This Vet in me says words don't hurt and I am not offended.

Actions are what hurt or lack of actions.

Trump made our country strong.

Biden has made our country weak.

Actions like the Biden pullout of Afghanistan was a disgrace all together.

No actions by Biden regarding Taliban, Iran, Russia, North Korea and let's not forget China.

Biden & his administration has made our country weak.

At least Trump did not have any major wars with any country during his 4 years in office.

This Vet says think about this because these Countries were not going to mess around with a strong leader in Trump.

I felt safe & strong under Trump.

I feel threatened & weak under Biden.

I say to everyone,

Words do not hurt me, but actions or lack of actions will harm me.

I am proud to be an American!!!


Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=220741&lang=EN#vin3Comment-964788

Donbass is 70% ethnic Russian, and Russia has vowed to protect them. There is a simple solution. Tell Kiev to abide by the Minsk agreement and quit attacking the people of Donbass. These American sanction threats are a bluff, because the US is making them on the false assumption the EU will go along with them. The EU won't because they do almost $200 billion in annual trade with Russia, they get all their gas and food from Russia. Sanctions will hurt the EU a lot more than Russia, likely destoy the economy of Germany. Russia does almost $60 billion in annual trade with China outside swift, so the EU needs Russia a lot more than Russia needs them.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=220741&lang=EN#vin3Comment-964786

Get ready for Democrats to act like Biden didn’t hand Crimea to Russia 7 years ago, and a pipeline being protested by all of NATO.
And that Hillary Clinton didn’t eat up the Steele Dossier and pass it off as real when its been confirmed as a hoax and a bought and paid for lie by her campaign. Ignore the Russians buying up Hunter Biden’s art at prices more expensive than Picasso’s. Ignore Hillary and Nancy and Hunter’s connections to Uranium One and selling American and Ukrainian energy and nuclear assets to Russians and Germans. Ignore John McCain doing the same thing.
(And you wonder why the dem elites love him. Go look at how much he sold out).

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=220741&lang=EN#vin3Comment-964789

From RT. "In a “frank and businesslike” conversation Russian President Vladimir Putin asked his US counterpart Joe Biden for guarantees that NATO won’t expand further east or deploy offensive weapons to countries like Ukraine.
Moscow is “seriously interested” in obtaining “reliable and firm legal guarantees” excluding NATO’s further expansion eastward and deployment of “offensive strike weapons systems in countries adjacent to Russia,” the Kremlin said in a readout of Tuesday’s call between the two leaders.

Anti-Russian measures stripped from Pentagon billAnti-Russian measures stripped from Pentagon bill
Putin’s proposal came in response to Biden’s “concerns” about Russian troops allegedly threatening Ukraine and threats of US and allied sanctions against Russia, a subject that arose during the two-hour call. The Russian leader responded that it was NATO “making dangerous attempts to conquer Ukrainian territory” and “building up its military potential at our borders.”

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=220741&lang=EN#vin3Comment-964781

I believe Putin ambition is to become a Russian Czar and to reunite Ukraine to Russia once again . You cannot go back in time and make everything as it was before .
I think this is the point to show to Russia that the world will not stand Russia aggression along with China . Communists countries . They never had democracy and civil liberties to their people ️️. What are they gonna offer to the world then ?
Oppression while the dictators become super rich living in a very comfortable life . While the rest . Are being oppressed and without food and shelter ️️.
That’s Russia . And China . Oppressors and stealing others countries resources ️️️

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=220741&lang=EN#vin3Comment-964784

This wouldn't be happening under Trump. It happened under p...y Obama and now obama 2.0 aka Biden.
Putin knows biden is an empty suit.
biden doesn't run the country.
"I'm not supposed to take questions"
"I'll get in trouble if I take questions"
"As always, they gave the list of journalists to ask"
It wasn't Trump. It was dems and Biden who gave Putin his biggest present of his life. Gas line to Europe. Dems got $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ from the Russian pipeline lobbyists. Not Trump.
The biggest blow to Putin would be producing more oil, but dems got paid, so they won't do it.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=220741&lang=EN#vin3Comment-964787

Related to Ukraine, superstar philosopher Slavoj Zizek wrote: There was nonetheless a historical irony in watching Ukrainians tearing down Lenin’s statues as a sign of their will to break with Soviet domination and assert their national sovereignty. The golden era of Ukrainian national identity was not tsarist Russia – where Ukrainian national self-assertion was thwarted – but the first decade of the Soviet Union, when Soviet policy in a Ukraine exhausted by war and famine was ‘indigenisation’. Ukrainian culture and language were revived, and rights to healthcare, education and social security introduced. Indigenisation followed the principles formulated by Lenin in quite unambiguous terms:

“The proletariat cannot but fight against the forcible retention of the oppressed nations within the boundaries of a given state, and this is exactly what the struggle for the right of self-determination means. The proletariat must demand the right of political secession for the colonies and for the nations that ‘its own’ nation oppresses. Unless it does this, proletarian internationalism will remain a meaningless phrase; mutual confidence and class solidarity between the workers of the oppressing and oppressed nations will be impossible.”

Lenin remained faithful to this position to the end: immediately after the October Revolution, when Rosa Luxembourg argued that small nations should be given full sovereignty only if progressive forces would predominate in the new state, Lenin was in favour of an unconditional right to secede.

In his last struggle against Stalin’s project for a centralised Soviet Union, Lenin again advocated the unconditional right of small nations to secede (in this case, Georgia was at stake), insisting on the full sovereignty of the national entities that composed the Soviet state – no wonder that, on 27 September 1922, in a letter to the Politburo, Stalin accused Lenin of ‘national liberalism’.

Slavoj Žižek, Barbarism with a Human Face, 8 May 2014

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=220741&lang=EN#vin3Comment-964785

Put the sanctions on them again by President Obama had to do when Russia invaded Ukraine back in 2014 America and the world is fully aware that the Republicans allowed Putin to put Trump in office because of this reason play back in 2014 when Russia did invade Ukraine President Obama for sanctions in which had stopped a 500 billion dollar merger between Russia and Exxon that's why Russia is threatening Ukraine just like the Republicans did during the campaign time frame in the meantime Trump with having Rally's bragging about his self in a hero for removing our troops from Syria leaving behind military equipment and weapons but what he did not disclose the sneak was the fact as he took our troops out to allow putan to move in and steal the country's oil that's why the Republicans put the CEO of Exxon as Secretary of the State. That's why the Republicans put the old polluter in charge of the EPA. That's why the Republicans were going to steal and completely wipe out our social security along with forcing us to pay higher taxes for a military buildup said that these criminal pigs can invade other countries and steal their oil in which Donald Trump had a minute apart of fox interview January 2020 and was also quoted by The Washington Post make no mistake ladies and gentlemen these greedy pigs attacks to other countries and steal and are all would cause major Wars perhaps that's the reason why they spit when our military and call them suckers and losers just like they did the American people and they had no problem deliver Ali promoting a virus to spread for their profit we must get this demon cult out of Washington the sooner the better we will be

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=220741&lang=EN#vin3Comment-964782

Breaking News-Salingyi Township Eleven civilians were tied up in Don Taw village and burned to death by the military. Screams and struggles were heard as he was burned alive

Yangon, December 7

Sagaing Division Salingyi Township Eleven villagers from Dontaw village were tied up by the military and set on fire at 8 am on December 7, locals told Rangoon Times.

Military council troops have been bombed on the Monywa-Pathein road since last night. This morning, the military council troops raided the roadside villages as they were starving. Another mine was detonated and heavy artillery shells were fired into Dontaw village, killing 11 villagers, according to locals.

"The military for more than 8 hours in the morning to come down from the hills. Stir boosting villages, each village in the mix at the top of the village. There ပင်းတယ A villager was shot dead. There were other villages Rice arrived on the bridge. Swarm into the village at full speed. 11 innocent civilians tied flags were burned in the wilderness. Villagers rural speed likely to leave the village. Mount All villagers have fled," said a local Yangon modern news agency said :

A local resident in Salingyi Township told the Rangoon Times that he could not help but hear screams and struggles as 11 soldiers were burned to death by the military.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=220741&lang=EN#vin3Comment-964783