‘I am leaving for the unknown.’ Palestinians fleeing Rafah describe their fear and despair | CNN

Palestinians fleeing Rafah describe their fear and despair after the Israeli military told them to evacuate the Gazan city.



Penny Gold that is an incredible diatribe of anti-palestinian racist assumptions, which have largely been discredited by reliable sources.
Its time the zionist regime takes an honest look at the *truth* of their history. Time to address reconciliation and redress for 75+ years of property theft, apartheid, oppression, displacement and injustice inflicted upon Palestinian people.
The zionist regime are obviously terrified of admitting the truth: they are occupying stolen land and rewriting history to their own agenda.
It's time tp support and build an equitable society for Palestinian people to prosper and attain their personal and collective aspirations. That would be an honest start and the very least the world can do.
Free Palestine
Here's how Britain enabled zionists to steal Palestinian land, which led to the ongoing property theft, apartheid and ethnic cleansing that is culminating in the current genocide

Shelly Fisher it's what has been happening since 1937, actually probably since the Balfour Declaration in 1917. The zionist militia arrives in the region, slaughters Palestinians, displacing them, forcing them to move on forcing them to leave their homes and neighborhoods. Then zionists invaders will say "oh look the whole of Gaza has been abandoned there is no-one living there, it is vacant land homes and infrastructure. We'd better move some settlers upon this holy land, (which they have just ransacked), because that is our God given right".
Same old tactics, only this time the entire world is watching and we are everywhere

Penny Gold the occupation which was initiated after 1917, when the British Government, did a deal with British Lord Rothschild. They illegally gave Palestinian land to Anglo-Jewish community. Then Europen Jewish people arrived in Palestine. They said to the local people "We are the chosen people (chosen by British govt) we've come to take more than 1/2 your land because it is ours according to an ancient book.
The local indigenous people, having lived there for generations, 2-3,000 years, said "no you're not" so the european zionist militias conducted massacres and drove at least 700,000 local people from their lands. Then the zionists said "oh look, this land these homes and infrastructure are vacant no-one lives here," and they lived happily ever after in their utopian, if somewhat illegal, occupation.
Since 1937, Israel has been perpetrating genocidal policies, ethnic cleansing and yes genocide

How in the hell can the world let this happen. Why hasn't anyone stepped in to stop it. Look what we're witnessing daily they're being pushed out of their homes, and there is no reason they didn't do anything wrong. Israel said that they're going after Hamas. These people are not Hamas, so that means that Israel's leadership are liars. Why are they leaving? Why are they homeless. Why were their homes destroyed? Why were their lives destroyed? Why are they missing 40,000 Palestinians. I think Israel lost 150. You see the difference in the numbers and Israel just won't stop they just keep killing and keep killing and keep killing. Stop it, somebody stop them please somebody stop them.

Welcome to a ZIONAZI world. Where your human right based on your SKIN , and your CHILD will be treated less importantly if it doesn't have blue eyes and blonde hair.
People are showing their true nature, if they celebrate the death of children and innocents, they have no soul.
Call it a #genocide of babies, women and unarmed innocent people at the hands of #ZioNazi sanctioned and approved by the one sided greedy dead politicians and governments, worshippers of money and blood.
It's #Nazism revisited in it's horrendous pure, naked form, twisted in words, written boldly in innocent women, men and children blood, remains unseen only by the soulless hypocrites..
#doublestandard governments and organisations. Based on racism and only can be effective when it's (blue eyes and blonde) people dying
Fake international laws organisations based on benefits of stealing resources,
Call it ( # White Human only Rights ) organisations it never considered humanity organisations
#FreePalestine #ceasefire
#stopkillingpalestinianchildren #Israeliwarcrimes
#freepalestine #stopkillingpalestinianchildren #israelwarcrimes #israelterrorism
#EndIsraeliApartheid #EndIsraeliOccupation #EndIsraeliWarcrimes #EndIsraeliSettlerColonialism #IsraeliTerrorism #IsraeliOccupation #IsraeliCrime #IsraelTerroristState #israelterrorists #BoycottIsrealProducts #FreePalestine #FromTheRiverToTheSeaPalestineWillBeFree ️

Hmooda Abu Dalal Haha that’s funny.
You aren’t qualified to tell me anything.
You must have plowed to many goats.
According to my logic. They and you want to destroy all Jews and Israel.
Your logic is idiotic
You spend to much time with rhetoric and not enough in reality.
I put in in crayons for you.
A small settlement tries to pick a fight with a superior nation, then screams victim when they don’t want to fight anymore but still hold hostages and still fight. They aren’t victims they are terrorist.
They will be buried by the river and eaten by dogs

I can't understand the genocide. I'm sorry for what happened on Oct 7, but that doesn't give Netanyahu the right to commit genocide. Telling the Palestinians to move to a certain area denying them aid denying them food and then bombing every place they tell them to relocate to. Do something about the genocide. Russia can't do it why can Netanyahu? Or is it because they're Muslim? Because they never talk about the Palestinian's lives matter. And you can say Oct 7 and I will still say genocide is a war crime. I notice CNN stop reporting on the genocide.

Mohamed Ben Abdelkrim is no genocide!!! IF Israel wanted genocide NEVER will risk the life’s our solders and could finish with Gaza in minutes, but Israel didn’t and doesn’t want! WHO wants to commit genocide is Hamas! They did on October 7 and they said that will do again and again to the last Jew!
Is sad around 30,000 been killed in Gaza BUT what Hamas did in Israel was HORRIBLE! Hamas is blamed for all the dead in Gaza and you too because you don’t condemn oct 7 and not condemning means supporting Hamas! Keep crying because we must finish the job in Gaza!
