I'm just surprised that the American public hasn't caught on to this, as peasants who live day by day paycheck by paycheck, could give a s*** about your sexuality your gender what color.

It's amazing that for over 400 something years since the idea and founding of settling on this land, our government has always found a way to pit us against each other based on these three things.

It also seems that every election cycle they're kicking the can back and forth dragging out the issues making the problems worse and creating more hatred in America than helping.

Americans of all walks of life are suffering right now and the only thing that politicians can do is create more hate and division along with the media's help to keep them in power and kicking the can down the road.

While politicians and owners of these media conglomerates sitting in gated communities protected by armed guards watch as the peasant kill each other.

All while they promote racial hate and use peer pressure to drag it along within our youth, they are not teaching history what it is is promotion for the hate of white people and anything that's wrong with your life right now it's because of the white man.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=228414&lang=EN#vin3Comment-987197

The only way Biden don’t get his pick is if Mitch get to manchin and sinema. Otherwise it’s a slam dunk. Mitch McConnell didn’t allow Obama to get his pick cause it was a “election year lol”. Mitch change the rules to 51 votes to allow Trump to get two picks. Amy got confirmed in three weeks before the election. The only way the court would be even is if Thomas steps down, otherwise it’s a GOP court. If the GOP wants to give Biden’s pick the same energy that Brett Kavanaugh got then cool. I don’t want to hear anything from them about election year, unfair or delays.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=228414&lang=EN#vin3Comment-987196

A political stunt to Garner more minority votes. Doesn't matter who he nominated as long as they're qualified for the job and have a good reputation.
Should not use a person's "race" as a political publicity stunt to refute prejudiced perceptions by the public based on his past as a senator 40 years ago.
Seems like some old wounds of race-guilt are starting to resurface opting him to make these choices.
Joe is trying to correct some past wrongs in the name of implementing more "Equality" and "diversity" as this melting pot country that's still racially devided and still has remnants and undertones of white supremacy hidden in the justice system, correctional system and the government.
Trying to right the past wrongs of the Democratic party.
With all this drama, maybe we need a third party with a clean slate and a squeaky clean reputation. None of these parties can be trusted because everything bad about what the Democratic party was is now on the Republican side.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=228414&lang=EN#vin3Comment-987199

Uuummm, so, Joe is appointing someone, solely BECAUSE they are black? Joe Biden's closest friends were KKK leaders, Robert Byrd a leader of the KKK, was eulogized by our Joe Biden at his funeral, he called Byrd "a mentor of mine". Joe Biden is thee most racist politician since George Wallace!! Yet here Joe is. It was DEMOCRATS during WWII, that put all Asian American Citizens (not just Japanese) into concentration camps based on how "they looked"!! The 1st 17 black politicians, started in the Republican party, because they were welcomed. THAT is the truth about democrats, look up these facts!! WHO is approving of Joe, for him to hold a high 33% approval rating!?!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=228414&lang=EN#vin3Comment-987198

Supreme Court Justice will not be Black:
Manchin and Sinema did not vote for the Voting Rights Act due to their hatred for Blacks. I doubt they will vote for a Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court. Both of them voted to modify the Filibuster to raise the Debt limit without any problems. Yet stood against doing the same for the Voting Rights Act because it would stop discrimination against Blacks.
If a Black person becomes a Supreme Court Justice, it will take two Republicans because Sinema and Manchin don’t like Black people (Kanye).
Gregory St. James Mundy

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=228414&lang=EN#vin3Comment-987200