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Portland and Seattle see record highs soar past 100 degrees as heat wave sweeps the Northwest

- 2021-06-28 07:00:20
Portland set an all-time high of 112 degrees Sunday, but that record will likely be short-lived as the forecast high Monday is 115

Children must receive their Covid-19 vaccine now if they want to be fully protected before school

- 2021-06-28 07:00:20
In many parts of the country, if you want your child to be immunized against Covid-19 by the time classes start, you need to act fast

Pelosi introduces resolution to form select committee to investigate Capitol insurrection

- 2021-06-28 07:00:18
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has introduced a resolution that will form a select committee to investigate the January 6 insurrection. The resolution is expected to get a vote in the chamber later this week.

High school seniors breathe a sigh of relief that they made it to graduation. But school administrators fear the fall semester

- 2021-06-27 07:00:19
Class of 2021 students in the Richland One school district in South Carolina were able to graduate in person. But nothing is certain for the next academic year.

They lost their loved ones to Covid. Then they heard from them again

- 2021-06-27 07:00:19
Some people who lost loved ones to Covid report messages from beyond the grave. These stories are part of a historical pattern.

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner distance themselves from the former President and his constant complaints

- 2021-06-27 07:00:14
While he often has a rotating audience of cheering listeners, the gap between Trump and his daughter and son-in-law grows wider by the week, according to 12 people familiar with the situation.

Heiress Abigail Disney slams American wealth: Rich people take advantage of the tax system

- 2021-06-27 07:00:13
"The fact is that people are sitting on their rear ends on their couches earning and not paying taxes on money while people are going out every day to a job and working their butts off just to make ends meet. And that just seems like an upside down structure," Abigail Disney said.

Serena Williams confirms she will not play at 2020 Tokyo Olympics

- 2021-06-27 07:00:13
Serena Williams, a 4-time gold medalist, says she will skip the 2020 Tokyo Olympics

The death toll rises to 9 from the Florida condo collapse as rescuers keep digging in hopes of finding survivors

- 2021-06-27 07:00:11
The death toll from the partial building collapse in South Florida has reached nine with dozens still missing, Miami-Dade County mayor says

New Zealand weightlifter to become first transgender athlete at Olympic Games

- 2021-06-27 07:00:11
"I am grateful and humbled by the kindness and support that has been given to me by so many New Zealanders," Laurel Hubbard said

Biden nominates Cindy McCain as ambassador to United Nations food agency

- 2021-06-27 07:00:10
If confirmed by the Senate, McCain — the widow of longtime Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona, whose relationship with the President spanned decades — will represent the US in a specialized UN role focused on ending global hunger and expanding access to quality foods worldwide.

Biden directs airstrikes against facilities used by Iran-backed militia groups

- 2021-06-27 07:00:09
President Biden ordered airstrikes against Iran-backed militia groups in the Iraq-Syria border region on Sunday evening, the US Department of Defense says

Mars helicopter takes it to the limit with groundbreaking flights

- 2021-06-26 07:00:27
While it seems like the Mars Ingenuity helicopter has been quiet, it turns out that the little chopper has aced more of its flights -- and even got a software update to fix an annoying issue that impacted some of its previous outings.

Indiana must continue pandemic unemployment benefits for now, judge rules

- 2021-06-26 07:00:26
Indiana must continue paying pandemic unemployment benefits to roughly 230,000 Hoosiers until a lawsuit challenging the early termination of the compensation is decided, a state judge ruled Friday.

New York Times: Trump White House aides drafted proclamation on Insurrection Act amid Floyd protests

- 2021-06-26 07:00:26
White House aides prepared a draft proclamation last June to invoke the Insurrection Act as then-President Donald Trump debated deploying active-duty US soldiers in response to protests after the death of George Floyd, The New York Times reported Friday, citing two senior Trump administration…

Relatives in condo collapse express frustration as they wait for information

- 2021-06-26 07:00:26
Two relatives of people missing in the Surfside, Florida condo collapse say the are frustrated by inconsistent communication and information flow from officials as rescue efforts continue.

“There is zero quit in anyone that I saw on that site," says Chris Cuomo, at condo collapse site

- 2021-06-26 07:00:26
“There is zero quit in anyone that I saw on that site.” Chris Cuomo provides a first-hand account of the monumental rescue operation underway saying rescuers “know what they’re doing. They’re the best of the best, and they are so committed and they know the task is giant.”

Mystery of what caused South Florida condo collapse deepens

- 2021-06-26 07:00:25
As the search for survivors from the collapse of a high-rise condo tower in South Florida continues, a critical question looms: What caused the building to fall

Usain Bolt welcomes newborn twin sons, Thunder and Saint Leo

- 2021-06-26 07:00:23
An Instagram post shows a family photo, with Bolt sitting next to his partner Kasi Bennett, their daughter Olympia Lightning, and the newborn twins.

Ex-NRA chief duped into giving speech to empty chairs

- 2021-06-26 07:00:22
David Keene, a former head and current board member of the NRA - National Rifle Association of America, was duped by a gun control activist group into giving a fake graduation speech to empty chairs that represented the victims of gun violence who would have graduated this year.