This is a message to all Anti-Vaxxers.Covid-19 is still very active in the United States.Individuals continue to die on a daily basis in America.America just lost a Deputy that went on SM just a few weeks earlier saying that he had an immune system and that was enough to protect him.Religious leaders are constantly telling members that they are protected by other means in which I wont get into and they are dying as well.Please get vaccinated to protect yourself and your loved ones.We are walking around w/o masks because we have been vaccinated but on Airplanes and crowded places some of us are still masking up.I still can't believe after all of these deaths individuals are still taking this virus lightly,idiots...

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=178378&lang=EN#vin3Comment-829912

Now that so many have suffered not being able to be close to those they love for such a long time for fear of being infected with the virus one man is allowed to pass by all of this and take a chance going to the world's hot spot of the virus and return as if there was no such worry. Everybody complained that Trump allowed those to come into the US but now condone what they once complained about. My empathy only goes so far and does not exist with this individual or those who become infected as a result of such carelessness.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=178378&lang=EN#vin3Comment-829910

In Ethiopia the Amhara people have been killed and displaced for 27 years by Tigray People Liberation Front/TPLF/ when it was in power. The Amhara people have also been massacred and displaced by the Oromo Prosperity Party since it held power three years ago. Both groups are ethnic-based groups that imposed an ethnic-federalist system that excludes citizens based on their ethnic identity. The Amhara people have been the primary target in the genocide, ethnic-cleansing, physical injury, displacement and other related attacks. Currently, there are nearly 2,000,000 displaced Amharas, including children, that have managed to flee from their hometowns to avoid government-supported killings. They lost family members due to killings by armed groups supported by government officials. They used to be productive farmers and traders who could help others but now they are out in the streets begging to feed their families. Apart from their suffering from killings of their family members, they also had to endure ethnic-based displacement as well as looting and destruction of their properities. They were never compensated for their losses or made to feel safe to go back to their hometowns. The local government officials either rewarded or granted impunity to those who attacked them. These hundreds of thousands of displaced Amhara victims do not have homes any more. They are in a camp in Chagni or just out in the streets. They need help. Unfortunately, more and more Amharas are still getting slaughtered, mutilated, and displaced with government support. The Ethiopian government (Oromo Prosperity Party) did not facilitate or even make them temporary shelters as it supports the Oromo groups that care undertaking the massacres. In two months, the rainy season will start there in Ethiopia, and many of the displaced will likely die due to cold weather and hunger.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=178378&lang=EN#vin3Comment-829911


You should be covering stories like this. No outrage?
Community holds tribute for High Point pastor who died due to gun violence
Pastor Robert Booth started Hood Holiness Church with the goal of ending violence. He was shot and killed days after being ordained.
“Robert always said, if he ever ‘went’ he wanted a concert, he was one of the most talented people I ever met in my life,” Dwayne Waden Jr. said.
He started Hood Holiness Church a few months ago with the goal of ending violence with Waden Jr. serving as associate pastor. Booth was shot just days after being ordained.
The two used Christian rap and street ministry to combat violence and spread the gospel.
“We were trying to go into different neighborhoods and different places to just feed people and show love,” Waden Jr. said. “There’s so many people shooting and killing each other out here. There's so much hatred in the world.”
Funeral arrangements are still being made. Proceeds from Sunday’s event are going towards funeral costs and to help Booth’s family.
High Point police are searching for two suspects and a burgundy SUV. If you have any information call Crime Stoppers at (336) 889-4000.


Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=178378&lang=EN#vin3Comment-829913