US repatriates 11 US citizens from northeast Syria | CNN Politics

The United States has repatriated 11 US citizens, including five minors, as well as the sibling of one of those minors, from northeast Syria in what Secretary of State Antony Blinken called the “largest single repatriation” of Americans from that region


Stop equating anti-war and anti-Zionism with anti-semitism. “This is one of the most dangerous conflations imaginable. Desist from this now. We will fail in the struggle against anti-semitism. We will fail to allow Jewish heterogeneity, which has been part of being Jewish throughout the idea that one creed can be hegemonic and anything else is anti-Semitic is an affront to Jewish history. Desist from this now Mr. President.” Daniel Levi, President of the U.S. Middle East Project, former Israeli peace negotiator under Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Yitzhak Rabin.

Click on the link to see the full interview of Daniel Levi.