The story seems a bit fluid. The teens stole the truck at gun point we all seem to agree on. But, other reports are that woman called 911 an and activated the tracking mechanism so the police could find the vehicle and she was obviously upset, but relatively unharmed when the first officer showed up. The thieves were had let with the vehicle and the officer called for backup. The responding officer lost control 'for some reason' on the way to the scene of the crime, went up on the sidewalk and hit pedestrian. Was the officer speeding or maybe driving distracted? We may never know as their spin control people are already looking at how to soften the appearance of negligence. We'll start with the officers involved being distraught and working our way up from there.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=220533&lang=EN#vin3Comment-964171

People are always blaming people for crap crap happens I feel bad for the cop you think they want this to happen no they're out there to save lives on the line to protect us from some dildos like the robbers s*** I was driving tonight and I pay attention and just as I'm about to take off at an intercession there's some jogger in the dark I see them but almost didn't cuz he approached fast cuz he was running do I think they need to drive fast after somebody no because technology should track their but down I hate pigs and when I say that there's one in every group of anybody pray the poor lives lost in this crap that shouldn't have happened because of the dildos can fly high sorry that you miss your family cuz they were taking away too soon I hope I can smoke a bowl just f*** I don't know what to do to leave the whole world that too soon

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=220533&lang=EN#vin3Comment-964172

Seriously, I think we (someone) need to start looking at ineptitude and poor training of officers. Too many people have lost their lives because officers have made fatal mistakes, using a gun instead of a taser, not knowing how to handle a vehicle in a high speed chase (which I don't understand to begin with) "somehow THEY lost control of their car, there was only one driver not they drivers, all shooting at one time instead of one et al. Yes there are some sleezy cops but I think there are more poorly trained cops than sleezy cops. It's almost an epidemic.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=220533&lang=EN#vin3Comment-964170