中国香港立法会7月6日一致通过整顿区议会方案,下届18区区议会合共470席将只有88席——即20%——由选民投票产生,且参选人事先须取得官方谘询组织委员提名,并通过国家安全审查,2019年民主派在区选中大胜的画面再无复制可能。 正在贵州贵阳官式访问的香港行政长官李家超发表声明欢迎法案通过,称此举是“在特区地区治理层面贯彻落实‘爱国者治港’原则,令区议会牢牢掌握在爱国者手里”,并称法案在两个月内获得通过,彰显经北京整顿选举制度后产生的立法会“高效专业”。 身兼特区行政会议召集人的立法会议员叶刘淑仪在表决前发言中称,新制度下直选选区将合并,因此新区议员的民意基础可与英国国会下议院议员相比拟。


21世纪新政21st Century New Deal

I was going through divorce process when I found a great spiritual man online, I never thought me and my husband will ever come back together, we are bless with three children and married for 12years but he was willing to all throw that away just because he met a new woman but help me perform a powerful rite that made him forget about the woman he just met and the divorce was cancelled, we are now living in peace in our home with a stronger bond. Reach him on page
