Wow supreme court is the highest interpreter of the law and companies are ignoring it haha. This pandemic really exposes how a nation stay true to its fundamental. Whether it will uphold the people's liberty as written in their law or imposed its will on the people in the supposed purpose of preventing the spread of covid. A move that although has a good intention but is against the law and is not supported or accepted unanimously by the people themselves. And now it is getting out of hand every people who has authority toward other people is imposing its will on his subordinates. This is sad.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=228416&lang=EN#vin3Comment-987211

So we've seen that even fully vaccinated people who have had a booster shot have still caught Omicron what sense does it make to force employees to have to get vaccinated if they don't want to. The vaccinated are getting sick and missing work and at a time when there are people who feel that they can just walk away from jobs they don't like why would you attempt to make it harder to maintain a work force.
Would you mandate the flu vaccine next, how about forced sterilization so that you're female employees don't miss any work because they are having children.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=228416&lang=EN#vin3Comment-987213

People need to stop acting like there is any difference between a vaxxed and an unvaxxed person. I had covid two weeks ago. You know how I caught it?! A vaxxed coworker came into work coughing all over me. I have severe asthma so I did what I thought was best for me and got vaccinated, it didn't matter. The other person that caught it from her was also vaxxed. You know who didn't catch it or give it to me? My three unvaxxed coworkers. Enough already people! It doesn't matter. Also, I gave it to my entire family of five. Part are vaxxed part are not. There was zero difference in our symptoms, ZERO!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=228416&lang=EN#vin3Comment-987212

These employers realize the pandemic IS NOT OVER. They also realize they have worked hard to keep their employees employed and working by avoiding infection. The employer wants to keep their business open and safe from covid infection, that will not happen if mask ma dates are removed and employees are allowed to work sick.
Why are Americans giving up on this fight for life, if not their own then their parents or children.
Why are so many jumping on the herd mentality campaign after all this time. Stop killing people. Now businesses don't have enough healthy workers and hospitals are filling up again. It's not the government mandating a shutdown of businesses its those who refuse to wear a mask to protect others from their illness.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=228416&lang=EN#vin3Comment-987210

Are You Smarter than an Immunologist?

You tell a Mask/Vaccine Cult member that the vaccine doesn’t work. You show them this video. They tell you that the “experts” don’t know "science can change when new evidence emerges"?

Fauci, the CDC director, the POTUS and Bill Gates are seen here telling us these vaccines “absolutely” work, then tell us a few months later they don’t. The first breakthrough cases started showing up in January 2021.

So am I smarter than an immunologist by being wise enough to wait to see if there were going to be any problems with the vaccine?


Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=228416&lang=EN#vin3Comment-987219

Is it just me or can people really not see that these are NOT working, wear a mask, get Covid, take the shot and then the next and then the booster and coming in a week the next booster and yet highest hospital counts yet, many more deaths, fully vacced still getting Covid oh and spreading it to other vacced people CNN and other news networks keep changing their stories every other day….. people losing jobs, homes, extremely high hospital bills, no food in stores, people being put in jail or being fined for no vaccination record for Covid… and it keeps going and going… and yet no one blames the Government for their part you’ll keep running when commanded with blinders on to take the next dose of the non working vaccine like a fat kid to cake.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=228416&lang=EN#vin3Comment-987214

This is a friend of my art group that I am in….when I read this it made me sick. I hope she gets these reports and does the right thing with them. Disgusting. And you all think these hospitals are on the up and up. Wrong!!!!!

I have a question because I’m not sure what to do.

I work in a major Hospital in Northern Lower Michigan. I’m the ********* on a Neurology Unit. We get Stroke, Heart, ETOH, Drug Detox' and of course COVID patients (and a lot.) But something isn’t adding up. Our administrators state that all Covid patients that are coming into our hospital are unvaccinated, but when I’m going through patients charts putting medical records in them I noticed that they are all fully vaccinated with boosters. So what I’m asking is on our hospitals website it shows a graph of all the unvaccinated, vaccinated and boosted patients. They have on this graph that all the patients coming in our hospital with COVID are unvaccinated when in fact they are vaccinated. So what do I do knowing all this? They are purposely telling the public lies …..

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=228416&lang=EN#vin3Comment-987216

A PUNTA DE OLAS Y VARIANTES SIGUEN PONIENDO EN SUMISION AL MUNDO, HUMILLANDO A SUS HABITANTES, DESTRUYENDO ECONOMIAS, ACABANDO CON EMPLEOS, PROVOCANDO DESPIDOS MASIVOS EN EL MUNDO, QUEBRANDO NEGOCIOS, SE INVENTARON RESTRCICCIONES DE MOVILIDAD Y TODO ESTO, DE LA MANO DE GOBERNANTES CORRUPTOS, ES HORA DE REVELARSE: Entre todas las vacunas que he conocido en mi vida (tos ferina, difteria, tétanos, sarampión, rubéola, sarampión, hepatitis, meningitis y tuberculosis), nunca he visto una vacuna que obligue a usar una mascarilla y mantener la distancia social incluso cuando estás completamente vacunado. Nunca he oído hablar de una vacuna que haga que el virus se propague incluso después de la vacunación, nunca habíamos oído hablar de recompensas, descuentos, incentivos para vacunarse. En épocas anteriores no había discriminación para aquellos que no lo hicieron. Si no estabas vacunado, nadie intentó hacerle sentir mala a otra persona. Nunca he visto una vacuna que destruya la relación entre familiares, compañeros y amigos. Nunca he visto que una vacuna sea usada para amenazar los medios de vida, trabajo o escuela. Después de nombrar algunas de las vacunas que he enumerado anteriormente, nunca he visto una vacuna como esta, que discrimine, divida y juzgue a una sociedad como esta. Pero estas vacunas hace todas estas cosas, excepto la INMUNIZACIÓN. Pero para muchos disque virólogos aún necesitamos una dosis de refuerzo después de estar completamente vacunados, aún debes segur haciéndonos pruebas negativas de test PCR o Hisopados, todo esto después de estar completamente vacunados, también aún necesitamos usar una mascarilla después de estar completamente vacunados y aún así ser hospitalizados después de haber sido completamente vacunados. Probablemente llegó el momento de que admitamos que nos han engañado por completo. Si solo la gente dejara de correr ante un síntoma de resfriado o síntomas conocidos de toda la vida a hacerse pruebas rápidas, terminaríamos con esta f4rz4 definitivamente y el mundo volvería hacer lo que fue antes del 2020, porque la OMS y los ministerios 4s3, si n0s de salud de cada país les pregonaron a sus habitantes de este mundo, que si siente un dolor de garganta, le duele el cuerpo, tienen fiebre, dolor de cabeza, vómitos, dificultad para respirar, etc. etc. Cualquiera de esos síntomas, salir corriendo como hipocondriacos a congestionar los centros de salud u hospitales, que todo es Covid...

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=228416&lang=EN#vin3Comment-987217