Stand for what’s right . Kick , this Rat and his evil limitations out of office PLEASE !!! . Memorial Day was yesterday men and women die for the freedom of this country from slavery of human being and placing limitations of rights , to limit voters . Mailing system worked amazing when the republicans were in office, now the republican are not in office it’s no longer good to use , because of your king demon . You want to implement a voting bill to limit people’s right to vote . God is waiting for you demon Abbott and your money hungers . Where are your voice , who talks about the men and women who died for our freedom . Where are your voices to shut this demon down .

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=178584&lang=EN#vin3Comment-830644

In the Parliament, there is evidence that Italy and China are going to face me, and I don’t know the truth about the file two days ago, but what I found now is true, and I was attacked by a hacker, a British GIT program website, I have also been attacked by Google.com all the time, and my phone mailbox is gone. They took all my SSL and so on. I couldn’t bear it. I followed them and stopped them for two years. What I did was all I could do, not Do hacking, please take a look at the judge of the SupremeCourt

EURLex 02013R0216201
EUR-Lex - 02013R0216-20190116 - EN - EUR-Lex https://eur-lex.europa.eu...622502593301。 這是歐盟,他們從沒有理會我申訴。
C_2020404EN.01003001.xml https://eur-lex.europa.eu...amp;amp;from=EN
這是美國議會,我找到,有人留言給我協助我,這是readme而我女友,申請了一間銀行,9年時間,留金錢給我,我相信她會這樣, 而且,安英國安國際,他昨天已被我copyright而他們,不可以再協助其他人,現在他,跟美國議會議員合謀,圖取金錢,這,他們一直合謀,全部也都一樣,我也知道,我是不是有人協助,但最少,我盡力了。
WebTrust Audits Digi
WebTrust Audits - DigiCert https://www.digicert.com/legal/webtrust-audits/
DocumentCloud https:
DocumentCloud https://www.documentcloud...a-yeomans-21455

DocumentCloud https:
DocumentCloud https://www.documentcloud...a-yeomans-21455


Public Law 108446 ht
Public Law 108-446 https://www.copyright.gov/legislation/pl108-446.html
P law

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=178584&lang=EN#vin3Comment-830646

We’re literally arguing over if we can do drive-through voting or not instead of arguing over shared parenting house bill 803 got shot down by a bunch of rich lawyers and didn’t even get a chance to be voted in the house does everyone hear me? It’s 2021 in house bill 803 got shot down by a lawmaker who also runs a law firm who also got a DWI believe it’s just ridiculous this story gets people arguing but in reality it’s over Harris County being inconsistent in allowing drive-through voting which doesn’t allow the poll workers to do their job so all I’m saying is I care about get my children half the time and y’all can do whatever you want to do at the voting polls most people don’t even show up nowadays.
For city council and representatives only 5% of Dallas county voted how do you know anything is what the people want with only 5% voting for city Council and district representatives.


Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=178584&lang=EN#vin3Comment-830643

Trump supporters, wait until the Hillary investigations, wait for the Hunter Investigation, wait until the election, wait for the courts, wait until the votes are counted, wait we will win two senate seats in Georgia, lost two times, wait for the Pence, wait for the house vote, wait Trump will make martial law, wait for the 7th, wait until the 17th protest, wait for the 21st, wait until 2/22/2021 supreme court/election Penn. they lost again, wait until March 4, never happen, Then another supreme court ruling on 03/08/2021 dismissed the Wisconsin law suite, the last court blow, Trump trying to block the release of his taxes, sorry lost that one, We are going block the Dems Stimulus bill, sorry lost that one, We are going to block the bill on gun background checks , sorry lost that one. The Military is going to take over and remove Biden, did not happen, the report came out that Russia was helping Trump win the election, the stock market will crash in Feb 2021, never happen, Reps attacking their own party on a lie, Jared Kushner's failed peace plan? Trump illegally and secretly obtained reporters phone and e-mail records. Russia hacked us and Trump said it was China? Attacking the capitol after his speech!
We are still waiting, and how many times you reps fail, call wolf, and nobody believes you! The party of failure! Bring back the real reps! Carrying Nazi and Confederate flags at Trumps rallies do not help!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=178584&lang=EN#vin3Comment-830641