Prince Harry won’t see King Charles during UK trip for Invictus celebrations | CNN

The fifth in line to the British throne will not be catching up with his father during the visit home, however, due to “His Majesty’s full program,” according to his spokesperson


MaryGrace Johnson The king is not dying - Harry is not doing much in the way of protecting anyone as long as he allows Markle to keep things in a state of chaos..she was after one thing..a title and its backfired..she continues to be the main problem as it relates to all the other members of the one wants to be around her.

Think with all that has been going on recently with the King and Kate's health the King doesn't need more drama which is what you get with Harry.

Harry has no one to blame but himself

"The most moral, civilized army in the world" seizes #Rafah Crossing, cuts off Aid route.
But you can't break their faith. These are the most bravest human beings that I know.

️At a time when Israeli tanks were advancing and controlling the vicinity of the Rafah crossing and closing the Kerem Shalom crossing,

preventing the entry of aid trucks, a group of Israeli terrorists also prevented the entry of trucks from the north through the Erez crossing, and thus absolutely nothing could enter the Gaza Strip. The starvation policy is back in a big way.

Well done world: the israelis take Rafah, close the border, no medicine, no aid, no intervention, the int’l community has excelled itself this time

Fascism and Communism are different sides of the same coin.

They are both pure EVIL.

Both use the same tactics to achieve power.

1. MOB rule.
2. Control of the mainstream media to push their LIES & propaganda.
3. Control of the Education System to indoctrinate.
4. Control of the Justice System to use against their political opponents.
5. Complete Group ‘Think.’ Dissent is not allowed.

There are only a few thousand wannabe nazis in the United States… but there are MILLIONS of BRAINWASHED, traitorous, deranged, COMMUNIST democrats here, working to destroy our great Nation.


God Bless America.

Tim Martin Indonesia Thailand and Vietnam is the most Powerful Trio in the whole world, because Indonesia and it's Neighbouring countries Thailand and Vietnam was the responsible for funding the Houthis in Yemen, because Indonesia is a Muslim country, and it's also the Leader of all Southeast Asian nations; and that's why also Thailand and Vietnam are also keep funding and supporting the Houthis in Yemen, I'm Indonesian and I Know all of these information because I work in Asean headquaters in Jakarta Indonesia.

the government of Indonesia and Thailand are also funded the weapons of mister bin laden to make the 9/11 attack sucessful, because he is our Muslim brother; and the I SIS was also trade us with their own Gasolines from the middle east that's why we have a cheap oil and Gasolines, also it's the reason why Indonesia Thailand and Vietnam economies would be more powerful than the EU in the near future, which the US and the CIA was no idea with it, because Indonesia and Thailand was Spending a Billions of Dollars to Hide these Transaction from the US CIA and Being Indonesian I'm Confident to disclose it here on the Cnn Webage because only less people will gonna see it. Selamat Pagi.

Ben Hsen Morched Indonesia Thailand and Vietnam is the most Powerful Trio in the whole world, because Indonesia and it's Neighbouring countries Thailand and Vietnam was the responsible for funding the Houthis in Yemen, because Indonesia is a Muslim country, and it's also the Leader of all Southeast Asian nations; and that's why also Thailand and Vietnam are also keep funding and supporting the Houthis in Yemen, I'm Indonesian and I Know all of these information because I work in Asean headquaters in Jakarta Indonesia.

the government of Indonesia and Thailand are also funded the weapons of mister bin laden to make the 9/11 attack sucessful, because he is our Muslim brother; and the I SIS was also trade us with their own Gasolines from the middle east that's why we have a cheap oil and Gasolines, also it's the reason why Indonesia Thailand and Vietnam economies would be more powerful than the EU in the near future, which the US and the CIA was no idea with it, because Indonesia and Thailand was Spending a Billions of Dollars to Hide these Transaction from the US CIA and Being Indonesian I'm Confident to disclose it here on the Cnn Webage because only less people will gonna see it. Selamat Pagi.

Katalin Brad Stockel Indonesia Thailand and Vietnam is the most Powerful Trio in the whole world, because Indonesia and it's Neighbouring countries Thailand and Vietnam was the responsible for funding the Houthis in Yemen, because Indonesia is a Muslim country, and it's also the Leader of all Southeast Asian nations; and that's why also Thailand and Vietnam are also keep funding and supporting the Houthis in Yemen, I'm Indonesian and I Know all of these information because I work in Asean headquaters in Jakarta Indonesia.

the government of Indonesia and Thailand are also funded the weapons of mister bin laden to make the 9/11 attack sucessful, because he is our Muslim brother; and the I SIS was also trade us with their own Gasolines from the middle east that's why we have a cheap oil and Gasolines, also it's the reason why Indonesia Thailand and Vietnam economies would be more powerful than the EU in the near future, which the US and the CIA was no idea with it, because Indonesia and Thailand was Spending a Billions of Dollars to Hide these Transaction from the US CIA and Being Indonesian I'm Confident to disclose it here on the Cnn Webage because only less people will gonna see it. Selamat Pagi.

Camille Chasteen Indonesia Thailand and Vietnam is the most Powerful Trio in the whole world, because Indonesia and it's Neighbouring countries Thailand and Vietnam was the responsible for funding the Houthis in Yemen, because Indonesia is a Muslim country, and it's also the Leader of all Southeast Asian nations; and that's why also Thailand and Vietnam are also keep funding and supporting the Houthis in Yemen, I'm Indonesian and I Know all of these information because I work in Asean headquaters in Jakarta Indonesia.

the government of Indonesia and Thailand are also funded the weapons of mister bin laden to make the 9/11 attack sucessful, because he is our Muslim brother; and the I SIS was also trade us with their own Gasolines from the middle east that's why we have a cheap oil and Gasolines, also it's the reason why Indonesia Thailand and Vietnam economies would be more powerful than the EU in the near future, which the US and the CIA was no idea with it, because Indonesia and Thailand was Spending a Billions of Dollars to Hide these Transaction from the US CIA and Being Indonesian I'm Confident to disclose it here on the Cnn Webage because only less people will gonna see it. Selamat Pagi.

Harry has no respect for king Charles or the monarchy, he deliberately programmed his association Invictus to coincide with Charles Buckingham Palace annual garden party, and made sure it coincided at the same time, with his venue just two miles apart from Charles venue. Harry plotted with America to destroy Britain, and America is the one doing the terrorism against Britain through Harry. King Charles must cut him off entirely from the monarchy.

Harry thinks that he could come from America to execute Meghan's country coup against the Britain's Commonwealth, but his plot has failed.

Harry is working for America, the objective is to disintegrate the Commonwealth through Harry, and the Invictus is the weapon for that coup.

They are behind every single treason that Harry has done against Britain as a country.

The plan to disintegrate the Commonwealth was hatched when Harry went to visit the ruler who ruled America when Invictus was created, its the American ruler that gave Harry the Invictus idea, as a weapon against Britain, and Harry accepted the coup because the American ruler made him to believe that he doesn't count in the monarchy due to his position in the hierarchy, and should come with him to make him better than Charles and William.

Here are the reasons why I think that America is the one using Harry for their coup against Britain:

1. Is it not strange that Harry said that it was when he was in America that the idea of Invictus occurred to him?

2. Is it not strange that immediately the Queen ordered William's royal foundation to create the Invictus, Harry also married Meghan, an American?

3. Is it not strange that after 18 months of marriage, both of Harry and Meghan fled to America with the Invictus games patronage to use it to operate in America?

4. Is it not strange that immediately they arrived in America, Oprah Winfrey interviewed Harry and Meghan to destabilise the monarchy and Britain with unfounded racism accusations?

5. Is it not strange that the Robert Kennedy Foundation in America gave Harry an award for accusing the monarchy of racism?

6. Is it not strange that Netflix also gave them their platform to accuse Britain as an Empire 2.0 against the Realms? This was done with the aim to use it to disintegrate the Commonwealth Realms.

7. Is it not strange that Harry and Meghan went with American producers to Jamaica to support the anti-Britain prime minister bid for independence when Charles was battling with a life threatening illness? They took this quick action because they thought that Charles will die, so as to block William from being the Head of State of Jamaica, and complicate the ascension process of William. That was a coup that Harry did with the disguised America film producers against Britain. They felt that it was the ripe moment to disintegrate the Commonwealth Realms.

8. Is it not strange that they chose another Commonwealth country, this time, Canada, for the 2025 Invictus games? They're touring Commonwealth to destroy it by portraying themselves as victims, but it is all part of the coup, and use Invictus as disguise to execute the plot.

9. Is it not strange that Charles was accused of racism by Harry in his book ENDGAME that he wrote for scobie to publish? The objective is to use the same racism as the weapon to unseat Charles as king, and disintegrate the Realms

10. Is it not strange that Harry is giving his poisonous and fabricated memoir SPARE full of lies to the Army Chief of State of different Commonwealth countries? The chief of army staff of Nigeria already said that he received a copy of the memoir from Harry, and that he will use it to educate Nigerians and the Nigerian army on how to resist colonisation and survive oppression. That's the plot that America is using Harry to do in the Commonwealth countries

11. Is it not strange that since Charles announced his ailment, Harry hurriedly and conspicuously created alternative monarchy website, gave his children new surname, and created a lifestyle brand products with which Harry want America to use to break into Britain and the Commonwealth Realms market to destabilise its economy and disintegrate the Realms?

12. Is it not strange that Harry uses the America media machine to do interviews against Britain and the monarchy?

It is worthy to note that America tried to grab Britain and the Commonwealth through Wallis Simpson but failed, because prime minister Winston Churchill stood his ground, and forced King Edward VIII to abdicate the throne, and sent them into exile to protect the monarchy and Britain from America

This time, America camelback through Meghan, by grabbing the obssession for the throne Harry witg which it intends to use to execute its initial plot that it wanted to use Wallis Simpson to execute.

Rishi Sunak must be brave and stand up fiercely to protect Britain by advising king Charles to do according to his dut, and allow Parliament to do to Harry what it did to Edward VIII, by stripping Harry of all his titles, and remove Harry from the line of succession with his children, and strip him of the patronage of invictus .

Charles must listen to Sunak because its not Harry that is operating, but America through Harry, because without America using Harry, he wouldn't have had the nerves to do the amount of treason and damage that he has done so far to Britain.

Charles must understand that it is Britain that is at stake, if Charles fails to disconnect Harry completely from the monarchy, it may be too late.

Nigeria will be the fifth Commonwealth country that America is taking his coup to through Harry, the only way to stop America is to strip Harry of everything royal. He should only keep his princely titles, but shouldn't remain in the line of succession, Counsellor of State, Regency position, nor keep his Dukedom, and Invictus and Wellchild patronages.

Sunak is the one obliged by law to take action to protect Britain from this strategic terrorism that Meghan's country is doing to Britain through Harry. Failure to act means that Sunak has betrayed his office and Britain.
