I think we need to be clear about something. MAGA is not the Republican Party of Regan and Lincoln. It is a party in name only.

They don’t believe in a democracy. They believe in book deals, raising money at fund rallies and the next Fox News appearance.

They do not believe in working with the other side of the isle, they only believe in single party rule, so why is it so surprising that a motion to vacate is present?

Did he think he could play in the MAGA sandbox and actually govern???

This was inevitable and it will always be this way with MAGA until it gets a speaker that will only work with MAGA even if it’s not the way America was built.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=359808&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1716914

Joel Bellows
You'll notice I said Conservatives not Republican or Democrat referring to supporting Women's or minority rights ...

You quickly reached back to the civil war as if Conservatives were some sort of Equal Rights Crusade
I notice you conveniently ignore the millions of women whose rights were blocked by men.
Where in the Constitution did it say Women's rights are based on" hardships ."

Yes Genius people are refused the right to vote if a voting roll is purged ...
There are deadlines...
if you don't know you have been removed.
Then you have no clue you are no longer registered.

" The same hardships "
You are hilarious
" and when they are
not married "
Spoken like a
Controlling Conservative

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=359808&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1716908

Stephen J Radigan it was the Republicans who supported the right for black people to vote when it was the Democrat party attempting to suppres s their vote.
It was the Leftist Democrat party violating the constitution changing the voting rules in 2020.
Was anyone refused the right to vote because of the purge of voting roles? No there wasn't because we know if there was even one person, they would be highlighted in every leftist news feed.
The original reason women were not allowed to vote is because they were not required to endure the same hardships as men. They are still given that privilege but they do get to vote. And when they are not married to men, they vote for who they married to almost exclusively: big government leftist Democrat party.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=359808&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1716906

Blue Wave Liberal

We tried voting blue, look at what happened..!

Afghanistan debacle ( left Americans behind)
Massive inflation
Spy balloons
Open borders
Fentanyl crisis
Human trafficking crisis
Highest crime levels EVER.
Highest interest rates 40 yrs
His staggering personal corruption.
Multiple wars…!

Protects Ukraine borders but not his own country borders.

All in just 36 months. What a coincidence

I could go on and on and on and on and on and on and on but I’m watching the TV news with another 11,000 illegal aliens from the Congo , Pakistan, Venezuela, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Columbia and Chinaall strolling across the border again today..!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=359808&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1716913

If you don’t know them,
look up these abbreviations:
(and, if you have time,
the now defunct UOC-KP,
[which basically *became* OCU]
If you had the misfortune of hearing
Marjorie Taylor Greene claim
that Putin is “protecting” Christians
and Ukraine “killing” Christians
on FOX News:
Almost all Ukrainians are either
Eastern Orthodox or Greek Catholic.
More Orthodox than Catholic.
Just prior to Putin’s 2022 invasion,
there were Three (3)
main Christian churches in Ukraine:
Not long before 2014, OCU-MP may have been the largest,
but just around Putin’s 2022 invasion,
these could be reckoned roughly in thirds
(that is “33.3%” each)
Maybe not that equally; you have some people staunchly with one vs the other, but you also have freelancing Church hoppers who aren’t about to let old men dictate to them where they find Jesus, so for a bit,
I’m going with thirds was an ok reckoning.
But, going forward, as Putin’s tactics, aims, willingness to sacrifice his own citizens for his lust for power and his KGB heart became more clear,
The OCU is now probably
just under 2/3 (two-thirds),
and the UGCC is now probably
just under 1/3 (one-third),
but UOC-MP has become
a nominal fraction,
like, 5% (five percent) or less.

I have no data for these later numbers, but, hey, do the interviews, go there yourself if you like; you’ll find out I’m right.

As it became clear that Putin was using
the UOC-MP, even via priests,
to spread Russian propaganda in Ukraine,
the Ukrainian government cracked down
and outlawed
the operation of UOC-MP in Ukraine.

But Ukraine is not executing priests.

Furthermore, Russia has a *history*
of executing priests (look it up).

All three churches
follow the *same* Byzantine/Greek Ritual.

Kyiv/Kiev is actually the older Church, historically, compared to Moscow and originally Kiev’s bishops were appointed from Constantinople, (see articles on the Baptism of the Rus under the Grand Prince Volodymyr, Equal to the Apostles.)

but once the Ottoman Turks had their grip on Constantinople, and Moscow had developed and its Church become large,

Constantinople gave Moscow (and now asserts, *temporarily*) the privilege of appointing bishops for Kiev,

but it’s also important to remember that Moscow, and the Church in Moscow,
*grew out of* Kiev in the first place.

and what a huge part of all that the Church is.

Putin attacking Kyiv
is like asking you to attack
your *mom’s* Church.

After the fall of the USSR, there was more of a movement to establish a Ukrainian Church that is Autocephalous (self-headed, sovereign, “answering,” in some limited sense, neither to Moscow nor to Constantinople)

Without surprise that met opposition from both Moscow and Constantinople..

BUT, after the events in Crimea in 2014,

and Moscow’s cold-shouldering of the rest of the world-wide Orthodox Church in regard to the
Great and Holy Council
of June 2016,

Constantinople became far more friendly
to the idea of an Autocephalous
Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

In 2018, Constantinople
granted autocephaly
to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Their primary bishop is
Metropolitan Epiphany.

The primary bishop of
The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church
is Patriarch Sviatoslav.

Here is a recent interview with
the primary bishop for the UGCC in the USA:


Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=359808&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1716912