over 90% of the world is not vaccinated, even if your place would be 100% vaccinated the protection only last 3-6 month then all the vaccinated can get sick again since the virus does not stop at borders its just a short term temporary protection. Further more variations show up able to render the already vaccinated sick again. Stop acting as if a vaccine makes you immune, that is absolutely not the case and as long the overwhelming majority of the world keep "breeding" new variations all the excising vaccines will be eventually useless and everything starts all over again. WHO already announced they gave up on the war against covid there is no win and people might have to get used to 1-2 vaccines every year with unknown long term consequences and continuously recordings of death. As it is often compared with a flue vaccine just to remind that flue vaccines have only around 40% efficiency against the known variations and zero against new ones. I got a flue vaccine every year for 15 years and I got the flue every single year regardless. Go and get your covid vaccine but remember it last only 3-6 month and then you need a booster over and over until a nasty variation might get you anyway, so continue to be careful in exactly the same way as if not vaccinated.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=203645&lang=EN#vin3Comment-915004

Stats are always a tricky thing and are often used to support one's point of view; this article is no different. While it is factually correct by percentages that the listed states have less than 50% of their population vaccinated, the actual numbers in many cases tell a different story. For example, Arizona didn't make the list because it's percentage is over 50% but Georgia, at 47% fully vaccinated, did make the list. Yet, also factually verifiable, Georgia has around 1.2 million MORE people vaccinated than does Arizona!

I am not going to waste my time doing an analysis on all of the states right now. My point is, before you really judge people based on high-level info, be sure to critically assess what you read. Many of those states that you ridicule and judge based on your political bias are working just as hard as the political alignments you favor.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=203645&lang=EN#vin3Comment-915007

Tell us again how Biden/harris and Dems care about Americans and this vaccine when most illegals crossing are not vaccinated. Then dispersed throughout the country. Accounts of hundreds of Covid positives. Tell us how they care when Psaki tells us it’s just fine cause they aren’t staying here yet those traveling legally into country have to have vaccines. Tell us how they care when we don’t know where the migrants are. Then tell us CNN how that’s just not true. Tell us all again we must get vaccines yet if you cross the border illegally you are just fine. Tell us also how Haitians got here across an ocean unnoticed. Tell us also how Biden/harris visited the border.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=203645&lang=EN#vin3Comment-915009

People complaining about Congress being exempt from a vaccine mandate fail to understand how the process works-
To begin with, Biden’s vaccine requirements were issued in the form of an executive order. Congress is the legislative branch, and thus, is not subject to an "Executive" order.
So, the vaccine mandate for federal employees in the executive branch' or even the mandate for employers with 100+ employees--was set by Biden, but he has no authority to issue a mandate on employees or members of the legislative branch; and, further, some major employers are already mandating that their employees be vaccinated irrespective of any actions (or non-actions) by either Congress or the President.
And, where Congress members have attempted to impose a mandate upon themselves, they are stymied by the standing rule relating to the authority of the House and Senate physician. In any case, over 75% of Congress members are known to be vaccinated which is well above the current u.s. national percentage of those eligible to be vaccinated.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=203645&lang=EN#vin3Comment-915001

when there is the sun, people stop dying and cases goes down, immediately winter comes, cases rises, what we know, heat denature the states of virus proteins components, vitamins D help to fight diseases, increase white bood cells, boost t cell memories, reduces risks of cancers, allows calcium assimilated into right body cells, organs and bone tissues..... keep your selves warm, eat warm food, if possible hot water and milk, with ginger, garlic.... avoid 5 G network, frequency of between 30-300 Ghz, thats dangerous for the blood cell and delicate brain cells, the symptoms; tiredness, dizziness, headache, skin burns look redish rashes, click or pop sounds, may loss your sense of hearing, being sensitive to your phone, pc, and network towers...... solutions; spend less time on your devices, don't sleep near pc or phones or within same room the emits these non ionizing radiations, ground your body, the earth has heartbeat of abouts frequency of 7-14 hz, that can natural neutralise your body states within 30min just by exposing your body on the ground, sunbath, eat green vegetables, chlorophyll is essential for optimal performance of enzymes.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=203645&lang=EN#vin3Comment-915010

I'm vaccinated and, no, I don't know what's in it - neither this vaccine, the ones I had as a child, nor in the Big Mac, or in hot dogs, or in other treatments…whether it's for cancer, AIDS, the one for polyarthritis, or vaccines for infants or children. I trust my God, unequivocally, in all times and situations.
I also don't know what's in Ibuprofen, Tylenol, or other meds, it just cures my headaches & my pains ...
I don't know what's in the ink for tattoos, vaping, or every ingredient in my soap or shampoo or even deodorants. I don’t know the long term effect of cell phone use or whether or not that restaurant I just ate at REALLY used clean foods and washed their hands.
In short ...
There's a lot of things I don't know and never will…
I just know one thing: life is short, very short, and I still want to do something other than just going to work every day or staying locked in my home. I still want to travel and hug people without fear and find a little feeling of life "before".
As a child and as an adult I've been vaccinated for mumps, measles, rubella, polio, chicken pox, and quite a few others; my parents and I trusted the science and never had to suffer through or transmit any of said diseases ... just saying.
You are not vaccinated, I RESPECT your choice,
I am vaccinated, RESPECT my choice ...
I'm vaccinated, not to please the government but:
* To not die from Covid-19.
* To NOT clutter a hospital bed if I get sick.
* To hug my loved ones
* To Not have to do PCR or antigenic tests to go out dancing, go to a restaurant, go on holidays and many more things to come ...
* To live my life.
* To have my kids go back to school and play sports.
* For Covid-19 to be an old memory.
* To protect us.
Text copied, you can too.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=203645&lang=EN#vin3Comment-915003

COVID vaccine is NOT a vaccine, it is rather a flu shot.

Under the definition of international medical and scientific journal, vaccine will protect you from getting sick, it prevents you from passing the virus to others, and stops the spread of virus. That is how you control the virus. Like polio, chicken pox, measles, diphtheria, etc..

The COVID shot is like a flu shot. It does not protect you, just like a flu shot you can still get sick, and just like a flu shot you can still pass the virus to others. So, how is this a vaccine??

All medications have side effects, including your over the counter cough medications or heart and cholesterol medications. Look at the TV commercials about any medications. They list series of side effects. How come they don't want us to know anything about COVID shots its side effects? In fact, no one is talking about it. Why not?

Wake up people!!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=203645&lang=EN#vin3Comment-915006

traduccion: DISTRIBUIR A TODOS los que no quieran ser "vacunados". Todas las vacunas ya no estarán justificadas a partir del 20.10.2021: información verificada. La Unión Europea ha aprobado (https://ec.europa.eu/comm.../fr/ip_21_3299) 5 terapias que estarán disponibles en todos los hospitales de los Estados miembros para el tratamiento de Covid. Estas terapias han sido aprobadas por decreto del Consejo Europeo (Parlamento Europeo) y estarán en vigor a partir del 1/10, por lo que se irán distribuyendo poco a poco en torno al 20/10. Las vacunas fueron aprobadas con “base experimental temporal”. Pero dado que el decreto obligará a prescribir estos 5 nuevos fármacos, cesará el uso de la vacuna. Entonces entendemos por qué todos los estados dijeron "entre septiembre es necesario que ...". Ellos ya lo sabían todo. Tienes que tener paciencia. No aceptes ningún chantaje. Se paciente. Ahora que se ha vuelto a aprobar la ivermectina, no es necesaria una vacuna. Una gran noticia. El Instituto Pasteur reconoce la eficacia de la ivermectina. Una ingesta podría erradicar todo el material genético covid-19 del SARS en algunas personas. Lee y comparte bien.

La buena noticia: los investigadores del Instituto Pasteur de Francia reconocen científicamente a la ivermectina como un fármaco eficaz en la profilaxis y el tratamiento de Covid-19. Los resultados de sus estudios se publicaron en la revista EMBO Molecular Medicine el 12 de julio de 2021, es decir, recientemente. El análisis de los resultados de otras investigaciones publicadas en el American Journal of Therapeutics insta enérgicamente, con evidencia de apoyo, a unir las pautas de las agencias de salud e incluir la ivermectina como estándar de atención. El gobierno de Macron lo sabía ...

Sea bueno y no dude en animar a las personas que no quieren vacunarse

Sobre la vacuna. No sé si lees francés, pero a partir del 20 de octubre, el pase Covid y la vacunación serán abolidos en toda la UE. Un decreto de la Comisión Europea pone a disposición cinco medicamentos efectivos y se dice que las vacunas fueron "experimentales y provisionales".




Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=203645&lang=EN#vin3Comment-915008