123767 Páginas

Banning uniformed officers at Pride sparks fresh debate over complex issue
As cities across the country gear up for their annual Pride parades, a trend has emerged: Increasingly, police officers in uniform are no longer allowed

Amazon to help during hurricane season with quick delivery of disaster relief supplies
It all started with a letter to Jeff Bezos

New York City just had its lowest Covid-19 positivity rate since the city began recording, mayor says
New York City is reporting a Covid-19 positivity rate of 0.83% on Tuesday – marking the lowest positivity rate the city has seen since authorities began recording that statistic, Mayor Bill de Blasio said, attributing the low rate to vaccinations and the "willpower of New Yorkers."

Florida becomes 8th state to enact anti-trans sports ban this year
The action by Gov. Ron DeSantis comes during a record-breaking year for anti-trans bills in statehouses across the country and was taken on the first day of Pride Month, an annual celebration of the LGBTQ community

Pentagon reviewing policy that could open door to Pride flags being displayed at bases
The Pentagon is reviewing a policy instituted last year that limits which flags can be displayed at military bases

The hidden costs of owning a superyacht
Sales have shot up over the last few months as the super-rich go all out to escape the chaos and uncertainty brought about by coronavirus. But as one expert says: "A yacht is a very inefficient way to have fun."

Biden administration to suspend oil and gas drilling leases in Arctic refuge, undoing a Trump-era decision
The Trump administration last November started a leasing process for oil and gas drilling sites off the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, something environmental groups viewed as a potential last-minute giveaway to the energy industry before the Biden administration took over

Homem é preso em Saquarema, RJ, suspeito de matar esposa e jogar corpo em lagoa
Corpo foi achado com marcas de violência

Vereadora ameaçada volta ao Brasil, mas não recebe escolta da polícia no RJ
"Eu voltei para o Brasil, mas eu ainda não tenho o meu direito de cidadania, meu direito institucional parlamentar, meu direito como pessoa para poder circular, de ir e vir"

‘Se não me entubarem, vou sair por conta própria’, disse grávida à família antes de morrer de Covid
Taíse, de 35 anos, estava esperando o terceiro filho e morreu antes de conseguir um leito de UTI