We live in Singapore. My daughter has been wearing a mask to a preschool for a year or so, since she was 2. All kids here have to wear masks for preschool. And she is ill more often. So I know in practice young toddlers can’t wear a mask safely. They shouldn’t touch the masks, otherwise all bacteria from their hands (and they have a lot of bacterial, I am not speaking about Covid), they get from hands to a mask and grow very fast in a wet and warm environment of a mask.

So for toddlers it’s more harm than potential benefit

Still we can’t change it here

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=188308&lang=EN#vin3Comment-862155

Fauci is just another govt bureaucrat with a PhD, paid to push the government’s message out to the peasants thru MSM. It blows my mind that people don’t question theses politicians that they voted for, or the news outlets they watch. That’s far more dangerous than any virus. What if Covid never mutated and they just made that up to scare more of us into taking an experimental vaccine? None of you on these comments can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that a mutation even exists, all you did was read about it online, or heard it on TV, The medical field, thanks to big Pharma, has been perverted by greed, but most of ya’ll think the “experts” and “scientists” and “doctors” are all just here to help us, like it used to be. It’s not that way anymore, it’s all about the money.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=188308&lang=EN#vin3Comment-862169

When you know the words that came out of a person’s mouth are lies and the network he is always on let’s him put out lies, when the government lies about the vaccine, either not telling the truth about the side effects or not telling the truth about how less than 90% protection. I mean the list can go on and on and on. Example of that, Bill Gates is involve and everyone knows him and his soon to be ex wife head that population control group, and something could be added to this vaccine and a person would never know. Or how about it’s free, you have all these other drugs and vaccines that could be and should be free, yet, not only is this one free, they are pushing it with even more incentives. That there alone should pump the brakes for any common sense person. Enough said on this issue.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=188308&lang=EN#vin3Comment-862159

He supports child abuse.
Why does he still have a platform.
Why isn’t he in jail.

This virus only exists because of him.
Anyone that isn’t conscious or knowledgeable enough to understand that simple fact, fine. But… How are you OK with him lying so much?
Feel free to laugh at this as a way of raising your hand to say “hey, I don’t have the intellectual capacity to grasp what you are saying and I can’t even consider facing my cognitive dissonance and learning anything about objective reality. I only believe what I was programmed to believe so I will just laugh”

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=188308&lang=EN#vin3Comment-862175

Did you notice the bunch that put laughs on Dr. Fauci's statements ? They are so ignorant that even their donald looks smart in comparison . I mention the former CHIEF LIAR because he was the one that tried to besmirch the good Doctors legacy and we all know that the biggest , stupidest liar bully to ever occupy the WH was that piece of business and it's trying for a comeback just like Hitler and remember Hitler was in after a few years . Don't be too late smart . Donald and the thugs who committed insurrection or all the people who have studied and put their time in service to the people in the scieces , Health fields as well as the present elected political officials

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=188308&lang=EN#vin3Comment-862171

Hey Mr. Viral fraud, in case you haven't heard, the AVERAGE Covid death age is 78 of sickly people. The average longevity of males is..........78. All this youngster masking, distancing, VACCINATING is power hungry, control freak nonsense. Millions are very uncomfortable with the new radical left Democrats campaign to push the experimental vaccines that has not even been FDA approved. Especially when we were discouraged from using the PROVEN, VERY EFFECTIVE drugs HCL and Ivermectin. Doctors were getting very sickCovid patients out of the hospital with inexpensive Ivermectin. No, we had to wait for the $55./a shot "vaccines". Millions of early deaths could have been prevented.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=188308&lang=EN#vin3Comment-862162

If the vaccine is that good...I now is good and everybody should take it!!!... Why doesn't the FDA approve it and if the producer won't take responsibility for it let the government take it. Why not take the responsibility for this great product that saves lives? It will send a great message to the population and many more that are just mislead will take the jab. But wait there is more other governments will take the example and more people all over the world will be saved. Take the responsibility and save lives...I think is better than take a jab and save a life.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=188308&lang=EN#vin3Comment-862167

what the USA double crossing (freedom hating) Dr. Fauci ain't telling his audience about the Fauciflu, is that the covID-19 variant 'D" is a direct result of the mRNA injections (by definition, it is NOT a vaccine) given to folk ... the developing protein spikes in the body get can easily be contracted by others who have either been, or NOT, injected with the mRNA injections ... the planned booster shots will only create a newer strain that keep the pharmaceutical game of musical arm jabs going for many many years ... the best remedy against covID-19 is to have actually contracted it and to never the an injection for it ... that is the only way to stop this Plandemic from continuing for ever ...

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=188308&lang=EN#vin3Comment-862153

His speach is bulshit n his being paid very well just to make this statement n support it because talking about USA safe degree why didn't they made this degree for guns as history has it till today the shoot out at schools n malls haven't stoped .
Over here my point is not only this virus is problems but guns too n USA is supporting guns in Israel n poor people there are suffering till today .
Where was the degree when biden was touching young girls that was posted by CNN.
Its called proper planning i have the solutions to this but no one is taking it seriously..
Over here history again has it most people who gave solutions were never heard of but later they remembered it for example the building that collapsed in miami beach people n depts were warned of defacts but it was delayed n we lost our loved ones more than 100 lives was wasted here .
My all info is correct

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=188308&lang=EN#vin3Comment-862156

Those people who are unvaccinated must get their first shoot because it's very important to their health or they have to die Company what produce the vaccines is American let me tell u something other people who are not Americans are dying of corona virus because they don't have vaccines what they do they adapt their organism,their digestive system to the flue u call cov19 but I don't understand why some American people refuse to get their shoot please my lovely people get your shoots as soon as possible I m so faraway I m doing what I can to save your lives American people u have to stand up for health what ever u do,u do it for yourself not for anybody

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=188308&lang=EN#vin3Comment-862164