Flowers, socks and sparkling wine: Queen Camilla reveals some of her favorite brands | CNN

Queen Camilla has granted her first royal warrants to seven companies, including Shane Connolly, the designer behind the floral arrangements at last year’s Coronation.


Wake up man your dreaming ? Jackson This is what a president should be ? The horrendous consequences of this terrible Boy-mans Presidency is still with us even to RTÉ Today, This horrific evil man’s life is not an example for anyone with any decency to live by ? He is a dangerous evil dictator, who should never be allowed next or near the White House , i literally fear for America & the world if Trump ever go elected president again, It will be the end of democracy not only for America , but for the world as well, Did you know that Trump cut the education , health, social welfare budgets by half when he was in power ? The ordinary citizens of America doesn’t matter to Trump ? He is only interested in the rich people not paying any taxes, He doesn’t believe in helping people with their health issues He says he’s not a socialist , so therefore he doesn’t orchestrate any help ,or want to give any help to the poor people in America ? America is well down in their contributions to the 3rd World ? America is amongst the World’s worst contributors per capita in their efforts to eliminate World poverty? America is in massive debt to China for that matter, it all started with Trump & The Republican Party , The Republican Party have now gone rogue on paying back debts that they caused when they were in power , with Trump & Fox News as the mouthpiece for the trillion-airs like Rupert Murdoch himself? Their political (propaganda) agenda has never been to work for the good of America or the great American people , it’s all just about lining their own pockets,

To me it seems that it’s Another way of getting things for nothing for the Royal Windsor family billionaires ? Imagine receiving All this rewards giving power , just because you married someone who committed adultery with another Woman’s husband ? As a newly ( poor )widowed Woman married for over 50 years , I now know that loyalty is more important To me then any monetary or material things, I valued my family & was in a privileged position to be a mother to my precious wonderful children ,You can’t put monetary value on that, it’s priceless, I can honestly say that my biggest achievement & joy in my life , was having my precious wonderful children, god what I’d give to start life with my precious babies all over again? I loved every moment of their lives with them , Their teenage years were fantastic for me, I loved their friends coming & going, their hairstyles & clothes were something els , I can’t thank them enough for the great joy they gave me, I absolutely am % thankful to all my children for a wonderful life, I hope that I gave them joy as well, by the way I’m a career woman as well,
