He’s a story teller … it’s a good story, polished over time like a rock in a tumbler until it’s a perfectly smooth shiny object. It’s meant to teach something in a memorable way while being pleasurable to listen to … Biden is Irish, after all. It has nothing to do with national security and it poses no threat to anyone or anything. It’s not a lie or evidence of dementia. It’s a story! He’s doing what every good storyteller does. Do you seriously think they all don’t conflate parts of one event with another to make a more entertaining, more memorable story? Story is used to teach and story is how we best remember things. Read Romantic Imagination by Kieran Egan for the basics. So what does this particular story teach? That Americans could migrate to a well-run train system for a more enjoyable and more environmentally friendly way to travel than air travel has become. That Biden genuinely values working people and has mutual friendships with them. That Biden was dedicated to his kids. He gives pleasure in this story to others, to the Amtrak community which could use the support, and to himself in calling up the name of his dead friend. There is harm in this? I directed a storytelling workshop and my dad was also a great and natural storyteller like Biden, so I’m speaking from experience. Another great storyteller? Jesus, through his parables. Maybe there was a Samaritan or maybe there wasn’t, but He taught us about compassion and not to judge others based on their ethnicity through that story.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=184844&lang=EN#vin3Comment-851859

Let's face it, one small mistake or even a lie at this point is a breath of fresh air compared to the former guy's record per day. No comparison. I really don't have a problem with his getting dates or names wrong. I really don't care if the whole story he's telling is a lie because it still doesn't come close to the number his predecessor told. I really couldn't care less if he strolled the lawn in his bathrobe or so many other things on a list things he could do, he still wouldn't be the nut that Trump is. This isn't the WWF so we need a real politician in office to restore America.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=184844&lang=EN#vin3Comment-851860

Is this CNNs version of keeping the President honest?
How about asking why the President has to be handled and the press is hurried away from the President?

How about talking about the false narratives that actually mean something to the people?

Nobody cares about his little stories..
Washington had them, Clinton had them, Obama had them, Biden has certainly had some whoppers in his several decades of public service and many included plagiarizing speeches and lying about the attack on Americans when the White House failed to act…

Nobody cares if he lied about logging more miles on a train than on planes…

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=184844&lang=EN#vin3Comment-851863

Ok, so now the lover of Biden, mainstream CNN is telling us how Biden misspoke/lied about an incident that happened between him and a Amtrak employee.

Let’s see, embellishment and lies? Which are more destructive? Neither particularly good.

To lie: used with reference to a situation involving deception or founded on a mistaken impression.

Such as: we have Covid completely under control. No worries.

Embellishment: a detail, especially one that is not true, added to a statement or story to make it more interesting or entertaining.

A great guy who related to me, about an incident years ago.

There is a difference.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=184844&lang=EN#vin3Comment-851858

CNN (and all left wing liberal media tv outlets) are experiencing their worst ratings EVER in key demographics this in 2021. Polls show that the average viewer believes CNN and MSNBC lack credibility and their reporting is too one sided. Especially in CNN's lack of any kind of criticism or challenge of the Biden Administration.

These arent right wing fox news viewers. These are people who used to watch CNN. And they've stopped. Which shows people are sick of activist and biased preaching and want actual unbiased journalism and reporting.

CNN realizes this but can't bear to shed itself of its evangelical obsession with anti-Trumpsim and therefore cannot draw any-even well deserved-negative attention to Biden.

So instead of taking on real issues like the continued decline of employment and family structure in the black community, the border crisis, the financial collapse of thousands of small business who struggle to find workers, even at wages far above the $15 minimum wage progressives sought just a year ago, while the federal government continues to pay people to remain enemployed, they try to make it look like "see! Look at us! We fairly criticize and challenge Biden!" They do a 3000 word essay on an jovial, beloved, ole' fella who has "misremembered" and conflated a harmless story about frequent traveler miles.

That's their stand for honest journalism and reporting with integrity. . .

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=184844&lang=EN#vin3Comment-851861