5 things to know for May 17: Trump trial, Southern storms, Middle East, Immigration, Marijuana | CNN

Here are things you need to know today Trump trial Deadly Southern storms US starts delivering aid from floating pier Biden administration plans to speed up court cases for recent migrant arrivals Biden hails ‘monumental’ steps toward easing marijuana rules



Jared Purgatorio if you were so great why are you social media trying to insult someone who you’ve never met? Like I said engineering is a respectful career. YOU are not. And you’ve proved it constantly in our conversations.

Yes respect is earned and when I’ve proven you wrong countless times you haven’t given it. Why? Cause you’re a scared little boy too entitled and thus not worth respect. Sorry you project with the baseless insults towards me to make yourself feel better. YOU commented to ME moron. So clearly YOU need gratification.

Enjoy your pathetic little life till you feel the need to comment on me again to feel better about yourself. I pity you and how you think you’re smart when you couldn’t even answer what republicans have done for us in 4 years. And again no stopping spending isn’t an answer cause, listen closely now, they just sent money overseas.

Learn respect cause that one fact you ignored makes me smarter than you. You defend a man who hates America and wants to destroy as he’s told us repeatedly. But you ignore the facts I said on that, proving you’re a hypocrite AND a moron.

Hope you feel better. You are dismissed

Jesse Dell-Ross lol I never said my opinion matters more. That’s your job buckeroo. I’m saying you sit here claiming to win and be more educated but unfortunately that’s not how society works. Success isn’t measured based on how right you think you are on Facebook. I’m clearly striking a very strong nerve with you though so must have hit some points for sure. Well feel free to tell me you have the same but based on all evidence you don’t so that’s what I got. I’m not a Republican and can care less what you do with your life as clearly you don’t care either. You don’t have proof. You never do. You have opinions and that’s it. So again you come on here claiming victory and being smarter then someone and it’s honestly hilarious. Like I genuinely am laughing right now while you sit their fuming. Again intelligence isn’t based on how you think you do on a Facebook debate but feel free to submit it on your next job application. I’m sure it’ll get you further than my degree and years of experience. I honestly want to give you a win because it seems you need one but I just can’t in good faith give you something you didn’t earn. There’s always tomorrow I guess. Maybe we will finally learn what makes you so successful in life.

Jesse Dell-Ross lol the thing is you think you are right based on YOUR own opinion. That’s not how the real world works unfortunately for you. Again you are the one constantly trying to say how much more educated you are then everyone and how your opinion should be valued over there’s and yet you are too scared to even admit what that education is or what you even do for a living. You sit here all day trying to insult others and get self victory points because you seem to need it and now you are trying to flip that onto me because again you don’t have an original thought in your head. Entitled would be claiming to be better then others but actually not being better. If thinking you know more about government will help you sleep at night then I guess that’s something. My life is far from pathetic. Great career. Wife. Kids. Friends. Family. What more could a guy want or need. Republicans don’t think the government should be taking care of people so again I’m cool with them not taking more money to give to other countries. The democrats have had pretty much all the control to do anything the last 4 years so again not really sure what you want from republicans. Lol you base intelligence off of one thing? My intelligence is based off of 4 years of college and 10+ years in my career along with a professional license. Apparently yours is based off of one fact about the government that you claim to be right about. Probably don’t hang that plaque on your wall. Lol I feel great but I’ve clearly triggered your anger issues. Hope you don’t take that out on anything.

Jesse Dell-Ross the trillions in spending that democrats did in 2021 and 2022 when they controlled everything. The spending that lead to 40 year high inflation which lead to interest rate spikes. Stop saying one side doesn’t want to work to do bipartisan legislation because republicans have put forth bills that democrats don’t bring forward as well. It literally happens all the time. Democrats idea of bipartisan is getting everything they want so i dont know what the republicans can do with the limited control they do have.

Lol see I knew you didn’t have an actual education because again your claim to being educated is based on you thinking you are right about things you continue to be wrong about.

No those people are liars because they got caught lying on the stand and were charged because of it. Just because trump trusted them at one point doesn’t mean they can’t lose that trust like they did. He was trying to make a name for himself and Trump didn’t give him what he wanted so he flipped on him and is trying to lie to reduce his own crimes and is continuing to get caught lying again. Even CNN and MSNBC are having to now admit this thing is falling apart. Cohen was trumps lawyer. If you want to call him a fixer that’s fine but there’s no evidence of him telling Cohen to do anything more than what a normal lawyer would do. Cohen himself told his own lawyer he had nothing on trump multiple times because he doesn’t. Keep calling me a moron little boy but I have answered all your questions your just too dense to understand or listen. Must be that high school education you maxed out at. The FBI admitted to staging photos so yea they did make some of those documents appear to be more then they were. I’m not even defending trump I’m pointing out the facts. I don’t want Trump to be president and I’ve said that multiple times but I have to call a spade a spade. You haven’t proven anything other than you think you’re smarter than you are. Notice how you refuse to ever say what your actual education or job is? Probably embarrassed. Have to rely on the self proclaimed Facebook degree.

Jesse Dell-Ross so if they passed bipartisan legislation in the senate then that means the republicans are doing something. The republicans have a very slight majority in the house so if they aren’t making bipartisan legislation it falls on both parties. Democrats do the same thing stop pretending it only one side not wanting to give the other a win. Democrats spent 4 years trying to go after trump for every little thing they could think of so stop acting like they will just accept results and play ball.

Your education isn’t proven because you time and time again refuse to tell anyone what it is. So I’m lead to believe the only education you have is the one you made up in your own head Yes the pandemic is worldwide but you act like the US economy doesn’t play a huge part in the world economy. You think what happens here doesn’t affect others?

Cohen was charged for perjury. He was lying for himself because he admitted he did it himself and wasn’t told by trump to do anything. That is until the DA try to get him to lie for him but we saw how that played out yesterday. Lol trump never said he would be a dictator and destroy the country. Was Biden lying when he said inflation was 9% when he got into office?

Stopping spending is an answer little baby boy. Unlike you I actually prefer both parties have some control because he keeps the other in check. I find the economy to be strongest when the government isn’t wasting out money as they have proven time and time again to do.

Biden was caught with stolen documents that he never should have had and had them for nearly 8 years longer hanging out next to his car in his unsecured garage. Lucky for him he’s so feeble and absent minded that he wasn’t charged. He’s also so confident in his cognitive ability that he’s hiding the actual audio from the American people for some reason. Wouldn’t he want to prove he’s actually not like Hur said he was? Guess he’s like you though wants to talk big game but scared to provide any actual evidence.

You clearly want someone you dislike politically to go to jail for any reason including ones that aren’t justified. Again this whole trial is based on the word of a disbarred and charged liar and you people are eating it up even as he gets caught in even more lies trying to help the DA.

I’m not embarrassed but you clearly are embarrassed of your education and career because you keep avoiding saying what either are. Almost like I said originally. You have to claim success on Facebook to make up for your failures in life. Embarrassed yet? You should be

Jared Purgatorio I don’t need to claim anything. Shills like you can’t defend republicans so I just get victory.

Thanks for giving it to me. Sorry you just throw bs around and can’t defend it. Sorry you can’t answer questions and thus have no thoughts of your own. Sorry you try to put people down who are clearly in the right and you’re too pathetic to admit it.

I am right. Know why? You can’t prove me wrong. If you could you would debate me and you can’t. Sorry you failed and I succeeded. Have a good day.

Ps trump shills didn’t have a problem with cohen lying till he went against your king. Sorry republicans make everything worse and you proved it. Sorry

Jared Purgatorio is she connected to the trial other than family connection? No. Got proof she is? No. The fact you deflect so hard is sad and hilarious.

Did they side with the constitution when they heard Trump case to have complete immunity? The fact they are listening to the case at all is pathetic and anti American. How about showing the flag upside down in front of your home? You fail again

Who said he wants the constitution terminated? Trump. You fail again. When did democrats say that? Go on.

And yet the country was better with roe. See republicans take away women’s rights? See them try to prevent from leaving states? See them force their bans on other states? Wow sounds like republicans make things worse.

Notive you couldn’t name one thing republicans have done to make anything better. Sorry you failed and I succeeded. A man would admit he failed, you can’t. So either answer my questions or don’t and thus admit I succeeded and you failed. Up to you

Jared Purgatorio hilarious you think your opinion matters more than mine. Again your hypocrisy and uneducated bs exposed. Your rant is noted and pathetic. Love how you assume I don’t have the same as you. Know what happens when you assume?

Sorry you commented to me and thus need validation. Republicans love to make us follow their ways. Again an educated person would know that. Easily proven.

Oh and btw the moment you didn’t ask for the proof I was right was the moment you lost this debate and proved I’m smarter than you. Sorry you didn’t figure that out but hey, guess that education you claim to have wasn’t so good after all.

Hope you don’t take your long winded crying and obvious need to put down other people out on anyone. Sorry I triggered you. Enjoy your day and your L.

Jared Purgatorio the fact you say shill courts is one reason why your opinion is uneducated and any I’m not the delusional one. Thanks for making my point.

What have republicans done these 4 years, 2 with the house, to make anything better? Go on. You couldn’t answer before. What’s so delusional about asking what one party has done for us? What’s delusional about asking questions? Nothing.

But losers who deflect like mad to demean and put down others do it cause they can’t argue facts or reality. Aka you.

Sorry you’re such a lowlife you gotta try to insult educated people to feel better about yourself. Enjoy your miserable life of being unable to answer questions and thus think for yourself. I dismiss you

10ºThere’s nothing ethical about this prosecution. From withholding exculpatory information from the Grand Jury (Robert Costello’s emails), to charging a statutorily barred misdemeanor allegedly committed with the intent to commit a still undefined felony, to calling an irrelevant witness (Stormy Daniels) only to inflame the passions of the jury and embarrass the defendant, to presenting a case without evidence of guilt on each element of the offense (no evidence that Trump had any involvement in the business records entries - i.e., the basis for the case, to implying repeatedly that a legal act (entering an NDA and making a payment (consideration) under it) is somehow illegal or nefarious, etc.
