I'm Yuanyang. A census released by the Chinese government in mid-May highlighted the slowdown in population growth. The total fertility rate, which indicates the number of children a woman gives birth to in her lifetime, is one of the lowest in the world. The number of births in 2020 fell to the same level as in the early 1960s, when China's Great Leap Forward caused many starvation deaths. As expected, it seems that these numbers could not be ignored, and at the end of May, the Chinese Communist Party announced a policy to further relax the birth control that had been in place for about 40 years and allow the birth of a third child. There were a series of ironic comments on the Chinese internet. A second childbirth was allowed in China a few years ago, but not only experts but also the People's Bank of China (Central Bank) have called for the removal of birth control. However, the Chinese government does not try to discontinue the planned childbirth policy. If the Chinese government accepts the wrong policy, it will admit that the most hated Chinese Communist Party policy since the Mao Zedong era was not only harmful to the country, but also meaningless. .. China's one-child policy was formulated in the late 1970s and was promoted by military weapons researchers who escaped exclusion during the Cultural Revolution. Planned childbirth policies have left scars on the body and mind of the people, including countless forced abortions and the act of abandoning girls in the hope that a boy will be born next. However, the Chinese Communist Party has no intention of looking back. China's past birth control has fined and forced sterilization. That's why a completely different way is needed to encourage childbirth. Health and population policies give people confidence and hurt their bodies and minds. The first thing I noticed was while studying abroad at Peking University. I was discussing sexual health with a graduate student studying social welfare, and I said that in the UK you can get free contraceptives under the national health system. Then everyone was surprised and silent. When I was flipping through the dictionary asking if I used the wrong Chinese, one of the other people finally asked, "Is it your voluntary choice?" For Chinese women, contraceptives were small metal weapons that were used against their will. Chinese scientists did not consider social uncertainties when planning the future of the population in the 1970s. Boys were favored under the values of China's patriarchy, and the decline in births accelerated. Currently, there are 17 million more men aged 20-40 in China than women. China's population growth would probably have slowed, even without birth control, as more people migrated to urban areas and women's education levels increased. The male-dominated Chinese leadership will now have to face highly educated and ambitious women who were born after the 1980s and grew up with all their money and love. Population policy often has unintended consequences. An English university expert who surveyed women born in the 1980s in China said they were reluctant to give birth to a second child even after the introduction of the two-child policy. Even if the one-child policy is relaxed, it seems that the reality that only women are burdened with childcare has hardly changed. Today's Chinese women continue to suffer from a number of scandals, such as powdered milk contaminated with toxic substances and vaccines for children who do not meet the standards, and I think there are many concerns. The local government of China is offering various handmade support measures. Now is the time to take the most drastic step of building public services that parents of children can trust. (Nihonkeizai Newspaper, Financial Times, 2021/6/2, Deputy Director of Beijing Bureau = Yuanyang)
我是Yuanyang。中國政府 5 月中旬發布的人口普查顯示,人口增長放緩。總和生育率是世界上最低的國家之一,它表明婦女一生中生育的孩子數量。 2020 年的出生人數下降到 1960 年代初的水平,當時中國的大躍進造成了許多飢餓死亡。不出所料,這些數字似乎不容忽視,5月底,中共宣布進一步放寬實施了約40年的計劃生育政策,允許第三個孩子出生。 .中國互聯網上出現了一系列具有諷刺意味的評論。幾年前,中國允許二胎,但不僅是專家,中國人民銀行(中央銀行)也呼籲取消計劃生育。然而,中國政府並沒有試圖終止計劃生育政策。如果中國政府接受錯誤的政策,它就會承認,自毛澤東時代以來最痛恨中國共產黨的政策,不僅有害於國家,而且毫無意義……中國的獨生子女政策是在 1970 年代後期制定的,由在文革期間逃脫排斥的軍事武器研究人員推動。計劃生育政策給人們的身心留下了傷痕,包括無數的強制墮胎和遺棄女孩希望下一個男孩出生的行為。然而,中國共產黨無意回頭。中國過去的節育措施是罰款和強制絕育。這就是為什麼需要一種完全不同的方式來鼓勵分娩。衛生和人口政策給人們信心,傷害了他們的身心。我注意到的第一件事是在北京大學留學期間。我正在和一個研究社會福利的研究生討論性健康,我說在英國你可以在國家衛生系統下免費獲得避孕藥具。隨後眾人又是驚訝又是沉默。當我翻著字典問我是不是用錯了中文時,最後一個人問:“這是你自願的選擇嗎?”對於中國女性來說,避孕藥是違背她們意願使用的小型金屬武器。中國科學家在 1970 年代規劃人口未來時沒有考慮社會不確定性。男孩在中國父權制的價值觀下受到青睞,出生率下降加速。目前,中國20-40歲的男性比女性多1700萬。即使沒有計劃生育,中國的人口增長也可能會放緩,因為越來越多的人遷移到城市地區和婦女的教育水平提高。以男性為主導的中國領導層現在將不得不面對出生於 1980 年代之後、在金錢和愛情中長大的受過高等教育和雄心勃勃的女性。人口政策往往會產生意想不到的後果。一位對1980年代出生的中國女性進行調查的英國大學專家表示,即使在實行二孩政策後,她們也不願意生二胎。即使放寬獨生子女政策,只有女性承擔育兒負擔的現實似乎幾乎沒有改變。今天的中國女性不斷受到一些醜聞的困擾,比如奶粉被有毒物質污染,兒童疫苗不符合標準,我認為有很多擔憂。中國地方政府正在提供各種手工支持措施。現在是採取最激烈的步驟來建立孩子父母可以信任的公共服務的時候了。 (Nihonkeizai新聞,金融時報,2021/6/2,北京局副局長=Yuanyang)

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=179846&lang=EN#vin3Comment-835153

Does any of this sound like anything Trump would ever do or even comprehend???

June 6, 2021 (Sunday)

Saturday evening, just in time for the anniversary of D-Day today, President Joe Biden published an op-ed in the Washington Post explaining that his upcoming trip to Europe is part of a larger defense of democracy.

This week, Biden will be meeting with the Group of Seven—also known as the G7—an informal organization of wealthy democracies including Canada, Japan, Italy, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the U.S. He will meet with leaders of the European Union and with allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), a 30-nation military alliance begun in 1949 "to safeguard the freedom, common heritage and civilization of the peoples, founded on the principles of democracy, individual liberty and the rule of law."

“In this moment of global uncertainty, as the world still grapples with a once-in-a-century pandemic,” Biden wrote, “this trip is about realizing America’s renewed commitment to our allies and partners, and demonstrating the capacity of democracies to both meet the challenges and deter the threats of this new age.”

Identifying the need for unified effort to end the coronavirus pandemic and to push back against the governments of China and Russia, Biden called for America once again to lead the world from a position of strength. He pointed to America’s rebounding economy, thanks to the vaccine distribution program and the American Rescue Plan, as an indication that the U.S. is recovering, and noted that “we will be stronger and more capable when we are flanked by nations that share our values and our vision for the future—by other democracies.”

Biden called attention to the fact that Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen pulled off a major deal on Saturday when she led the G7 finance ministers to reverse forty years of corporate tax cuts and agree to a global minimum tax of at least 15% on multinational corporations. After the deal, Spain, which is not part of the G7, endorsed the plan. Negotiators hope to expand the deal to the G20—twenty countries whose economies make up around 80% of world trade—this fall.

This agreement is a huge deal. If accepted, it would stop countries from trying to attract multinational businesses by cutting taxes on them, a so-called “race to the bottom” that reduces the amount of tax money available for public investment while pumping money into the largest multinational corporations. In 1980, the average global corporate tax rate was about 40%. By 2020, it was about 23%. By 2017, multinational firms had about $700 billion stashed in tax havens.

Yellen’s plan would help pay for Biden’s domestic agenda by making a domestic tax increase on corporations more acceptable to Republicans. Trump’s 2017 tax cut, passed by a strict partisan vote, slashed domestic corporate taxes from 35 to 21 percent. Trump promised that the cuts would help everyone by supercharging the economy and would pay for themselves. But in fact, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center, 60% of the benefits of the tax cuts went to those in the top 20% of the economy, and corporate tax revenues fell 31% in the first year after congress passed the tax cut. In that year—which was before the coronavirus pandemic—our deficit exploded to $984 billion, unheard of in a time without a recession or a war. The cuts did not produce economic growth, either: the economy grew at 2.9%, the same as it did in 2015.

Biden wants to take the domestic corporate tax rate back to 28%, hoping to raise $3 billion to pay for infrastructure and education. This plan is popular with 65% of registered voters, while only 21% oppose it, but it faces huge headwinds among Republican lawmakers, who have said that higher domestic corporate taxes would simply send businesses overseas. An international tax floor helps to defang that fear. In addition, some U.S. companies are willing to exchange slightly higher taxes for certainty in international tax rules.

Countries have talked about international cooperation on taxes for many years, and Yellen’s fast victory in finding common ground has economic experts calling it “impressive,” although much more work will be necessary to get the plan accepted by national governments both overseas and at home. International treaties require a two-thirds majority in the Senate to pass, and Republicans, who have vowed to oppose any tax increases, are unlikely to approve.

Nonetheless, Biden is continuing to press forward. His op-ed makes the case for clean energy and infrastructure investment to enable democracies both to compete with China and to protect their people against unforeseen threats. He plans to reiterate U.S. support for our allies “who see the world through the same lens as the United States” before he meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva.

Biden’s administration has broken the recent U.S. policy of seeing Russia as a monolith. He has pressured Putin over human rights, election interference, and cybersecurity, but has indicated he is willing to work with him on arms control and international stability. He promises to stand firm on the issue of human rights as a defining feature of his foreign policy.

Biden recognizes that we are at a defining moment in world history. In his op-ed, he asks: “Can democracies come together to deliver real results for our people in a rapidly changing world? Will the democratic alliances and institutions that shaped so much of the last century prove their capacity against modern-day threats and adversaries?”

Autocratic leaders, including Chinese President Xi Jinping and Putin, have said that democracy is obsolete and autocracy is the form of government that will dominate the future. Biden is dedicating his presidency to the defense of democracy. Can democracy stand firm in the modern day?

Says Biden: “I believe the answer is yes. And this week in Europe, we have the chance to prove it.” -Heather Cox Richardson

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=179846&lang=EN#vin3Comment-835150

I can't believed that with just a phone call I made to Dr Spencer , he got my ex back to me within 24hrs interval. I had read some stuff about Dr Spencer , before I called him but I didn't know that all those stuff were so accurate until I got my ex back, after getting my ex back I taught it wise to share my testimony with everyone on this website that Dr Spencer is a real and powerful spell caster that rebuild a broken relationship or marriage with love spell. Do feel free to contact him on email: (Drspencerherbalhome@gmail.com/ WhatsApp +77759141940

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=179846&lang=EN#vin3Comment-835157

The GOP superspreaders of Trump’s contagion. He Lies. A Lot.

Former president Donald Trump speaks at the North Carolina Republican Convention in Greenville, N.C., on Saturday.

Donald Trump took his campaign against American democracy to North Carolina on Saturday and offered a rambling, grievance-laden harangue that ought to catalyze Republican leaders to repudiate a man whose lies, bigotry and irrationality are turning their party into a moral sinkhole.

Fat chance, I know. But Republicans should watch Trump’s 90-minute diatribe in its entirety. They might realize that tying their fate to a washed-up demagogue and the extremists he cultivates is not only an affront to decency. It could also be a colossal political mistake.


Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=179846&lang=EN#vin3Comment-835151

Rock Bottom is you Liberal MORON’S finally realizing that its All your Fault that you got some BrainDead Babbling Perverted Senile Old IDIOT who can’t pronounce simple words or complete a coherent sentence in charge of your Miserable Life, while living in your Lawless Democratic Run Cesspool Cities...HIGHER Taxes, HIGHER Fuel cost, HIGHER Food cost, HIGHER Building materials cost, Massive INFLATION, Economy Crashing, Wide Open Overrun Boarder, TWICE the Murder Rate in All Democratic Run Cities, 800% Rise in MURDER RATE in Portland Alone...!
Keep up the Good Work, it’ll be because of YOU LIBERAL MORON’S That PRESIDENT TRUMP WILL BE RE-ELECTED IN 2024.
Thank you from all of us REAL AMERICANS...!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=179846&lang=EN#vin3Comment-835162

Kary Mullis wasn’t the only expert who despised Fauci for his crimes against humanity that have long been ignored by the mainstream globalist puppets.

As the head of NIH, Fauci was responsible for the death of thousands of innocents by fast tracking a dangerous HIV drug in the late 80s (that was shelved 10 years prior as a chemo drug because of its extreme toxicity).

He pushed for the FDA fast tracked approval, overriding professional objections, he blocked other drug trials from occurring and ignored experts proposing safer meds like Bactrim. He stood in front of the public and swore that it was the best bet, even if those 1.4 million HIV positive people had NO symptoms. AZT would save their lives.

He also used the PCR test back then to generate false positives so he could profit from AZT. (if you crank up the amplification cycles of the PCR test it picks up too much background noise, such as dead RNA and other strains of coronavirus, thus registering a positive..)


Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=179846&lang=EN#vin3Comment-835154

You can’t be talking about Trump because he’s the best You must be talking about the idiot in office handling money out to any one any country and then when he’s speaking he has no clue about what he’s talking about or he forgets can’t finish nor dose it have anything to do with trying. To salvage what he’s done in office so far (which is nothing but destroy and undo orders that were working and good and letting China no he’s not the president and Russia and other foreign countries) Biden is an idiot nobody would of miss karma if the plan never made it

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=179846&lang=EN#vin3Comment-835155

The desperate resistance to proper forensic audits in those corrupt counties is enough to set off the alarm bells and no one is surprised by the fraud that is being uncovered.
If you just consider the result, nothing makes sense and the hundreds of witnesses and experts who testified at the State hearings are not lying.
The Democrats ran a dirty election where they could and are guilty of massive coordinated election Fraud while the disgraceful media is complicit in trying to propagate the lie and discredit every attempt to ensure the election was "the most secure in US history" (how dumb do you have to be?) You wait and see, if you still need. Most common sense folk already know what went on and the corruption will soon be undeniable.
I'm not a Republican. I am just a keen observer of what I consider the biggest crime in US history and I hope for USA sake the guilty are punished for their crimes.
When Biden lost 18/19 of the Bellweather Counties, didn't you stop and think - gee, that's a crazy anomoly. Or how Biden magically got the most votes in history while winning the least Counties in History? I mean, all these facts surely make you wonder what went on after 11pm Nov 3rd.
It doesn't take a genius to see the truth, just an honest person.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=179846&lang=EN#vin3Comment-835163

this organization have polices in these city's and they are trying to kill or get black men to kill as many black American men as possible {key word Black American males}

{this group is pro drugs and illegal immigration where it seem to be positioning the new world order}
1. employment and 2. police, these have been and are the only two system in america since slavery

they need Black American's and White American's at odd with each other, so they can work the illegal immigrants in place in America,

black american got it wrong, the people that is attacking us is this {YALE UNIVERSITY SKULL AND BONES MEN} this group only talk or tell the news system what to say and what to show and now to show it, they have allow us to see George Herbert Walker {Bush}, and John {Forbes} Kerry two of the skull and bones men the others we can't see..

the people on the Local Government with you that we can see like the POLICE, AD, and other local systematic people are not protected, but they are trying to keep them hidden after the murder of that black person, Black men Put become the police in these city's and stand in front of these white kkk klans men,

this group that is running JOE BIDEN just like they ran OBAMA, they have been and are running our JUDICIAL SYSTEM, they have people in these systems to put a person like Bill Cosby in prison and R- Kelly in jail for now,

they have started to attacks TRUMP in the JUDICIAL SYSTEM from the news system...

everything these people are doing is for free slave labor in third world countries, and organize Mexico and south america into the United state of America,

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=179846&lang=EN#vin3Comment-835156