Nearly 100,000 children in the US lost a parent to a drug overdose or gun violence in 2020, study finds | CNN

Nearly 100,000 children lost parents to a drug overdose or gun violence in 2020 alone – almost three times more than in 1999, a new study found.


It is 10x this on matter of drug deaths. they only count if overdose but most heart failures, kidney and liver failures are do to drug use, also many suicides. They keep these numbers like this to get more federal funding fir drug recovery programs . These programs have failed tremendously as addiction year over year has risen quite substantially. Millions are actually dying every year because of liberal democratic policies.
False and considerably skewed data keeps all this going so people get rich and remain in power.
If anybody needs actual data on methodone or recovery programs l will supply you with this. They are all failures.

Thanks for highlighting the situation and how unfairness, unfair pay, fewer options than the previous generation drove the group to stress response negative activities and how deeply neglected children and teens have become and how uncaring community support has become due to a corrupt group insisting that lying builds good infrastructure when we all know lying collapsed systems and costs money. The systemic why of it matters. 40 years wage stagnation, transitional changes in the work we do, key impact areas of corrupt banking practices and not enough done about it, prostitution mainstreamed and fondness for illegal drugs, lack of resources as companies made it a policy to do lay offs for executive mistakes in decision making, double standards between rich and not so rich in prosecuting and pandemic that killed generations. Safety nets.

"There is a sophisticated disinformation campaign targeting the US populace which is extremely unethical and immoral. We are most definitely not alone."- 36-year-old David Grusch has served in the Air Force for 14 years and is a decorated Afghanistan combat officer who had earlier worked with the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA). (2023) He also made stunning claims that go back to the famous Roswell incident. At the time, there were multiple witnesses who said there were bodies recovered from the alleged Roswell aircraft. “You might want to trust some of these witnesses,” Grusch said. -July 2023 Congressional hearings

Who thinks it's time NASA, DOD, FBI, CIA come clean and put an end to this charade? I suspect we are not the first civilization to navigate this. You folk should not have lied to the American people in the first place. How are we supposed to trust you?
