Estee Baavur
1. The 1929 , 1938 things weren't massacres they were resistance, the israelis were European occupiers . Of course the palestinians will resist them and try to kick them out . You are like a theif playing the victim card when attacked by the owner of the house

2. There was no israel in 19 century and neither in the first half of the 20th . So you cannot say arabs wer moving to israel when there was no israel .
Rven rhe first Zionists who were promoting the Zionist movements in the west they were speaking abou Palestine. No one of them mentioned the name " israel "watch a sample of their meetings. Non of them said the word " israel "

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=357449&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1703368

Sami Nasser the UN agreed on a partition plan: half to the Jews and half to the arabs. the arabs thought they will win and 7 arab armies invaded Israel and lost. then, jordan occupied the west bank and egypt occupied gaza for almost 20 years. why haven't the so called palestinians declared a state in 1948 on west bank and gaza? and here almost 76 later we still don't know why. maybe their and our lives would be different, better. great sir Balfour, in 1917 declared that the Jews are entitled to build a Jewish home in the Jewish land. nobody wanted to kick out the arabs, we could live side by side. like we live with 2000000 Israeli arabs. but the muslins wanted it all and lost it all.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=357449&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1703364

Ahmed Salah multiple times both sides have turned down a 2 state solution.

In 2005 the blockade was much less restrictive, the Gaza voted in a government that vowed to destory Israel and the blockade was enhanced.

Remember, that blockade is supported by Israel, Egypt and the PLA.

6 months ago I would have said Israel should pull all settlements out of West Bank and Jerusalem and Bethlehem should be handed over to UN control so that it is open to all religions. After seeing what happened when they pulled out of Gaza I am not sure they should pull out of West Bank. If they do they are likley to just get attacked more, like what happened with Gaza.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=357449&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1703391


The US voted to give Israel more military aid without condition or question and voted to withdraw any humanitarian aid given to Palestinians if they attempt to bring charges against Israel for genocide and if they show support to other countries who do, ex South Africa's case.

They also voted that UNRWA will not be receiving any funding until 2025. UNRWA provides much needed humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza and Palestinians need that aid now more than ever with 100% of the population of that city being starved.
Those who voted for this voted for the genocide of Palestinians. This is evil

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=357449&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1703358

Ahmed Salah Jews and Muslims have both proposed multiple 2 state solutions that the other will not agree to.

2005 removal of Jews from Gaza could have been a good start but then Gaza stepped up attacks. Then the blockade was strengthened.

In 2005 they Gaza and Israel could have started diplomatic relations and removed the blockade but they chose to go a different direction.

How about a 2 state solution based on current boarders and have the UN control Jerusalem and Bethlehem so all religions have rights to go to all religious sights.

Recognize that each side has a right to exist and that land changes should be through sales not war.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=357449&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1703393

Estee Baavur
1. The land was never for the jews . The jews occupied it at first when they went out of Egypt when they killed the native Canaanites and occupied the land . So you were agressors from the first day

2.thank you for confessing that there are native jews living in Palestine and the others are just European colonizers

3 the jews weren't tolerated in any place like they were tolerated in the islamic world. Yes there was some separate events but overall the jews didn't feel safe in any place like they felt under Islamic rule .
And even your pro Zionists say that

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=357449&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1703369

Kenneth W. McDonald Gaza exposing Israel Ethnic cleansing and genocides of Palestinian ppl started in 1948 (and even before). A total of 5.1 millions Palestinians have been killed by Israel since 1948 while 1 million were expelled outside Palestine with no right of return. 3000 Palestinians are killed every year ( direct and indirect killing combined), 8700 attacks against Palestinians by the Israeli army and the settlers are recorded every year..almost 1000 Palestinian facilities are demolished every year to expand the israeli settlements..before 1948 the Jews controlled 6% of the Palestinian land…as per today Israel has annexed 85% of the Palestinian land…Since Oslo, the West bank has been divided into small areas separated by the settlements which makes it impossible to have a Palestinian state…both West bank and Gaza are like Open air prisons where Israel controls the borders , the water, energy , supplies..etc everything is controlled by Israel…Israel never considered a two states solution..its founder have clearly stated that whole of Palestinian land is for the Jews….the claim that Palestinians want the destruction of Israel has completely fallen apart and the narrative is starting to admit the fact that Israel is an Apartheid state that is losing global support…and Israel wants to wipe off Palestinian from the earth and take their ancestors land

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=357449&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1703396

Darren House
The reverse is true, if Israelis have not obeyed the international law and leave what they have stolen they will be legally attacked more and more.
Only justice what provide peace.
Gaze was under Israeli occupation and siege according to the international law and they don't have control on their borders or airspace or marine resources and food, water, medications and electricity enter Gaza by Israeli permission, do you think this independency.
Anyway, palastinians and Arabs offered the recognition of Israel and the UN approved 2 state solution but as usual Israelis refused, can you justify this Israeli refusal of peace?
If you are instead of palestinians and Israelis have invaded your lands and been killing your people every day and refused all peaceful ways and the USA has vetoed 50 UN resolutions in 50 years to help Israelis to violate the international law and continue their occupation, how can you get your freedom?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=357449&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1703392

Sami Nasser 1. probably you haven't heard about the Hebron masacre of 1929 or Tiberias masacre of 1938 or tge farhud in iraq in 1941. probably you haven't read the link i gave you about the muslims genocide if the Jews.
2. i didn't say the land was empty. i said that many arab migrants came to Israel in the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century to search for work. they come from egypt, syria and so on. that's why they have last names such as al-masri (the egyptian) or al-faruki and al-bagdadi (from bagdad, iraq).
3. for your knowledge, through all the years Jews were living in Israel. in fact during the 19th century Jews were the majority of the inhabitants in the old city of Jerusalem.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=357449&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1703367