Leon Fetter or how about all the terrorists sneaking in wearing camouflage? I bet you were all pro USA and anti terrorism on Sept 11, 2001. 22 yrs later you now you don’t care who comes
Across our boarders.. lol.. of course until another terrorist attack happens.. which is inevitable which an open border crisis. Known terroists are getting through every day. Single males from Pakistani are being stopped by local police and arrested. Only to find out they are members of terrorist cells. This is the border you support and the asylum seekers you support.. GTFOH.. with the BS.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=281457&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1333227

Stanley Rocher it’s not like CBP numbers aren’t public
1.7 encounters
1.2 repatriations
200,000 estimated get aways
More than 650,000 released , after being detained and given refugee or asylum hearing dates ( some years from now) into border towns with no support. They are sleeping in streets , immigrants shelters have a 3 day maximum
1000 deaths.
These are all public numbers and they are all, each and every one of them a record.
When you say surge the border you have an obligation to be prepared when that in fact happens.
Is what it is the numbers speak for themselves.
By the way Biden wanted to lift 42 , the courts stopped him. If he has been allowed it would have been 1.6 M released into border towns in one year.
Yep he’s doing a fine job lol.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=281457&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1333203

Sammhy Ramirez The 50 DeSantis sent voluntarily is not even a drop in the bucket compared to what Biden dropped into Florida alone over the last year. And most of Joes flights were in the middle of the night. Lets also not forget Bidens hundreds of busses of Illegal Immigrants sent to Florida also.

The difference is, Biden CAUSED this mass surge of Illegal Immigrants, Greenlighted it, by refusing to follow US Immigration laws and 2 Federal Court Orders. He opened the border, and the Illegal Immigrants know it, say so when interviewed. Venezuela has opened their prisons to all that want to go to the US border. This is 100% Bidens border crisis, having topped 4 MILLION illegal crossings since he took office. And not a single person crossing the border illegally is eligible for Asylum, so calling them such is erroneous and deceptive by his camp.

Desantis took 50, that volunteered to be taken to the Sanctuary state of Massachusetts, and delivered them there to a city that boast signs welcoming illegal immigrants! Huge difference.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=281457&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1333195

Frank Zoppi are you under the impression that cities like NY and LA don’t deal with mass immigration on a daily basis? All that needs to happen is to have the American people insist that their representatives come together, like it’s outlined in our constitution, and come up with answers that can help the nation. If the gop could stop degrading vulnerable human beings, we could than focus on defining the problems and coming up with reasonable answers. Throwing tantrums is not how a nation founded on the rule of law makes decisions. I mean, NYC could always drop a few thousand loaded AR15s in the middle of Miami or Dallas because they love ‘em so much and aren’t willing to work on easing our gun problem but, as always, we’re the only adults at the table.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=281457&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1333210

Arturo Gonzalez Bidens border cages did indeed hold illegal immigrant minors well longer than 72 hours and at capacities 400% over allowable levels. And during COVID outbreaks.

Biden has sent over 75 planes, commercial jets, not the small commuter used to take the 50 to the Santuary City the illegal immigrants agreed to be taken to, and Biden also has sent hundreds of bus loads of illegal immigrants to Florida alone in the last year. All were dumped on the streets without notice nor federal support for the state.

Yes, what Biden has been doing is MUCH, MUCH worse.

And......Bidens open border policies in violation of US Immigration laws and Federal Court Orders is encouraging more illegal crossings.

Let's not forget....not one of the illegal crossings, 4 MILLION and counting under Biden.....is eligible for claiming Asylum under US Immigration laws.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=281457&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1333193

Diane Purvis yes, Biden refusing to follow US Immigration laws and defying 2 federal court orders greenlighted the mass Illegal immigration to start with, AND Joe has been flying and bussing Illegal immigrants all over the country and dumping them on the streets without notice for over a year.....the the left has been silent. The hypocracy is thick in the blue camp.

That's the whole story I assume you refer? Because, the nearly 4 MILLION illegal immigrants that have entered the country since Biden took office is an all time record, by far. Under the previous administration the Illegal crossings plummeted, because the immigration law was being followed, enforced. As a result, the incentive to make the dangerous trek was low, and few comparatively made it, but Biden greenlighted the activity and Drug Cartels are making Billions trafficking drugs and humans, all thanks to Joe and Kamala.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=281457&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1333190

FL is not a sanctuary state. How do you think all these illegals are getting to Florida...walking across the Gulf of Mexico?? The are being bussed and flown in by the Biden administration. Better to send them to all of these woke, Liberal sanctuary jurisdictions that claim to be "pro-migrant", such as New York City, Washington DC, Chicago, and of course, Martha's Vineyard, who, according to all their woke signs all over the island, "stand with immigrants and refugees". Seems that unless these immigrants and refugees are not actually working for them as servants or landscapers, they can only "stand with immigrants and refugees" for only 44 hours, then they call in the Army to rescue them. Ironic that they got the Army to rescue them quicker than they did to rescue those trapped in Benghazi. Absolutely pathetic, woke, virtue signaling.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=281457&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1333219

John Russell Your comments of sending asylum seekers to their homeland and applying for entry here is totally against established standards by our government.
Each website says the same thing. “Asylum in the United States has three basic requirements. First, asylum applicants must not be convicted of a particularly serious crime or an aggravated felony.[5] Second, they must show a well-founded fear of persecution in their country of nationality and permanent residency.[6][7] Third, asylum applicants must prove that they would be persecuted on account of at least one of five protected grounds: race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or particular social group.”

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=281457&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1333232

Shirley Elmer Martini The southern border is over 1000 miles long. You cannot build a wall on various terrains, rivers etc… and a wall will always be breached. You can build walls in certain areas as a deterrent but if someone is determined they will get in. I know some hard working Mexicans who told me they simply walked into a Texas town, had called a friend from NY to pick them up at a gas station, he was waiting, they got in his car and drove to NY where he had jobs ready for them. They just want to work.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=281457&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1333205

1. Human beings are not "illegal" 2. It is not illegal to ask for asylum 3. People coming across the border are not carrying Fentanyl, it comes through ports. 4. Biden is not flying anyone anywhere secretly 5. Your tax dollars are benefitted by immigrants who pay more than they get in services. 6. Our birth rates are falling and we need more people. Every time I post anything pro immigrant, trolls pile on, even from around the world. All Fox News talking points, which are pretty much lies. This fear mongering is a scam, people are making money off of it.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=281457&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1333202