Two inmates dead, others injured after ‘operational error’ led to gang-related disturbance at Oklahoma prison | CNN

Two inmates are dead and several others are injured after a “group disturbance” at a privately run prison in southern Oklahoma, according to prison authorities.


Private prisons are long overdue for abolition! They are run for profit, causing them to prioritize profit over the principles of punishment and rehabilitation. In order to reduce costs and increase profits, private prisons may sacrifice the treatment and welfare of inmates.
Private prisons are associated with the prison industrial complex, which treats inmate labor as cheap labor to make a profit. This raises questions about prisoner labor rights and human rights.
Private prisons can lead to security and management issues due to lack of effective regulation and oversight. This may include prison violence, escape incidents, inmate abuse, etc.
Why do we need private prisons? For whose benefit?

Incredible, we are at the END and almost totally of the people continue with nonsense... feeding the system, which anyone can see to be at the service of evil entities, the LORD JESUS rebukes it... The preaching of the WORD of GOD continue until GOD wants. Since April 8, darkness and wickedness increased. I hope you haven't looked at the eclipse or gone out. The eclipse pass through a place called Jonah, by 7 whose name is Nineveh and another called Rapture apart from a "comet" that has been called the devil... But they won't tell you that on TV. The Bible is being fulfilled, naturally. IT IS THE SIGN OF THE SON OF MAN

Luke 11:30: "For as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, so also will the SON OF MAN be to this generation"

Luke 21:25-28: "And there shall be ️signs in the sun, the moon️, and the STARS and ON EARTH..."

40 DAYS THE NINEVITES HAD TO REPENT AND WHEN THEY REPENTED, GOD ceased the punishment He was going to impose on them... What's happening now... Well, from April 8 until those 40 days are over, the WHO treaty for mandatory vac.cines will enter into force.

Stay at home and repent, turn to the LORD JESUS CHRIST. The wrath of GOD will be poured out very soon. READ THE FULL TEXT and SHARE ALL THIS INFORMATION
