Les pièces de théâtre « Le cercle des poètes disparus » et « 4 211 km » doublement récompensées lors de la 35ᵉ cérémonie des Molières

Cette édition a également été marquée par plusieurs prises de position sur le budget de la culture ou la lutte contre les violences sexistes et sexuelles.



Joe Biden included trespassing in his description of violent and disruptive protest, saying it was not okay. In 1960, four young black men refused to leave Woolworth's lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina, in violation of the law. They were trespassing on private property and being disruptive. MLK was arrested for the same thing in Atlanta. Those arrested were charged with trespassing. MLK was sentenced to 6 months hard labor.

If Joe Biden were president then, he would have told the protesters to go home. JFK was a Senator running for president then- he actually made phone calls to get MLK out of his jail sentence.

The point of protest is to be disruptive. Civil Disobedience literally means breaking the law. Kudos to the protesters of the 1960s and of today who understand what it takes for justice to prevail.
