Biden to increase tariffs on $18 billion in Chinese imports in a new warning to Beijing | CNN Politics

Biden to increase tariffs on $18 billion in Chinese imports in a new warning to Beijing


China's BYD has overtaken Tesla as world's largest maker of pure-electric vehicles. Experts tell 'MIT Technology Review' that the Chinese government has long played an important role, propping up both the supply of EVs and the demand for them. "I can already produce cars that are 40% more energy efficient. It will take a long time for you to even catch up with me,” says He Hui, senior policy analyst and China regional co-lead at the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT). “Chinese-made EV batteries, not only come at a discount but also are available in much higher quantities. So, just because you run faster....don't let someone cripple you with tariffs to hold you back.

Recently an independent research team did a study of the entire staff at both MSNBC and CNN. All social media was looked at. They found that not one single employee at both had claimed to be a true, non RINO Republican, and or voted for Donald Trump. They are either that politically bias or too afraid to say any different or get fired by those who control the propaganda on the left. Anyone who relies on these sources are just as fooled as the rest of the world realizes. If asked what is another source for this claim all one needs to do is watch those channels and ask yourself...Who of the talking head host is a Republican? or even seems to support Trump in any way.... 24 hours of nonstop Democrat Party Paid Propaganda.

Adäm Jøhnsøn yeah maybe GM and Ford and Everyone else will start paying attention to the United States again and actually remember who built those companies! Give the American People a break on car prices and give us some new releases before China or maybe just maybe you could give us half of the releases you give China. You are selling so many cars over there you forget about us and then sell us higher cost cars with less warranties and less tech. General Motors Ford Motor Company! If you are scared of China coming into your back yard then you better be taking care of your yard first! GM had so many different vehicles in China compared to the US it isn’t even funny and the prices are so low but when they build them here they raise the cost! Make it affordable to buy vehicles!!!!

Andy Homol
I love the new liberal talking point that Trump is going to be a “dictator”…
- Biden immediately used his DOJ to prosecute his chief political rival like Putin!
Biden used 82 executive orders to open the border!
- mayor of NYC started to complain about illegals, next thing you know he is “under investigation”!!
- Elon Musk finds the Twitter files showing our government cheated in the election next thing you know Tesla is “under investigation” by the IRS!!
- Texas refuses to comply with the feds order at the border, next day Biden stops all exports of LNG one of Texas’s main exports!!
-Biden ignore the SCOTUS and did student loan forgiveness anyway using money not approved by Congress!
-Biden is the first president to deny Secret Services protection to a political opponent!!
-Biden blocking RFK from social media and got caught!

Betsy Guzzetta department of labor website. In 1989 26% of the workforce was unionized. In 2023 that number was 12.8%.

Let's say a union has 100 employees that collectively make $5 million. Let's say another union has 60 employees that collectively make $5 million. The dues are the same but the benefits of 60 employees is far cheaper than 100. So the union makes more because the revenue remains the same while expenses go down. Plus it is easier to control 60 employees instead of 100. While Fain and his cronies get more pay.

I was a union teamster so I know exactly how their games work. No one in a union became wealthy by working an hourly job. The union does get the hourly person more pay but they could never replace that salary in any other way. So the union enslaves their members because they have zero options beyond their union job.

Bob Reap Can you not read? I have taken just about every vaccine known to man! I had a career that meant I spent 2 years in China, multiple trips to Central America, Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. Vaccines were required when travelling from Asia and sub-Saharan Africa to Europe. I also had 3 or 4 Covid vaccines. THAT said, I never caught polio or yellow fever... but I did catch Covid after multiple vaccines. The Covid vaccines do not work! Covid is nothing more than a severe, albeit uncommon, cold. Vaccines do not work well against a virus that mutates so quickly. Thinking that we could change science was hubris! The reality is that shutting down our nation for 2 years did nothing except it allowed old Joe Biden to have an excuse to run for president from his basement. The people who died were generally already very sick and weak from something else, whether they knew it or not.. I bet 95% of them would have died from something else, but every death for 2 years was called covid. For the record I am not a Trump fan, I am a Libertarian who voted for Nikki in the primary. But everyone with a brain knows that Joe Biden has been a liar and a crook for 50 years!

Senator Lindsey Graham's call to strike Gaza and #Iran with nuclear bombs is not a new matter, as it was preceded by Israeli officials, including ministers, who publicly called for the complete annihilation of Gaza with nuclear bombs.

History tells us that America killed 140,000 people in Hiroshima and 74,000 people in Nagasaki by dropping two nuclear bombs on the two cities after World War II.

History also tells us that colonial France did the same thing in 1960 in the desert of Algeria, where it detonated a nuclear bomb with a power of 70 kilotons, equivalent to four times the Hiroshima bomb, and caused a natural and human disaster whose effects still linger to this day.

The lessons of history teach us that the logic of force is the only logic that the world recognizes, and that if you do not fortify yourself with nuclear weapons, you will inevitably be eaten.

Pakistan could have been an Islamic exception to this equation by possessing the nuclear bomb if it had not surrendered its neck to America through a soft coup plotted in the kitchens of American intelligence.

This is how the world is run.. The strong will eat the weak until the Hour comes
