CW Ramos how would that stop school shootings?
From a historical point the Abrahamic religions have done more damage. Example oh you don't belive in crist than we are going to torture you till you confuse. You work with plants and help people feel better ok. Where going to bind you and toss you a river. If you live then your a witch if you don't than oh well we messed up.

Becuse of the christ based religions we got the witch trials, crusades, inquisition, conversation camps and so on. We have kids being kicked out of their homes becuse of who they love.

What we need is better mental health care.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=293116&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1391170

Lawton J Pelfrey and perhaps you should read the Bible once in a while and realize it doesn’t fit your right wing white nationalist view of the world either. Also when you are absolutely sin less you can pick up your stone and cast it. My problem with the church has nothing to do with right or left but of course your small mindedness and Inability to actually think beyond what a political ideation does not allow you to see that. My issue with the church is how far away from the institution has strayed away from what the word of God actually teaches. I want. I thing to do with the Jesus of America and everything to do with the radical Jesus of the Bible, who Jesus who stood up to religious and legalistic folks, the Jesus that ministered in love, the Jesus that said give and it shall be given, the Jesus that said I did not come into the world to condemn the world.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=293116&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1391210

I watched all of her Hallmark movies and at the time they were ok. This season I just can not seem to watch her. I do not want to criticize her or her religion or the way she chooses to live her life. What I can not seem to stomach is her attitude of thinking she is so far above anyone who does not subscribe to her beliefs. I believe in God too but at no time would I think others have no value or worth if they do not have a similar belief and lifestyle. Do what you feel is best for your life but she needs to stop shoving her belief down other’s throat.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=293116&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1391188

Kim Berly “people only announce things that aren’t true” Well that was a completely ignorant statement from you and different that your original words:

“If you have to advertise it, you’re attempting to convince yourself and everyone else what you’re doing. People with pure intentions act and don’t broadcast it.”

I didn’t realize I was talking with the queen of judging other’s intention. I don’t realize you were the authority of if someone really means what they say.

Again, point is (according ti you) if someone has to announce they are doing something then it’s not true, and they don’t have pure intentions. So every time Hollywood, politicians, etc. announce proudly that are going to use a person who’s race is xxx, their sexuality is xxx and their gender is now xxx….then they are doing it without pure intentions and only for the credit.

See, you actually do realize what many of us have been saying all along. You just don’t want to call it out when it goes against your narrative

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=293116&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1391187

Then GO.
Pander to your wacky audience who believes in an imaginary being and who allow a book, written by men, to rule their every move.
Religion needs to be kept in your home, your place of worship and wherever like-minded delusional peeps dwell.
The Cameron's are complete and utter nutjobs.

Christmas is whatever you want to make it.
Make it about an imaginary being if that's your jam.
Make it about a beautiful time of year when you decorate with beautiful lights, carry on traditions with family and friends, and have wonderful parties and dinners to celebrate.
The latter makes the most sense to the majority of people on the planet because we are sane.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=293116&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1391180

Opal LaPlante yea all those Christmas legends where the creatures ate children bum all for that. You guys need to look at the Christmas celebrations of the very old days. Krampus to name one but there are others. Most legends ate children If they misbehaved. Lol. Christmas is Christmas. I applaud hallmark. Everyone celebrates in their own way. Each religion is different yet similar. Good riddance for her. I don’t like people shoving their religion in me. Yes you are a Christian. I’m a Catholic. I see things differently. So what! The holiday season is about joy n happiness. Its about families. Doesn’t matter whether those families are black, white, straight or gay. It’s a fun time of year. People believe in Christ in their own way. There doesn’t just have to be one way.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=293116&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1391186

Does this mean she will celebrate Christmas in April ? And Great American Family ? Orwellian name aside does this mean no divorce allowed ? no cakes ....wedding planning for divorce and remarriage ? if you are going use Scripture to defend wedding planners, bakers and defining what a family is....etc.....you are either now all in, or you are cherry picking fraud.

BTW....assuming Christianity with these folks actually has anything to do with Jesus Christ....you know...the Christ...in Christian.....keep in mind. Jesus Christ never once mentions anything about gay people. Has some things to say about divorce ...but not gay people.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=293116&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1391179

I'm Jewish and I love the holiday season with the decorations, wishes for peace, and peppermint lattes. I think spreading those messages and joy are much more meaningful to our society as a whole than making sure everyone has Christ in Christmas. Those who want to have a deeper meaning to the holiday can do so in their churches and at home. It's fun to have a more universal holiday season that everyone can join in their own ways. If they do want it to be more deeply religious, then they need to cut out the commercialization full stop as if it's a universal holiday for the entire world.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=293116&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1391193

It's too bad that people like Candice have such a narrow view of Christianity. God loves EVERYONE. That includes Black and Brown people, it includes LGBTIQ+ people, it includes people with different (or no) religious beliefs. No where in the Bible does God condemn homosexuality (it's not in the Ten Commandments where I'd expect it to be if it's such a sin) and Jesus never condemned it, but I'm sure he knew some gay people because homosexuality was much more accepted during the Roman Empire Era than even today. And as a history teacher I can agree with those who say Christmas, which is a Christian holiday to celebrate the birth of Christ, was deliberately put on the calendar on our December 25 by the early Church because Christians wouldn't stop celebrating the Saturnalia which is a pagan holiday in late December. This way the Church could pretend that all those celebrating Saturnalia were really celebrating the birth of Christ, which would instead have been sometime in the spring when the Romans collected taxes.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=293116&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1391171

So I guess Candice there wants every single Hallmark movie plot to be about a young woman who mysteriously gets pregnant and then gives birth to a baby in a barn. Christmas is a holiday to celebrate the birth of a baby not the adult Jesus Easter is for that so make bunch of Easter movies. Besides of the fact that every Christmas tradition is pagan in origin and the only reason Christmas is exist is because the early church couldn't get up couldn't get the people who they were converting to stop celebrating there earlier traditions so they mush them together the tree the babbles on the tree the gift-giving every bit of it is the pagan solstice observance in origin. The Sun returning. So the early church conflagrated the Sun and the Son. And that's the only reason December 25th was arbitrarily decided.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=293116&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1391190