Karen Evans - Tuttle Transgender in my opinion is part of the movement to tear down any differences. Meaning- if someone can be anyone or anything, then absolutes are no longer a thing.

I recently did a paper on this- there is about .08% of the entire world's population are actually born with female organs inside the body male organs on the outside and male with a female on the inside and male on the outside. It is extremely rare, but it does happen. What is sad, is the people born with this issue are still termed that a biological science errored, meaning that a protein did not get to a chromosome. These individuals are truly trapped in their bodies and I feel for them.

Then you have those that are biologically in every way a male or female. Their labs show that they are male or female, their physical and biological makeup show that they are male or female, yet we are supposed to entertain that there are more than just two. What they are currently doing is changing the definition of "gender" to be what one identifies as rather than associating it with their biological birth. The textbook was even making a distinction that there is two differences- which again, I do not agree with.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=245038&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1119902

Bob Swearingen I'm not sure you know what "true capitalism" is, because if you did you really wouldn't like it. In pure unregulated capitalism, the ultimate result is that one individual owns everything. There has never in our recorded history been a pure capitalist economy. Every economy that calls itself capitalist is actually a mixture of capitalism and socialist policies, ALL OF THEM. If not, the capitalist ideals would have collapsed our economy generations ago. What is happening right now is late stage capitalism, we are almost to the tipping point where it's a runaway diesel. The rich have gotten too rich and it's going to take down everything. The income and wealth gap has gotten exponentially larger over the past 40 years, and it's accelerating. It really could be fixed, but too many people have been brainwashed into "capitalism" good, "socialism" bad, by the same rich people who are quickly trying to gobble up everything in sight. The install puppet politicians through legalized bribery (lobbying) that do nothing but slow down and pillage our government so when we want to regulate them they can spread on the media companies they own that the government is inept and incapable of being a regulatory agency. Then they tout that the private sector is better at "self-regulating" than having "government regulation". Why don't you just let convicted murderers guard themselves. I mean you might as well give them the keys and say, "Let yourself out in 20yrs", because that is essentially what we allow corporations to do. I can go on and on and on, but frankly I'm tired so good night.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=245038&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1119896

Guess that happens whenever you get a new boss..seems odd to me how shareholder companies of ANY KIND are are allowed to be taken over through stocks....is I guess what capitalism is all about and the risks you take becoming a traded company...but clearly there are no ethic or morals involved on either side ..buyers/sellers....it is pure greed... As for musk's "free speech" being good for "civil discourse" I believe he must have been clueless when people have been harassed to the point of changing jobs/telephone#/homes, or believe cult type lies, or join racist hate groups, or antigovernment, or those who organized and attended the sedition on 1/6, or those who want to cancel critical race theory that isn't even taught, or those trying to cancel gay parents and children and keep them in the closet, or those who wish to keep Confederate monuments and flags to keep Blacks in their place" , and women should be pregnant and in the house, kids seen and not heard and cancelling books ...and there are actually people who believe all these topics are "debatable" and to call it "civil discourse" that is good....hmmm
Seems pretty odd the right has become so liberal that they will allow chaos with no decorum or civility ....
THE FUNNIEST THING ABOUT ALL OF THIS? THEE MOST ANTISOCIAL SOCIALLY AND PERSONALLY AWKWARD PERSON THE HEAD OF A Social media site...is just as bizarre as thinking trump was "anointed by God"...lmfao

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=245038&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1119889

*.... what is the secret of Azovstal*

In Mariupol, Ukraine, there is a secret building with a depth of 30 m underground and on multiple floors.
This building is located under the Azovstal plant, which includes the secret headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organizational (NATO), with the code number (pit_404). For the production of biological weapons, within a highly fortified and protected system, in which 240 foreign scientists of different nationalities are present.
In addition to a number of NATO officers
From America , Germany , Canada , Italy , Spain , Turkey , Sweden , Austria , Poland , Greece , soldiers from the French Fifth Corps .
They are protected by the Rinat Azov battalion, which is the most dangerous battalion in the Nazi army. They are all professional killers, snipers and criminals who cannot leave Ukraine, being wanted in most countries of the world for many crimes, and they are 3000 fighters.
This headquarters is run by the *_Metabiota Corporation of Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden,_* and his direct partner, Vladimir Zelensky.
French intelligence tried to evacuate those in special operations, but they failed several times, which led to the release of the head of French intelligence, Eric Vida.
From his position as a result of this serial failure...
They entrusted the task to *_US General Roger Cloute, and his helicopter was shot down_* before taking off and he was arrested.
Where he was under follow-up from the GRU in the General Staff and the Russian Foreign Intelligence...
Macron tried a lot to communicate with Putin to secure a safe passage for them, but they were refused and Putin's insistence on bringing them alive or dead.


Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=245038&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1119900

Let’s not forget.

In the 19th century, the Democratic party started up as pro-slavery, and the Whig party was pro-choice with regard to slavery. But the Republican party was founded, for the express purpose of opposing slavery.

After the Civil War, the Republicans passed the 13th Amendment, freeing the slaves, the 14th Amendment, granting them citizenship, and the 15th Amendment, granting the right to vote.

Republicans passed, and Republican President Ulysses S. Grant signed into law, the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the Reconstruction Act of 1867.

Republicans consistently introduced federal civil rights bills, and Democrats kept blocking them – an 1890 bill protecting black voters, anti-lynching bills in 1922, 1935, and 1938, and anti-poll-tax bills in 1942, 1944 and 1946.

Although President Truman had issued an executive order in 1948 desegregating the military, it took President Eisenhower to actually implement it.

The Republican Party, unlike the Democratic Party, in 1956 endorsed the Supreme Court’s 1954 decision desegregating the public schools.

When Democratic Governor Orval Faubus blocked the schoolhouse door to the Little Rock Central high school in 1957, President Eisenhower federalized the Arkansas National Guard to remove it from Faubus’ control, and sent the 101st Airborne Division to accompany the black children to school.

In 1958, Eisenhower introduced a bill to create the U.S. Civil Rights Commission, and to fix the enforcement provisions of the 1957 civil rights bill. In response, Democrats carried out the longest filibuster in history.

The 1964 Civil Rights Act was supported by a huge majority of Republicans, but a lesser majority of Democrats.

Brown v. Board of Education, eliminating “separate but equal” in the public schools in 1954, remained unenforced during Kennedy’s and Johnson’s presidencies. But Nixon, taking office in 1968, eliminated segregated schools in one year; there was more desegregation of Southern schools in Nixon’s first term than in any historical period, before or after.

Nixon also created “affirmative action,” applying it first to building trades, and then to racial quotas.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=245038&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1119893

Sandy Miller I want to hear things without being told what to hear. Growing up we were not told we can’t share as humans . You couldn’t threaten or yell fire but this is a whole new world of censorship. Platforms are where people get there info it is a digital town square. So to speak and watching platforms block and hide stories from people but run stories they want to work for their agenda is always happening. Banning individuals voices for their agenda , banning post for their agenda . There is absolutely Nothing wrong with a platform that might allow both sides and many different ideas regardless of the platform having an agenda. This is why many like the idea . Those that do not. Truth be told it isn’t because they fear misinformation no matter the BS line they are using , it is purely because they do not want to have to hear others that do not play along with their agenda. It is exactly what it is . And nothing more. No matter how they want to dress it up and told to dress it up. It’s because they do not want others to say anything opposite then powers deem what they want all to believe .

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=245038&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1119916

…they're warning of a scenario in which Leftists have to defend their political opinions, Big Pharma has to defend its vaccine recommendations, and Conservative thinkers don't get silenced….

U.S.—As Elon Musk inches closer to a deal to purchase Twitter, Leftists on the platform are worried the eccentric billionaire will turn the platform into a place where terrible people post bad opinions and fight with each other all the time.

"I'm worried Elon will turn Twitter into an awful place, where people say mean things. Can you imagine?!" said Twitter user Xander Piddlewonk. "What if he allows people on his platform who will fight and say terrible things and call each other names and try to cancel everyone? That would be horrible! I just may have to move to Canadian Twitter. Is there a Canadian Twitter?"

Experts agree that ownership by Elon risks dragging the platform down into an unprecedented cesspool of hate and vitriol and people saying despicable things just to get attention. Even worse, they're warning of a scenario in which Leftists have to defend their political opinions, Big Pharma has to defend its vaccine recommendations, and Conservative thinkers don't get silenced.

"He may even bring back... DONALD TRUMP! REEEEEEEE!" cried Piddlewonk before tearing at his clothing and diving out of a nearby window.
Seizing the moment, Mark Zuckerberg has invited everyone to move over to the Metaverse, which features robust and progressive content moderation, leading dozens and dozens of people to join.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=245038&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1119904

Eddie Saqim ∆∆∆¶¶¶The Papacy shis The Beast with Number DCLXVI because The Title of Pope Francis in Latin Language shis VICARIVS FILII DEI;CVI+VI+LIII+LIII=DCLXVI!!!And The Romano Chatolich Church shis The Babilon!!! The Beast with horns like a Lamb shis SUA and America give The Power to Pope Francis because USA give The Dicret Sunday Global and Sodome and Gomore Law in all Nations from all Continents!!!and FMI Bank shis The Vatican Bank and The Papacy take from Roman Empire;gold silver diamonds rubines safires etc and The Pope Francis must to give back to Italy Country!!!Adventist Church shis Laodicea and The Angel of Church are Pastors because they baptized peoples for Kingdom of God Jehovah,and Jesus Christ baptized peoples with Holy Spirit of Jehovah for Eternity Life!!!The Liders of Protestantes Churches make Aliance with Pope Francis in 25 October 2017.The Pope Francis shis AntiChrist and The His Power is 7 years.2017+7=2024 and in one year Jehovah give in This Planet Terra The 7 plags and 2024+1=2025 The End of The World!!!¶¶¶∆∆∆∆∆∆¶¶¶Adventist Church shis Laodicea and The Angel of Church are Pastors because they baptized peoples for Kingdom of God Jehovah and Jesus Christ baptized peoples with Holy Spirit of Jehovah for Eternity Life and The Persecution of Adventist Church begin now because they keep The Shabbat Day and SUA give The Power to Pope Francis; Dicret Sunday Global in all Nations from all Continents and The World War 3 Mondial begin now!!! The Global Famine begin now in all Nations from all Continents and The Global Energy Crisis;oil gase and uranium begin now in all Nations from all Continents and The World live The End of The years 3 years and 6 mounts and in one year Jehovah give The 7 plags and Him judge now The World.Jesus Christ come in 25 October 2025 and what i say is true because am a Profet of God Jehovah!!!¶¶¶∆∆∆

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=245038&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1119906