
You are also making the mistake of blaming the increase in crime on migrants. Nederlanders are just the same , if not worse sometimes. It is a myth that only migrants are guilty..
Het aandeel verdachten onder de Nederlandse bevolking is tussen 2005 en 2021 met 60 procent afgenomen. In 2005 was 1,9 procent van de bevolking verdacht van een misdrijf, in 2021 was dat 0,8 procent. Bij alle generaties en herkomstgroepen neemt het percentage geregistreerde verdachten van misdrijven sinds 2005 af. Onder migranten daalt het aandeel verdachten van 3,3 procent in 2005 tot 1,1 procent in 2021. Migranten en mensen van de tweede generatie zijn vaker dan gemiddeld slachtoffer van traditionele criminaliteit (respectievelijk 21 en 23 procent).

Angela Harrap "you.people", what.kind of racist dog whistlemis that? is biased and double standards. The classified docs case is a classic example. Bidens was actually worse, and Hillaries even more blatantly in violation, but nada, "career proscecutors would unwilling to.proscecute", and that was despite overwhelming evidence in both case, Hillary destroying evidence ordered preserved, and Biden over decades, a pattern of lawless conduct, "willful" and sharing with those not cleared.

And again, Garland did not have the authority to.appoint Jack Smith as Special Council, because Smith was not qualified under the law, he was neither appointed by a president not confirmed by the Senate, both are required under US Code. That's Bidens and his DOJ acting as Nazis, above the law to proscecute Joe's political opponants. Neither of those cases are Constitutional.

Braggs case was a joke from day one. justification, and the first 2 weeks witnesses, state witnesses were great.....for Trump. And they impeached Braggs star, Cohen, exposing yet another case of perjury before Congress by Cohen.

Neil Peart Biden Recoverd all of Trumps job losses plus he added 3 million on top of what Trump accomplished.
Had the fastest 2 year GDP growth spurt in history.
Most number of people employed-OF ALL TIME.
Most Manufacturing plants being built in decades.
Labor force participation for working age adults now surpassing pre pandemic levels.
Farm exports broke an all time records 2 years in a row.
Manufacturing growth now surpassing the rest of the World.
Average rate of layoffs 19% under historical averages.
Cut Boarder surge to levels Trump handed him after Trump handed it off to him surging.
Record wage growth to help consumers offset the bulk of inflation effects.
Delivered Healthcare savings to Seniors.
Infrastructure Bill done.
Chips and Inflation Reduction Act has triggered near half a trillion in private jobs creating in private job creating investments.
Record Reshoring of jobs to America.
Lowest unemployment rate since 1969.
Farmers Tripled their income under Biden.
Biden capped the Insulin price.
Got Union workers a Raise.
Record high stock market.
Biden beat the World Economy.
Record decline in homicide.
The highest GDP growth.
The most small business created in world history.

Yana Lobanova all the more reason to make sure Biden does not get reelected. His attack on Democracy as described by federal courts includes the countries worst violation of the first ammendment by means of Biden admin censorship. The current lawfare, including his DOJ appointment of a Special Council to proscecute Biden political competitor, despite being required to be appointed by a president and confirmed by the Senate, something Jack Smith was neither of. Then there is Bidens willful defiance of US Immigration laws, refusing to enforce laws on ILLEGAL Aliens. And Bidens open defience of Federal court decisions on Bidens unconstitutional "probation release" scheme he uses for ILLEGALS, his defiance of the SCOTUS rulings on Joe's vite buying college debt giveaway, and racist college admission policies. And so much more attacks on our freedom with his far left mandates, and ever more new taxes. His inflation, crime, wars, national security blunders. One trainwreck after another with Biden......and found by his own DOJ to be mentally unfit to stand trail for his serious felony crimes.

Amelia Warner So all slogan no thinking. The kind that can't string two sentences together.
We're thinking you're classification 1.
He's off his head. The only ones taking him seriously are his gormless followers and, yes I'll say it, his evil enablers.
So pro Trumpers classify yourself as either gormless or evil. One half know are.

As for that second group, do you think we out here have no idea why popular to some. We are thinking people capable of concession.

Given that your party has fared very very badly at the polls, I'm thinking you're not capable even for your own strategic good. If you don't understand that, you fact to the gormless low IQ group. Sorry, it's just a fact.

Clinton Sykes oh yeah like he did with Kim Jun.
He's off his head. The only ones taking him seriously are his gormless followers and, yes I'll say it, his evil enablers.
So pro Trumpers classify yourself as either gormless or evil. One half know are.

As for that second group, do you think we out here have no idea why popular to some. We are thinking people capable of concession. Which one are you Clinton?

Given that your party has fared very very badly at the polls, I'm thinking you're not capable even for your own strategic good. If you don't understand that, you fact to the gormless low IQ group. Sorry, it's just a fact.

William Henry Trump is reaping what he sowed. Nothing to do with Biden. He has got away with it for so long , you people think it is normal . All his winging and whining is not based in fact. It is just the victim roll he adopts to extract more moneyfrom his cult. He wouldn't be desperately seeking immunity if he was innocent. He has misused the legal system he disparages for years, and still does.Frivolous appeals an countless litigations to wear down and delay the opposition. Biden wasn't found mentally unfit by his own DOJ , the actual quote was “that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

10ºTammy Marie Mazzullo I can't understand any woman that is ok with anything he stands for. This "good ole boy locker room talk" is disgusting. You would think you would expect more out of your president. Any woman that does any research and literally hears the words out of his mouth, and still align with him... Is a disappointment to the gender. Not to mention all his egregious offense. I have never, ever judged anybody by the person for whom they vote. But this time is different. Trump made it about more than politics. He not only divided the country, he divided the Republican party. And he's proud of it.
