WNBA announces full-time charter flights during 2024 season | CNN

The Women’s National Basketball Association will provide a full-time charter flight program for all its teams, starting this upcoming season, the league said.



Robert Barker I’ll take your word for that! Not interested in those views, at all. And of course they are wrong and I suspect that they really don’t care or even support the women’s sports programs anyway. It’s just more of “being negative “ to stir stuff up. Don’t get me wrong tho, I’m not a Pollyanna either. My experience with crowds at sporting events is that most people just enjoy supporting their teams and yelling at the refs. I’m hopeful that things improve for women’s teams especially the WNBA. With Caitlyn Clark, Angel Reese and the plethora of other great athletes for the draft it will catch on and audiences all over the country, who can’t afford to be there in person, will help the situation. Perfect example is the 1999 USWNT World Cup success. That completely changed women’s soccer with thousands of young girls wanting to be the next Mia Hamm. When kids get involved then so do their parents and new fans are watching,playing and spending. And NOT spending those $$ on kardashian products. Everybody wins.

Robert Barker I guess you’re not hanging out with the right women! My huge Irish Catholic family was fortunate enough to have a sportswriter as a father and have a long history of love of everything sport. When Title 9 went into effect and my female relatives were finally able to participate in competitive sports it was awesome. It’s taken decades for professional sports to begin to be representative for the incredible athletes we have now. Women’s soccer is still woefully underfunded and it’s at the top of the totem pole for us. Lots of heart and heartache has been spent bringing generations of girls to the sports table. And if you think that all of the young girls watching women participate isn’t bringing money to that table, you’re not paying attention. That the WNBA is finally getting charted travel is long overdue. And the audience is most likely both genders. At least it is in my world.

Robert Barker you’re correct. I used the wrong term here. They can use TV dollars, sponsorship from more or bigger companies, more clubs and better playing conditions. I wish there were more franchises too. These things would create more funding. What frustrates me about your comment is assuming that men are the only audience for the wnba. My experience is opposite of yours. I honestly think women and girls are just as likely to watching women’s sports. I don’t know anyone who cares, watches or buys products endorsed by the insipid “kardashions” . As far as I’m concerned they’re a fluke whose long deceased patriarch was OJ’s attorney. Why anyone would care about them is a societal failure. In face all reality TV is a cheap replacement for entertainment.
I apologize for the “underfunded “ wording.

Robert Barker yes! I watch the few games available to me. I watch every CU Buffs basketball games, men’s and women’s. I watch every USWNT and NWSL, that aren’t on streaming now, along with Denver Nuggets and Colorado Avalanche games and if the idiots in the billionaire boys clubs here in Denver got our regional sports network fiasco fixed I could watch the Colorado Rapids again. I’m very fortunate to have had a sports writer father and seven sibling athletes. We are lifetime Denver Bronco season ticket holders (still even thru the really bad years). If we are fortunate enough to get a WNBA team here then we can support them too. For what it’s worth I pledged to never buy a product endorsed by a kardashian...

Sigh... you guys. You know exactly what you do, and pretend you don't, and you think you get away with it.

Plenty of women you know in real life know you do this, even if you are careful about how you word it in person, and even if you only talk to your friends this way. I'm willing to bet that many of you know that you've interacted with women who've been completely turned off by you, and you pretend to be surprised why.

The way you talk to your guy friends about women, your attitude, it tends to show even if you try to hide it.

Kathleen Moore except the FACTS say that isn't the case. Have you ever WATCHED a WNBA game? The stands are virtually empty.

Now, if we look at the FACT that while females have a SLIGHT advantage, there is about an EQUAL number of men and women in the country.

So if the MEN are watching the NBA, and it generates it's revenue, if the SAME number of women were watching and supporting the WNBA, their revenue would be higher. But it ISN'T. Women are NOT buying tickets in the numbers men are for the NBA, and women are NOT supporting the WNBA advertisers.

BREAKING NEWS: Did you see the article in the New York Post recently? It mentions a study how people that are WOKE are unhappy, constantly look at themselves as victims, also suffer from mental deficiencies
They also just posted a story of New York officials asking the state's highest court do that illegal aliens vote in local elections. Looks like that replacement Theory is not a conspiracy theory anymore. It's an actual conspiracy

Under Joe biden, we are now living in the early stages of a tyrannical world.

I'll make it easier for your left wing extremists and give you several examples. My sources are the New York post, the New York times, Politico, the Guardian, the Washington Post.

In Colorado they are attempting to rig an election by removing a political adversary without the constitutional rights of due process. Yes, this is election interference and voter suppression when you take away the choice of the voters.
Think I'm wrong? Maybe you should read that article by the media Outlet called Slate. Some of you left me nut jobs would even consider that your bible. They published an article saying what the Colorado judges did was wrong. Even that red-headed cow on that show called the View, put out a Tweet and admitted that if Trump stays on the ballot he will win next year.
December 2023. There's another perfect example of the Democrats attempting to destroy democracy. That Meathead prosecutor Jack Smith appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States and asked them to eliminate pallet court process for president Trump. That obviously is a partial denial of the due process for any litigants. Again tell me how that is defending democracy?
Confiscation of your money and property, bureaucratic tyranny from unelected officials taking away your rights, people being prosecuted for just saying things that do not tow the Democratic line. Elon Musk is a perfect example of some of this. He's not even a conservative and he is being attacked by government agencies because he does not tow their political line.
There is a current Supreme Court case pending spearheaded by Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren. What Lauren wants to do is tax your wealth, meaning your assets, the value of your house and stock/401k portfolio. Look it up yourself. It's called the Moore v US case.
A court system in New York is trying to fine a citizen 250 million for an alleged fraud that took place. However there is no victim of this alleged fraud that has ever come forth and said they were wronged or lost money. That is confiscation of wealth by a tyrannical court system backed by a tyrannical state government.
In California they are attempting to take away our Second Amendment rights using bureaucratic policies in their department of justice by UNelected officials.
The FBI brass mandated to all their employees to use/accept the transgender and gay rights language like LGTBQIA+ and pronouns. For you left wing nut jobs that are confused, forcing somebody to accept and use language that goes against an individuals own morals and values is called FORCED OR COMPELLED SPEECH.
Would you seriously like it if you were told to say that President Trump was a great president, and if you didn't say those words that you would be punished in some way?
On a side note, have you seen the videos of these globalists saying that the human population needs to be severely diminished in the future? They say because of automation, who can artificial intelligence that we do not need but 500 million people on the planet. Do you think they are joking? Do you think it is an accident that Joe Biden is open the borders and is flooding the United States with Millions of uneducated people that are used to living in oppressed societies under tyrannical government rule.
The New York Times in 2018 at an article called "We can replace them." The replacement theory is not a conspiracy it is actually in progress right now. If this globalist movement gets to a certain point in america, even you left wing forearms will say that is not acceptable. By that time it will be too late. You will now be forced to live the rest of your life as a servant and not a free individual. That is exactly why they want to kill off most of the world, including you. What will be left are these illegal aliens that will be very submissive. If you are lucky to be allowed to live, it's only because you will be serving the Elite Class by providing providing some sort of service to them.

These points are all factual and can be confirmed. Now how many more examples do you need to show you how the left wing socialist extremist governments are turning this country into a tyrannical Kingdom for themselves.
It's ironic that the left wing extremist say they want to defend democracy yet they are taking steps to interfere and destroy it. In actuality if you want to defend democracy, you should actually PRACTICE democracy. Yes, that means you let the voters decide. Let me see you argue that point.

Now I do not want your thanks for bringing this to your attention. We need your help save this country. We can still save it, but we're almost out of time. Do this for your kids and your friends kids and your grandkids. Don't make this about you or me. That's what liberals do. Put your emotions aside and let's get strong and defeat these globalists.

75% of Ivy League Schools Are Run By Zionist Jews

These are the current presidents of all Ivy League schools:

1. Alan Garber - Zionist Jew - Harvard

2. Peter Salovey - Zionist Jew - Yale

3. Christopher L. Eisgruber - Zionist Jew - Princeton

4. Minouche Shafik - Egyptian-American - Columbia

5. J. Larry Jameson - American - University of Pennsylvania

6. Sian Beilock - Zionist Jew - Dartmouth College

7. Christina H. Paxson - Zionist Jew - Brown University

8. Martha Pollack - Zionist Jew - Cornell University

For context, Jews make up 2% of America's population.
