New luxury train route in Vietnam offers stunning coastal views, afternoon tea | CNN

There’s nothing quite like settling back into your train seat, the urban skyline out the window fading into lush natural landscapes as you make your way to your next destination.


I just remembered the poem:

Whispers of the Iron Horse

Through valleys green and mountains high,
A whisper rolls, a distant sigh,
The iron horse with steely might,
Cuts through the dark, embraces light.

Its whistle sings a haunting tune,
Beneath the stars, beside the moon,
On tracks that gleam in silver threads,
Where countless dreams and hopes are spread.

The rhythmic clatter, click and clack,
A heartbeat on the iron track,
It carries tales of far and near,
Of laughter bright and shadowed fear.

From city sprawl to countryside,
Where nature's wonders gently bide,
The train moves on, through time and space,
Uniting hearts in its embrace.

Each station stop, a brief reprieve,
Where travelers pause, where others leave,
Yet onward still, its journey flows,
A testament to where life goes.

In autumn's gold and winter's chill,
Through spring's rebirth, summer's thrill,
The train remains a steadfast friend,
From dawn's first light to twilight's end.

So listen close, and you might hear,
The ancient song that draws us near,
A symphony of wheel and rail,
The endless tale of life's own trail.
