Lawsuit alleges pervasive child sexual abuse at Illinois juvenile detention centers for decades | CNN

A group of 95 people filed a lawsuit in Illinois alleging they were sexually abused as children in juvenile detention centers across the state for over two decades.


Michael Haskins do you know the difference between a democrat and a trumplicans A democrat does not believe every word that is said They go look at other outlets to see if it is a lie or truth Democrats don’t think Biden is perfect we know he is not perfect and he is a human Biden is a good man with all the good human qualities and is respected worldwide trumplicans believe every single word and repeats exactly what he says over and over trumplicans actually think David Koresh 10.0 is an honest man tRump does NOT hold one single good human quality There is not even one single country leaders who respect who trust or will stand by tRump. We will lose EVERY SINGLE ONE of our allies INCLUDING CANADA You all hold a 6 year old more accountable than tRump READ PROJECT 2025 and actually be informed he actually lays out and says every single person he will go after because in his tiny little BRAIN he thinks retaliation is ok. He is exactly what a school shooter is they have the same mentality

I was in a bad marriage with a lot of arguing that escalated into domestic violence, I did not know that he was a narcissist until a couple years ago, from studying he is a grandiose type or overt. I got involved for the last 12 years in a strange relationship with lots of drama, ups and downs me questioning my own reality sanity, including asking myself if I truly was abusing him because he gas let me to believe such. Turns out when I got injured in a car wreck, and neck surgery made it worse, I developed more and more health issues and he didn't care about anything but himself, I then filed for a divorce but due to lack of evidence of his behaviour it was declined. 2 months later I got recommended to Ronald_cyberhack on Instagram by a friend. He helped provided evidence by hacking into his phone and spying on all his activities, I was able to spy on his phone through mine also all thanks to the genius hacker, I was then able to gather up evidence and then filed another divorce this time around it was granted I'm very happy I'm now living my best life. I strongly recommend Ronald_cyberhack on Instagram if you're trying to spy on your spouse. I'll drop a direct link to his Instagram page so you can get in contact with him for help.
