See LAPD officers shut down pro-Palestinian encampment at USC

The Los Angeles Police Department shut down a pro-Palestinian encampment at the University of Southern California. Follow live updates:


I have only two short questions and one suggestion for the BDSM supporters,
#Question 1. They demand to boycott or cut ties with Israel because the whole country and its population is responsible for any wrongdoing actions of the current Israeli govt or the defence forces members?
But isn't it the very thing they say about the Gazan civilians, that they're not responsible for what Hamas terrorists did?

#Question 2. They oppose the ongoing operations in Gaza in response to the terrorist attack, but at the same time they're claiming that October 7th was a Resistance to occupation, HOW?

Actually if you start cutting ties with the people you seem to "hate the most in the world" and especially with the knowledge they gave to the world, you'll be sitting in a cave. You can ask anyone in academia, or anyone who knows how or where to collect information other than tiktok.

That's what happens when the most important thing in your life is something you didn't even know about just 6 months ago, or still don't know what you are talking about.
You know, this is why I love this portrayal the most:

The author, a Palestinian activist, of this opinion piece, published in Newsweek, writes:
“You know what would help the Palestinians in Gaza? Condemning Hamas' atrocities. Instead, the protesters routinely chant their desire to "Globalize the Intifada." Apparently they do not realize that the Intifadas were disastrous for both Palestinians and Israelis, just as October 7 has been devastating for the people of Gaza.

They should be speaking up for the innocent victims of Hamas—both Palestinian and Israeli. Instead, they endorse Hamas's ideology with posters announcing resistance "by any means necessary" and chants of "from the river to the sea," effectively glorifying the Al-Qassam brigades, Hamas' military wing, whose ideology is entirely based on the elimination of more than 6 million Israelis from the land.”

The fact that the mainstream media and the United States government has turned a protest against the genocide of the Palestinian people and the unaliving of children in Gaza into a fight against antisemitism, it is evident that the zionist community that controls the information has weaponized the term antisemitism, and are hiding behind it as they assault the people in Gaza, the question is, how long have we fell for that trick? Did we fell for it 75 years ago? Of course we caught them bombing the USS liberty and trying to blame it own Egypt, how do we keep falling for the same thing? How are they continuously able to commit evil and blame the victims and we support them?

Matthew Baas Allowing foreign countries to buy policy to benefit The military industrial complex isn't democracy. But at this rate, we don't really have any freedoms. Everything we do is tax regulated and criminalized to benefit a system that allows legal slavery and corporate control of policy lobbyists and large interest groups.

But you'll label it terrorism. of I point out That Israel spends millions of dollars on u. S elections and politicians so that in return, they get thirty eight billion dollars in stolen taxpayer dollars. Who are the real terrorists? Maybe we shouldn't let those who benefit from actual terrorism decide

Facts: Since 1948 when the Brits divided the land to a smaller Jew and larger Arab side the Jews agreed and the Arabs waged wars over and over on Israel. As a result they’ve been defeated each time and lost territories essentially putting themselves under direct occupation in Gaza and the West Bank . Study the 1948 and 1967 wars waged on Israel. If there were no wars waged on Israel by its 5 Arab neighbors , then today there would have been no occupation . If October 7th hadn’t happened there would have been no dead in Gaza right now . Palestinians have perfected the victim narrative when in fact they been seeking complete destruction of Jews instead building themselves a future because it’s part of their Islamist religion.

- [ ] These far left, weak minded, racist, antisemitic idiots have the right to protest. Did you know in some protests 50% of protesters are outside agitators! These protesters don’t have a right to riot, block roads and highways, damage public and private property, threaten Jewish students, deny Jewish students access to campus buildings, chant antisemitic slogans, protest without a permit, and infringe on taxpayer lives. Doing nothing only encourages more of the same. Jewish students have nothing to do with the war in Gaza just like the Palestinian students shouldn’t be held accountable for what Hamas did on 7 Oct killing babies and raping and killing women which started this war. Palestinians are suffering because of Hamas who the Palestinians voted for to represent them. These protest don’t help their cause with American taxpayers. It actually hurts their cause.

Afifa Zahid The " palestinians" were named a people in 1968.By Yasir Arafat.They are in Gaza because they left ( were not thrown out) when the state of Israel was created. The have a government that they elected It is HAMAS a TERRORIST Government sponsored by IRAN.Since the state of Israel was re created in 1948 its Arab neighbors have tried repeatedly to destroy her.That includes the " peaceful" people of GAZA who have spent Almost all of the aid received from America and the U.N. to buy concrete for the tunnel system under Gaza from which they launch attacks on Israel! They do not want peace.They want GENOCIDE. Let us remember who started this war.

Good. I remember when Americans vowed to hunt down and kill terrorists and those who harbor them. Not pretend like they were victims and cheer them on.

Bombing your enemy in retaliation for decades of attacks and an invasion of your land isn't Genocide. Just like the the thousands of civilians killed by the massive aerial bombings of WW2. Just like the citizens of nazi Germany refused to surrender and were bombed into submission it's Gaza's "1944" today. And they'll continue to get pummeled until just like the nazi, hamas surrenders.

Genocide, is when people without a choice, are murdered. As Biden openly stated, the suffering the Palestinians are experiencing is their own faults. They could end their suffering this very minute.

Oust hamas, hand over their leadership, release the hostages. Israel already assured the UN that's their conditions for a ceasefire. It's the Palestinians and hamas who are pro longing the conflict.

For all you claiming he's committing war crimes or Palestinians are innocent let me ask you this.

Who elected hamas?
Who allowed hamas to use the rooftops of their children's schools while class was in session to fire rockets toward Israel?

Who let them use their living room balconies to fire tank missiles at israel from??

Who bombarded their own hospital and tried to blame it on Israel just to be proven false even by Egyptian air defense radars?

Who was it October 7th cheering, dancing, applauding while those murdered and abducted from all around the world were being dragged, paraded down the streets of Gaza on October 7th both alive and dead including Americans.

The Palestinians. They elected hamas. They hide , shelter, and provide for hamas. Yet they act like bleeding hearts when israel retaliates. Weird hamas and Palestinians never care until israel strikes back. If Palestinians had any regard for human decency hamas would be long gone. So in choosing hamas, choosing terrorism, now there's a price to pay.

There will be no ceasefire. And I hope this time israel refuses to withdraw until an internationally agreed interim government is put in charge of Gaza and the west bank. The Palestinians by their actions proved they can not be trusted to elect a government or to govern themselves.

The world knows Israel did everything they could to warn Palestinians what was coming. Instead of get rid of hamas they help them. Choices have consequences. How many Muslim nations are trying to take in Palestinians? How many nations have any military alliance with "Palestine "? Very few. Because minus Lebanon, Syria, and Iran (go figure they are terrorists regimes too) the rest of the muslim nations want anything to do with Palestine or to risk letting terrorists into their countries.

Unfortunately the only innocent people in Gaza are the children whom their parents, and all the adults there have failed. Put them into that situation cutting their lives short. Israel isnt killing those children. The Palestinian adults through poor choices are. And themselves and all their own loved ones in the process.

Gazans chose hamas and terrorism. They made their death beds and now the Reaper is coming in the form of the IDF.

Hamas will 100% never be able to govern again. Even if their leaders escape they'll have nowhere to come back to. And more than likely the Palestinians will be forced to live under an internationally installed , monitored, and controlled government. They will never have independence again or access to weapons.

To begin, I'd like to address the characterization of the on-going occupation in Palestine as a "war just between Hamas and Israel." This label doesn't accurately depict the reality, as this has been an ongoing struggle for all Palestinians, including us The Palestinian Christians, spanning over 75 years. To illustrate this, I'd like to share two personal anecdotes, one from my father's side and another from my mother's side, both of which involve Palestinian Christian families.
My paternal grandparents were forced to leave their homeland of Palestine by the Israeli occupation. I vividly recall my paternal grandmother's tears during Christmas and Easter, her grief stemming from the loss of members of her own family, friends, and also her brother-in-law at the hands of the Israeli occupation in Palestine. This tragedy has left her unable to celebrate these sacred occasions because of the trauma and sorrow she carries in her heart, of her innocent family members and friends being murdered. Because of that she refused to wear any other color than black until she passed away in her eighties.
The second account comes from my maternal grandmother, who resided in Jaffa, Palestine. When the Israeli occupation took control, her family was uprooted and forced to abandon their own home or be murdered. After years, she attempted to return to her childhood residence, only to find an Israeli woman occupying it. This woman not only evicted her but also callously declared that the home is no longer belonged to my grandmother’s family, the home she had a key to!
These stories are just two among the countless similar experiences endured by Palestinian families including us The Christian Palestinians. These events highlighting the longstanding injustices we have faced such as confiscating our homes and lands, demolishing our churches and mosques, harming our children, and displacing us from own homes.
Just a few months ago, a Greek Orthodox church in Gaza which was sheltering hundreds of displaced Christian Palestinians was hit overnight by an Israeli air strike. Many Christian children, and women were killed in the strike.
When the Israeli occupation is trying to narrow the Palestinian-Israeli conflict down to a religious war, it has a lot of discrimination against us The Palestinian Christians, which is sad and unacceptable. It totally ignores the millions of Palestinian Christians around the world who were suffered under the Israeli Occupation for decades. While we are being killed and our children are being slaughtered, they are not guilty of anything...
Please know that we are all against the occupation, no matter the religion of the occupier. If the Israeli occupier had my same exact faith as a Christian, or a Catholic, or a Protestant, or an Anglican, or a Jehovah’s witness, or a Sunni Muslim, or a Shiite Muslim, or a Hindu, or a Buddhist, or even an atheist, we will still stand against the occupier, whatever their religion may be. It is not because they happen to be Jewish. At the end of the day, an occupation is an occupation no matter where they come from or their religion.
I firmly believe it's my moral duty, as well as a duty to my faith, to offer the perspective of the Palestinian Christians and advocate for the innocent children and babies of my homeland who are currently losing their lives every single minute at the hands of the Israeli occupation. Our kids in Palestine now are writing their names on their hands and legs to identify their remains in case got bombed.
And now as a Palestinian Christian I address the Christian world, which carries the Bible and the Cross of our Lord and our savior Jesus Christ, and I say to them please don't just pray for peace rather, pray for an end to the Israeli occupation, injustice, and oppression that we Palestinians have been living with for 75 years including us The Palestinian Christians.
I hope this comment provides you with a better understanding of the situation.
Finally, please watch these very short clips out of many that are talking about us, The Palestinian Christians under the Israeli occupation.

10ºWe are surprised by the claim that there are foreigners who are pushing students and educated groups in
the United States of America to protest in demonstrations or sit-ins?
Do these people not follow events in the world?
It is human nature that the people want to know the secrets of
the universe and what happens in this universe?

The people may not care about some things, but they are affected by other events, such as major natural disasters, the crash of planes transporting travelers from one country to another, as well as wars that occur in areas of importance in the world that may be economic, cultural, or scientific.

They certainly feel pain and sadness when an earthquake occurs and causes the death of thousands of people.
How can they not be greatly affected by the bombing of civilians every day, causing children and women to die?
What are their reaction to this?
Is it silence? This may be the case, but when the bombing continues for months, people must rise up, protest and demand to stop these war crimes !

Don't say pro- Palastinians
All people who know what 's happening now in Palastine want to protest.It's horrible.That hasn't been happening in Vietnam !

When Natanyahu talks about
the independence of Israel he must think of the people of Palastinians who had been living in Palastine in peace for many hundred years before the big migrations of the thousands of Jews in Palastine from the USA , Europe ,Africa and from other countries.

Why does not accept the permanent
ceasefire ,the exchange of
the prisoners,and the withdrawal of
the Israel army ?
The security of the two states ( Israel and Palastine) is the matter of
the UN and its security Council

Why does he want to attack Rafh ?
He prefers to kill more Palastinians to continue to be in the government of Israel forever even if the Israel prisoners will be killed by Hamas or the army of their State .
What an awful policy in 2024 !

Stop the war and let the two people ( Israelis and Palastinians) accept the two State solutions for their future generations
Natanyahu hates his people and
the Palastinians
The proof :He commits
the massacres in Palastine and he doesn't care about the life of Israeli prisoners and about the feelings of their relatives .He thinks of himself and his fame in the Middle East.

Mussery Salime
