Queen Camilla won’t add any new furs to her wardrobe | CNN

Buckingham Palace has written to an animal rights group to confirm that Queen Camilla will no longer buy clothes that include animal pelts



Stephen Maurice Omondi His family didn’t kick him out. He left. And his family isn’t racist. Further, after he and Meghan left the DEFINITE impression with the Oprah interview that they were accusing the Royal Family of being racist, Harry then tells Tom Bradby of ITV in Jan 2023 interview “I never called them racist. The news media said that.” And on and on. Shame on him and his wife for smearing those people. There are too many people who are truly the victims of racism for these two to get your sympathy. There’s a reason that they have no family on either side. They are very troubled people.

That's too bad, I think the US has done a great job regulating the trapping industry. I'm pretty sure if she sources the furs directly from licensed trappers and provided information on current trapping rules and regulations it would help combat PETA misinformation. My husband traps and gets the furs professionally tanned. I can give information about the circumstances of the trapping and the tags that were authorized by the state for every animal trapped for our consumers. The exception is the Russian and Chinese furs, just avoid them like the plague because there is no ethical regulations at all.

Lena Smith No, I will not become your friend because you are obviously using a fake photo of an attractive woman in an effort to scam easily manipulated men out of their hard-earned money.
However, I guarantee that you will be able to scam easily manipulated Democrat and Liberal men out of the money that they usually scam out of the system (e.g. welfare etc. by deadbeat parents) as paid for by We The Law-Abiding Citizens and Hard-Working Taxpayers.
For more information about those Democrats and Liberals (i.e. easily manipulated "Truth Deniers"), you may refer to several sections of my Internet web site at https://ABCsOfEvil.com/

Jim Sutton I hope my message doesn’t come across as any form of privacy invasion. If so, please forgive me. I 'm so sorry. You seem like a simple, nice, and kind man. I tried to add you on Facebook, but it said you could only add people you know. Maybe it’s because I am new here on Facebook, so can you kindly send me a friend request or message me directly.I would love for us to be just good friends and get to know each other here on Facebook. Oh, and by the way, you look handsome in your profile picture.

Danae Robinson I hope my message doesn’t come across as any form of privacy invasion. If so, please forgive me. I 'm so sorry. You seem like a simple, nice, and kind man. I tried to add you on Facebook, but it said you could only add people you know. Maybe it’s because I am new here on Facebook, so can you kindly send me a friend request or message me directly.I would love for us to be just good friends and get to know each other here on Facebook. Oh, and by the way, you look handsome in your profile picture.

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