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Le Français Benjamin Brière, détenu en Iran, y sera jugé pour « espionnage » et « propagande contre le système »
En Iran, l’espionnage, dans les cas les plus graves, est passible de la peine de mort. Les proches de Benjamin Brière estiment qu’il est l’« instrument de négociations qui le dépassent ».

Covid-19 : à Hongkong, la population boude la vaccination
Les Hongkongais, qui peuvent choisir entre le vaccin chinois Sinovac et le vaccin allemand BioNTech, rechignent à se faire vacciner, au point que la région administrative spéciale de Chine risque d’avoir d’énormes stocks de vaccins périmés d’ici quelques mois.

Roland-Garros : Naomi Osaka menacée d’expulsion pour son refus d’assister aux conférences de presse
La numéro 2 mondiale avait annoncé ne pas compter se soumettre aux traditionnelles questions des journalistes, avançant la préservation de sa santé mentale.

En réponse au coup d’Etat, la Cédéao suspend le Mali de ses institutions
L’organisation régionale appelle également « à la nomination immédiate d’un premier ministre issu de la société civile ».

Opening the door to demonstrators
In the days after George Floyd’s murder, peaceful protesters in Washington, DC faced police in riot gear. When Rahul Dubey police fired tear gas outside his front door, he opened his home to the protesters sheltering dozens and changing lives, including his own. Get the full story:

He flew to India because his dad was sick with Covid-19. He almost got stuck there until 2022 because of tightening travel restrictions
"Every night that we spent on two different continents, my girls would ask me when is daddy coming home, and I really did not have an answer for them."

Tasmanian devils born on Australian mainland for first time in 3,000 years
Tasmanian devils have been born in the wild in mainland Australia, more than 3,000 years after they died out in the country. Seven baby Tasmanian devils -- known as joeys -- were born at the 988-acre Barrington Wildlife Sanctuary in New South Wales, Australian NGO Aussie Ark said in an Instagram post.

Why some companies want everyone back in the office
How the workforce will operate in the post-pandemic world is still in question

2 killed, at least 20 others injured in a shooting at a Florida club
Two people were killed and at least 20 others were injured in a shooting outside of a club in Hialeah, Florida, police say

Watch Elizabeth Warren grill Jamie Dimon over pandemic overdraft fees
Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren slammed Jamie Dimon during a Senate hearing for the $1.5 billion in overdraft fees that JPMorgan Chase collected from consumers last year during the pandemic