Just because of black on black crime, it doesn’t justifies this nor make it any less tragic. If you go that route then no one’s life is sacred. No, this part of history wasn’t really talked about in history class. You have a lot of the older and newer generations that never heard of this. This could be educational if you let it. If you look at this with ignorance, that’s what you’re going to get out of it. As for the comments regarding Native Americans, I agree they deserve their fair share of representation in American history because if it wasn’t for them teaching the settlers how to survive off this land, America would be very different. You can’t erase history, right? You have to take the good with the bad?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=179035&lang=EN#vin3Comment-832400

Mannnnn, speaking the truth about white hatred and jealousy of black prosperity is still relevant in 2021 isn't it??? Black man does well in life and advances , perhaps even better than his white counterpart , and what , we should be quiet about it ?? Not acknowledge it??? these black ppl in Tulsa were doing great , and what, white girl yells and they burn down black businesses , burn their homes , kill them , and then cover it up!! Their needs to be some acknowledgement of what happened by those that did it and if they are all gone , then their descendants should at the very least apologize on behalf of their racist grandfather or uncle or whatever .

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=179035&lang=EN#vin3Comment-832401

Does God Value One Race Above Others?

No, he does not. The Bible clearly states: “God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him.”​—Acts 10:34, 35.

Visit JW.ORG and enjoy the many articles that clearly shows —Jehovah attaches no significance at all to a person’s skin color or facial features. Rather, He values something of far greater importance​—our figurative heart, or the person we are inside. He states: “People judge others by what they look like, but I judge people by what is in their hearts.” —1 Samuel 16:7, (Contemporary English Version) Remembering that fact can be of great encouragement to us all .

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=179035&lang=EN#vin3Comment-832403

Hard to imagine man's inhumanity to man. Why not break from the chains of unionized illiteracy for our kids, keeping the in drug & crime infested cities, made & kept so by the dems? Demeaning & profiting from their dependence.? Charter schools provide a way OUT. but the dems won't allow that. Better to race bait & stoke hatred & division. Why not enforce laws making our brethren safe not targets. The woke businesses could mentor, invest & provide jobs to the people needing the help, not the Marxist BLM funnelling the $$$ to the dems.? Wake up people. We are ALL being played as pawns for the profit of the commies.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=179035&lang=EN#vin3Comment-832405

The Republicans in Congress do not want an investigation because they were all in on the insurrection. Republicans in Congress were giving the domestic terrorists tours of the Capitol building the day before the insurrection. Voter suppression is the only way the Republican Party can win and they know it. Now the GQP party is trying to fix it where they can just flat out overturn an election they don't like. The GQP party is dangerous. The Republican party is trying to destroy democracy and unless the rest of us wake up they will be successful in making the United States an authoritarian country with no democracy left. The country's only hope is for Chuck Schumer to drop the filibuster and pass the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Bill.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=179035&lang=EN#vin3Comment-832406

Who's truth is the real truth? Seems like in today's world, instead of recounting a story from its actual beginning to its actual end, the story is rewritten at the point where it puts the narrator of the story in the best of light. Take the George Floyd-Derek Chauvin story for example. It seemed to be rewritten to start at the point Derek Chauvin and other officers were on top of George Floyd, and not from the point George Floyd caused the Cup Foods employee to call the cops on him. By leaving out the catalyst of the George Floyd-Derek Chauvin story and restarting it when George Floyd is under the knees of the police officers, then how does the reader of the story know actual truth of how George Floyd came to be under the knees of the police?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=179035&lang=EN#vin3Comment-832404

What’s odd is the historical fact that there were two engagement between the mobs and that both sides state there were deaths and it was the other side that caused them, yet facts have shown neither side is being truthful about what really happened that day. If we are to believe the story being put out by the non-white side of the event, then we have to believe the whole “black people are poor and disadvantaged in the United States” narrative since the whole “Black Wall Street is based on wealthy blacks being hunted by angry whites for having wealth. As for the other side of the story, about how the whites were upset that a young black man had assaulted (some say sexually) a young white woman in an elevator and that’s what led to the first engagement with blacks coming to prevent the whites from lunching the young man over possible false allegations. In reality, the young woman stated days later that it was an accident, the elevator had jerked and the young man nearly fell and accidentally stepped on her foot at which she screamed out (normal response) and that some white guys had heard her and started to question the young man about why she screamed out. They wasn’t accepting that it was an accident and started to get aggressive, which at that point some black men started to defend the young man and shots were fired. (One point of disagreement on both sides of who fired the first shot) which resulted in 10 whites and 2 blacks killed with others injured. The second engagement came later when local law enforcement attempted to detain the young man for the assault, that when buildings were set afire and people started fighting each other, which resulted in more deaths (which the number of the dead has been a very debated subject). The incident was classified as a race riot until a few years ago, when some started to call it a massacre (possibly to add traumatic effect to the story) and the number climbed from 40-60 deaths to hundreds. Since no real records of the event was kept, all we have to go by is personal accounts and they vary as much as freed blacks fought in the Civil War for the South (which evidence has supported, but the reasoning behind their acts is still greatly debated). People want to live in the past instead of learning from it and moving on to the future. Some are the past to justify their acts today as if something that occurred before they were born has any real burden on what they are doing today. As a Native American descendant, I could walk around stating I am owed something for how many ancestors were treated by not only the white settlers, but by the hispanic settlers and the run away slaves. Let’s not forget many “slaves” were only slaves to their masters due to social norms of that time, since many freed blacks were just rounded up and put back in slave farms due to slave owners would falsify ownership documents to claim that the freed black was actually his slave. Many people feel the black community has moved from being physically enslaved and forced to work the fields to being mentally enslaved and dependent on society. “the best way to control the masses is to have the masses depend on you to give them what they need and to have them fight each other for the basics to have anything of value.” - a Conservative Tennessee Democrat lawmaker in 1885.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=179035&lang=EN#vin3Comment-832402