Hello, I am asking you to please post my JOIN US! messages to your fb people and encourage them to share & help register the missing citizens one person at a time and plant seeds of responsibility by the dozens...
Democrats & Progressives huge numbers plan to vote 2022.


103.3 million citizens did not vote in 2020.

Help us register voters, arrange rides, show them sample ballot and walk them through process of researching judges/local political affiliation. Medicare, SSA are on the GQP/gop chopping block.

WE have videos of loser saying they are going to defund these programs. Join our power grab take our country back, away from corrupt corporate campaign donations and lobby.

20 GQP/gop senators vote them out on 11/8/22.

202 GQP/gop representatives vote them out on 11/8/22. Beware of judges up for voter approval to extend their seat,
put their name in browser and learn their affiliation and which GQP/gop Governor appointed them,
28 GQP/gop governors vote them out on 11/8/22.

Democratic leaders, protect your women and children from freezing and disease.

Your water district candidates, electric authority, city council, search their political affiliations online to detect their future votes, must be filled with democratic members.


2022/2024 !

Vote blue

Vote Democratic/Progressive

Local, mayor,police chief, city council, school district board members, utility authority, County, State, judges, Governor, Attorneys General, Secretary of State.

Federal, US Senators,
US Representatives
Flip your state blue!
Help register voters & arrange rides to voting precincts, teach how to complete sample ballot & research candidates political affiliation.

Vote In memory of;
812,069 deaths to covid19... hold tRump et al accountable. GQP coverup, their lies & tabloid media misinformation kept
us from stopping this disease. U S citizens would have used
CDC safeguards.
Abolish the filibuster.
Appoint 3 liberal Supreme Court justices.
Make D C statehood.
Ban voter suppression.
For the people act.
Ban assault weapons.
Income & property tax all churches.

All candidate
taxes revealed.
$15 per hour wage.
28% tax wealthy people and corporations.
Live fact Check all
media & politicians.

Save Social Security benefits, expand FICA.

so the only remedy to the GQP/gop onslaught is to find 3006 county leaders to re-post our invitation to join our efforts, to power grab our country back from corrupt corporations lobbyists and billionaires!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=224157&lang=EN#vin3Comment-974484

BREAKING NEWS THAT MATTERS: The JOHN Durham probe into the origins of the Russian investigation is very much alive, ramping up and closing in on HILLARY CLINTON and members of her 2016 campaign and they are under severe scrutiny. Durham well knows that Hillary Clinton and her campaign invented, financed and disseminated the Russian hoax to smear her political opponent. This latest Court filing also shows that Durham is focusing squarely on members on Hillary and campaign members. It was those members who were feeding phony information to Christopher Steele for his bogus dossier. These members were also receiving fictitious information that they then used to spread to the FBI and the corrupt fake media, who never bothered to check or verify the bogus information. All of this comes because Durham indicted Russian born Igor Danchanko for lying to the FBI. He was Steele's primary source of all these bogus claims. Durham has found out, lo and behold, that the law firm representing Danchenko is the same Law Firm that's representing members of the Hillary Clinton campaign. Obviously there is a glaring conflict of interest and the only way it can be resolved is for Danchenko to either wave it or for the lawyers to recuse it. So Durham is asking the court to please explore and expose this conflict of interest. It is not a surprise that Hillary Clinton and her people manipulated information that falsely accused Trump, and are now trying to manipulate the legal system with collusion involving the court between key Witnesses and the accused. We also learn that Durham now knows what Hillary Clinton did. She set up the equivalent of a money laundering scheme, except it was information from her campaign that she was peddling. Her campaign hired a law firm Perkins Coie that hired Fusion GPS, that hired Christopher Steele, that hired the russian-born Igor Danchenko, and where was he getting all his phony information? Full circle, from the Hillary Clinton campaign member, one specific member who is known for a long time as a democrat dirty trickster an hoaxster, Charles H. Dolan Jr, who was feeding a lot of the dirty information and essentially authored the most outrageous portion of the dossier, the Pee tape. Durham knows what Hillary Clinton did and he's going after her, as well as campaign members, Danchenko, Michael Sussman lawyer for Perkins Coie and many others.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=224157&lang=EN#vin3Comment-974506

When exactly do we start holding the criminals accountable for their actions?
Daunte Wright, 20, was allegedly involved in two separate shooting incidents before he was killed by Minneapolis cop Kim Potter during an April traffic stop
Two different lawsuits - obtained by DailyMail.com - were filed against Wright's estate alleging he was involved in the shooting of two men
The latest, filed Tuesday, claims Wright was involved in a carjacking on March 21 that left the victim, Joshua Hodges, with a gunshot wound to his leg
The suit claims the theft and shooting was perpetrated by Wright and an accomplice and, ‘need not and should not have happened'
The second lawsuit, filed last month, alleges Wright shot Caleb Livingston in the head and left him permanently disabled outside a gas station in May 2019
It says Livingston now continues to suffer ‘severe pain, disability, disfigurement, humiliation, embarrassment and grave emotional distress’
Wright was not charged over either shooting incident
Michael Padden, the attorney for the two shooting victims, told DailyMail.com in an exclusive interview that Wright was a 'very serious criminal'
Padden said Wright should never have been out on the streets on April 11, the day he was shot dead and hit out at 'false narratives' around his death

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=224157&lang=EN#vin3Comment-974502

I would like to put forward to the powers that be that may read this an idea, for what it is worth.

Behaviour is my profession. It is well established that when stressed, People do what they know, automatically. That is, in stressful circumstances, higher thinking processes don’t necessarily function optimally.

As the policy is to place a non lethal weapon on the person’s non dominant side, it seems to set a person up for this type of scenario, as it requires someone to think in a split second and to go against second nature.

I would postulate that these situations may possibly be prevented by moving the lethal weapon to the non dominant side, so that a choice is actively made to use lethal force.

A taser will do much to subdue a person which would create time for the officer to make a conscious decision to use lethal force.

Just a thought.

Lethal force is rarely ever the correct first choice. People are trained to risk assess a situation and should also be trained in deescalation techniques as are colleagues worldwide.

I do hope that there is more training along these lines as such situations destroy so many lives.


Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=224157&lang=EN#vin3Comment-974447

"Furthermore, the mass lockout in the world due to Corona has made the major countries know that the global warming did not happen because of factories but because of another reason which they hide from the world, and I know that they are guessing blindly that there is a planet approaching the Earth even though they have not seen it directly due to its different colours; to illustrate, white like the sun, red, and black so how are they going to see a planet that is covered with fire that is darker than a new moon, can you see a new moon despite its closeness to the Earth? It is the same case for planet Saqar when it is covered with intense black fire. But they will know about its coming from scientific theories through its effect on all the planets of the solar system, the sun, and the moon. And the sun has caught up with the moon due to the approach of Planet Saqar, so the full moon occurs ahead of its time before the night of the middle of the lunar month as a repetitive warning in the sky of humans but did not cause them any remembrance

Moreover, consecutive climatic disasters are going to befall you and I do not think that it will cause you any remembrance as those fools who do not reason, think, nor believe but what NASA announced, ignoring what Allah's caliph Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani has stated of news that are the truest Words of Allah Lord of the worlds, but NASA and others hide this truth from the worlds and NASA the so-called protector of planet Earth from the dangers of the meteors of planetoids will not benefit you, and I swear by Allah they could not protect themselves from the Planetoid of the first Rajefah (quake). Indeed, Allah will target with the Planetoid of torment the United States of America and they would not be able to protect themselves and it will strike in the speed of light in the land behind the Atlantic Ocean in the USA, in line with the Word of Allah the Exalted: {And Our command is but one, like a glance of the eye. (50) And We have already destroyed your kinds, so is there any who will remember? (51)
Al-Qamar -Chapter: 54 -Verses: 50-51"
To Arabs and Non-Arabs... The Planet of Torment Has Approached
Opjggxzuuu vgcx

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=224157&lang=EN#vin3Comment-974500

What a relief that has been dealt with l found this to be a very sad case of for everyone involved with the whole thing from the very start! Yes, I feel bad for Kim Potter etc.. it's a classic example of what can happen to anyone who has a great deal of fears, anxieties and other factors going on within yourselfs during any given time? You must still be held accountable for the outcome of all the choices you'll make in any situation? she's found guilty of manslaughter and she'll be sentenced according to the laws etc . Personally I can only Really feel sorry for the young 20 yrs old that's died from the sad negligent hands of Kim Potter a Ex- officer in the training systems of the firearms tasers & self-defense classes! That won't ever see his child grow up and live his own big time life? Sorry about another child without any father. And the unimaginable lifetime journey of losses which both families are going to go through for the rest of theirs hard lives? Praying for the families inter strengths. Hopefully too all carry onwards with a new beginning of Life? Good luck to you all!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=224157&lang=EN#vin3Comment-974461

Thank you I didn't know how this was going to go but what I looked at it was the way she would answer some of her questions she would cry and I guess they prepare them you need to cry if you want people to have a sympathetic role for you then she would bounce back to been an officer that understood everything that she was supposed to do but what she come across for me is being in the force for that long you should know that tasers on the left gun is on the right and too yell Taser Taser Taser well that almost made it look like you should have known where that taser was since she's been on the force that long and then that other officer said it was another officer said something that did not concur with her answer to why she pulled that taser out so all the experts need to stop making their clients cry it's understandable if you put yourself in a position of being an officer and you're supposed to be protecting the citizens and I think what happens what you stopped him for was not supposed to be a death sentence I hope they sue this city

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=224157&lang=EN#vin3Comment-974470

I feel for her....I really do. Spending your whole life committing to protecting and serving....The whole thing is genuinely tragic and this is not lost on her or her partner nor the entire country. I have made terrible mistakes...ones that often when alone I wish could have been different...I paid for that in ways that lost me the closest to me. I will say that in a moment of truth - it's hard to be honest about what I would or wouldn't have done....but what I can say is that I'm grieving for both. If I'm honest -I know that I'm not alone in that.
In a moment of stress and struggle she pulled her gun and shot an American citizen that despite what we feel right now - He has rights that our own men and women have died for. Thats why this matters....it's not just one life sacrificed. She killed one of ours...one of hers - and we know that whether or not she meant to - it doesn't change that she was the one that pulled a gun and killed another human being. That matters - and that is what we need to remember. What's worthy of the death penalty, and what's not. Our police force knows that this was not acceptable...what happens from here is up to her.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=224157&lang=EN#vin3Comment-974459

Former or Ex- Officer Kim Potter made a costly mistake, and to her credit she stood up like an adult admitted the mistake from the very first moment…
Unlike the other female cop employed at The Oklahoma Police who shot and murdered an unarmed Black man, at a traffic stop, with her service firearm, while ten other officers at the scene/situation, or incident DEPLOYED their Tasers!!
The Oklahoma Police Department arrested her she went to trial but an Oklahoma jury found her innocent, because she didn’t admit her shooting was an accidental discharge of her service firearm, AS EX-OFFICER POTTER DID, but folks I am NOT PUTTING DOWN ALL FEMALE COPS BECAUSE THAT THINKING IS SILLY
but in addition to Oklahoma shooting The Police Chief gave her job back but assured the community she would be a Police Officer but only work a desk!!!
The Police Chief could have and should have fired her for violating the departmental shooting policy as did other Police Chiefs have done because their officer(s) may have accidentally killed someone because of a mistake of violating their shooting policy..
So with that being said Kim Porter, in my opinion, is a good person who made a mistake, and she didn’t lie, but she admitted the mistake.. and is accepting the consequences of her mistake,
But I will not be yelling for the judge to give her 20 years to life, nor was I cheering for Ms Potter to be convicted; However, she will serve time for her crime..
Folks Ms. Potter made a mistake which cost Mr. Wright his life, but it’s mistakes like this which proves NOT EVERYONE CAN BE A POLICE OFFICER! Think People

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=224157&lang=EN#vin3Comment-974481

Matthew 5
Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against you for my sake. 12 Rejoice and be overjoyed, since your reward is great in the heavens,

Please be happy for me when I die because death is a great day,(actually it is the best day of your life if you served JEHOVAH God and put faith in his son Jesus Christ)... Death is a joyous day..the day of death is so important because depending on the type of person you turned out to be and if you truly repented with Jehovah God for your sins.. we are all going to die for a split second(from the perspective of the person who died) and be resurrected to appear before the judgment seat of Jesus Christ(our Heavenly King ) for our HEAVENLY COURT DATE(2 Corinthians 5:10) there will be not one failure to appear and depending on how Jesus Christ judges us for the things we practiced while in the body, some will be repaid with death and destruction for their UNREPENTANT bad deeds. While those who practiced Good deeds, while in the body( as flesh and blood) will be given the reward of a spiritual body and will obtain everlasting life through that body(Matthew 22:29,30; Revelation 7:14; revelation 22:14).. Jehovah doesn't torture you in death... Ecclesiasticus 9:5 - 9:10 teach that in death there is no wisdom, there's no knowledge, so if your brain doesn't work, you can't feel pain, if you can't feel pain, you can't feel , if you can't feel fire, you can't burn forever, death is just unconsciousness, your brain just doesn't work, unknowing darkness for ever, unless Jehovah, through Jesus Christ, Resurrects you to life(John 5:20-24; 1st Thessalonians 4:14-18; Revelation 22:12), then deaths is not scary at all because if your brain doesn't work in death no matter if 6000 years has passed or one day has passed before you're resurrected to the judgment seat of Jesus Christ, it'll feel like a split second to the next moment, or the next thought of your life. because your brain doesn't work in death so there's no concept of time...so basically if you serve Jehovah right now and you happen to die tomorrow you would have instant second chance... No matter if A thousand years passes before Armageddon comes.. death is the best day of your life if you have served JEHOVAH God.. I promise you I will die with a smile on my face, unless I can't help it... But I plan on living through Armageddon.. why do you think they say the Good die Young...good don't have to go through all this that we have to go through...they already there, although they're not there yet, they're still sleeping, but in their mind, from their perspective, if Jehovah is going to resurrect them, they are already there, my grandmother died in February of 2020, so from her perspective she's already there, she's already been resurrected. Although she still in the grave sleeping waiting to be woken up from her sleep.... death is the best day of your life if you serve God and put faith in his son Jesus Christ... death is a blessing...don't cry for me don't worry about it I'm happy, be happy for me when I die...

Ecclesiastes 9:10
Whatever your hand finds to do, do with all your might, for there is no work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the Grave, where you are going.

️️Galatians 5 On the other hand, the fruitage of the spirit is LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITH, 23 MILDNESS, SELF-CONTROL. Against such things there is NO LAW️️

Psalms 19:8
The orders from Jehovah are righteous, causing the heart to rejoice;The commandment of Jehovah is clean, making the eyes shine.

James 4:12
12There is only one who is Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and to destroy. But you, who are you to be judging your neighbor?

Isaiah 2:22
For your own sakes, quit trusting in mere man,Who is only the breath in his nostrils. Why should he be taken into account?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=224157&lang=EN#vin3Comment-974517