Covid covid covid. That's all you guys talk about. Why don't you show the WORKD WIDE PROTEST RALLY that was held today all over the world! Millions were out protesting. It was absolutely mind boggling. The great awakening is here! Why won't you cover that news? What could be bigger than that today. Watching all health officials throw down their scrubs, marching for freedom! It was beautiful. Of course Americans will never see the 50+ vids or photos cuz you all hide it and on social media. You'd have to go to the rising freedom news sites and alternative social media to see real coverage. They're on fire! And those sites are amazing! There's so much happening that you all hide from the public! I posted like 40 pics and videos on my fb if anyone wants to see what's really happening! Go freedom! Msn is going to be swallowed up by the earth very soon fir lying to the people .

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=228345&lang=EN#vin3Comment-986970

(pain Writer)
Classified Information
Iran and Russia threaten America with drones from Cuba.
The cold war is back again.
Iran and Russia plans, prepare themselves to hit vital and economic areas in US depth and among the Pentagon goals by drones will be launched from Cuba which will be a threatens for america as ukrain is threatens for Russia.
(Cuban missile crisis)
Mistake of Biden is, how to make a war with Russia in same time he want to make agreement with two allies enemies. Iran and Russia.
It is through the sterile policy of Biden may be we will see 11/9. Again in america.
Due to lack of attention, the security aspects have always been neglected by the Democratic Party, which caused September 11 for the first time because of Clinton's neglect.
(pain Writer)

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=228345&lang=EN#vin3Comment-986969

Speaking of the Pacific. During the Kennedy/Nixon election. Democratic electors said they were the official electors and Kennedy won Hawaii. They submitted the documents to the National Archive and Congress. At the time the state said that Nixon won Hawaii. The "alternate electors" said they submitted it just in case the decision was reversed by the courts, Congress. It was eventually reversed by 200 votes putting Kennedy as winning Hawaii. Though no one knew that exactly would happen. Kennedy's campaign was involved.

This wasn't a crime then and it isn't a crime now. See what the Democrats used was a loophole that allows alternate electors to be ready if the courts, Congress or the VP rejects certifications.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=228345&lang=EN#vin3Comment-986968