Breaking news: John Durham is hot on the tail of the Hillary Clinton campaign for her involvement in the Russian collusion scam. The law firm representing the main source for Christopher Steele’s dossier on former President Donald Trump may have a conflict of interest because the law team who represents Hillary Clinton’s campaign and Russian born Igor Deshanko, the purveyor of the phony dossierSpecial counsel John Durham, who is probing the FBI’s actions in launching the Trump-Russia collusion investigation, raised the potential conflict of interest in a court filing over the weekend.
The snag in the proceedings further underscores the intertwined worlds of politics and law in Washington, where Mr. Steele’s unsubstantiated and later debunked opposition research against Mr. Trump became the impetus for an FBI probe. This filing cements the fact Durham investigation is heating up as Deshanko and Clinton campaign officials will soon be called in to testify in front of Grand Jury and we could soon hear some canaries singing to save their arsses.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=224163&lang=EN#vin3Comment-974576

Biden was the only one in world that didn't see this coming.If you asked any of the guru's a year ago what is the best outcome we can hope and pray for they all said the same thing "hopefully the virus mutate into a more contagious strain but less serious or severe strain"That is exactly what happened and yet the mainstream media is again using it as a scare tactic.In South Africa 30% of the population is vaxxed and we already over our peak .The people didn't even slow down for this variant our peak turned on 20k a day.Yet the UK is 91% vaxxed and 32mil booster shots and they are at over 110k a day and there population is only 9mil more then SA.Japan with a population of 120mil is on less then a 100 casses a day .They treat everyone with ivermectin same in India, Zimbabwe and in large South Africa to.Makes one think.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=224163&lang=EN#vin3Comment-974575

You really want to know what amazes me is how so many people are freaked out over a vaccine I’ve gotten vaccines my whole life and not once have I ever had a problem and I’m going to be 32 one thing I’ve learned as I’ve gotten older is listen to people who know more than you whenever it comes to health I’m going to listen to doctors and health experts I’m not going to be an idiot and act like I’m a medical expert because I have no experience in the medical field whenever something is wrong where do I go the doctors or the hospital I don’t stay home and try to diagnose the problem myself and act like I’m a medical expert trust me it’s always best to see a professional.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=224163&lang=EN#vin3Comment-974574


Dear Lord ,
We pray for optimum health, mental clarity, and political prosperity for President Joe Biden VP Kamala Harris, Senators Rev Warnock, Jon Ossoff, Alex Padilla, Chuck Schumer,Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Rep James Clyburn and the entire cabinet members. And staff. We pray that You will anoint them with supernatural wisdom and power. May Your love fill their hearts to the end that ‘Your will’ will be done through them. We pray mightily for their protection. As we plead the Blood of Jesus over them and their families , we ask you to dispatch legions of angels to protect them from all hurt, harm, danger, death and from all accidents and incidents as THEY ARE the REAL President ,Vice President, Senators and administration of this nation. We also pray for the exposure of the enemies who are disguised as leaders of this country that you will dispatch Your angels to bind them before they do any more harm. We also pray that when any enemies come upon President Biden VP Harris supportive Senators and Representatives and staff that those enemies will stumble and fall! We thank and praise You for answering our sincere prayers. In Jesus Christ name Amen️

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=224163&lang=EN#vin3Comment-974566

I am glad that omicron is spending faster than delta. The only way to get out of COVID is herd immunity and you are not going to get there with vaccines because 35 percent of people simply will not do it. The only way to vaccinate the unvaccinated is for them to get sick. What better variant to get sick from than Omicron. All evidence shows it is a milder variant than delta. New evidence out of the UK showed the number of those infected with Omicron going to the hospital to be much less than with Delta. Let the unvaccinated get sick with omicron do we can get to heard immunity. The quicker the better. Lockdowns have prolonged the virus by slowing the spread. We may have already been out of this if we had not foolishly locked down in March of 2020. On a final note. about 1.5% of those with Covid die from it. If you count all of those who are a systematic that number of deaths drops to 0.8%. Omicron death per those infected is predicted to be even smaller. You only have more hospitalization because you have more people getting infected. The math is pretty easy. Omicron is less deadly than Delta. Don't live in fear like the media wants you to. If you listen to the media, you would think 50% of people die. Reality is not that way at all.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=224163&lang=EN#vin3Comment-974577

He is president, so it is his fault. He can’t seem to get anything right. Spiraling Inflation, screwed up Afghanistan withdrawal, screwed up COVID response (more deaths under Biden then President Trump and Biden has 3 vaccines that were developed by President Trump), zero response to illegal immigrants crossing southern border (record number caught 2,000,000+ under his watch), no response to record increase in murders, no response to increase in drug use and deaths, high gasoline prices, high energy (natural gas, heating fuel, electricity) prices, supply shortages. Everything he touches goes to hell. What an idiot. He is an embarrassment.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=224163&lang=EN#vin3Comment-974573