Flight attendants praised for breaking up a fistfight in the sky | CNN

Three flight attendants are winning praise for successfully defusing a physical fight between two passengers on board an EVA Air flight




A recurring scenario between Israel and the Pale.sti.nians.
The Israeli army sleeps, and in the meantime the Pa.le.stinians prepare to attack, then the Israeli army annihilates them, and so on.

In order for Israel to survive (as a virus) inside the body of (the Arabs), it must be in a state of complete preparedness, that is, in a permanent state of emergency, in order to ensure that no sudden attack occurs at every moment. This ability is impossible to find in any army in the world, since the Israeli army is an army that does not have a clear military doctrine that makes its soldiers sacrifice the joy of life, especially since they are a rich people. Therefore, their only task is to remain inactive for long periods, and in the meantime, the Arabs take advantage of this leniency that is occurring in Israeli security (in terms of intelligence and military), so the Pal.est.inians launch military attacks that bring Israel closer to the end. Such as the October War, in which Israel was defeated badly and lost Sinai, and now the same event is repeated with the Al-Aqsa Flood operation carried out by H.a.m.a.s.
Therefore, Israel has no choice but to take a rest for the soldiers to enjoy and relax, then it will be exposed to another attack and Israel will carry out genocide, but this matter used to happen in the past when the world was deceived by Israel’s lies. Now, Israel will not be able to repeat these massacres because its leaders will be subjected to international trials.

Hence, the Israeli army must remain in a state of complete readiness at every moment, and this will not be achieved, as the Israeli people are not prepared to live in a permanent state of war. At the same time, after the G.a.z.a war, Israel will not be able to commit other massacres. Therefore, the Israelis have no choice but to leave Pa.lestine or use the nuclear bomb against the Pale.stinians.

The only rational, logical and realistic solution is the establishment of two Palestinian and Israeli states. So that everyone can live in security and peace. Otherwise, no one will pay the price except you.
(Pain Brain designer)
