Dem politicos have turned this world upside-down. Mandating our life styles as dictatorial neo-Marxists while claiming proof of citizenship is not necessary for voting. Making Congress and agencies impotent while using them as weapons making false charges. Claiming dems can stop a 12000 year old warming and the pandemic while doing neither and passing the blame to States and everyone else. Using race and gender cards against others while creating the worst divide in recent history. Taking our Constitution, laws and border security by voiding and bending them to satisfy their voting bloc power. Spending money we do not have or printing it to put forth theoretical extreme socialist welfare while creating runaway inflation and negating any advantages. There are too many other very bad things to list here, but.........
It is guaranteed that since it is obvious this dem regime has failed so miserably instead of admitting anything they will step up their fake attacks, lies and scams to maintain power and wealth, if that is even possible. The only question is will indoctrinated demlibs be able to extricate themselves from the evil perpetrated on our nation. If not, they are just cultists without any independent thought or sense of reality.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=228427&lang=EN#vin3Comment-987272

(pain Writer)
Classified Information
Iran and Russia threaten America with drones from Cuba.
The cold war is back again.
Iran and Russia plans, prepare themselves to hit vital and economic areas in US depth and among the Pentagon goals by drones will be launched from Cuba which will be a threatens for america as ukrain is threatens for Russia.
(Cuban missile crisis)
Mistake of Biden is, how to make a war with Russia in same time he want to make agreement with two allies enemies. Iran and Russia.
It is through the sterile policy of Biden may be we will see 11/9. Again in america.
Due to lack of attention, the security aspects have always been neglected by the Democratic Party, which caused September 11 for the first time because of Clinton's neglect.
The plan and preparing was in Clinton's time. The Implementation in the beginning of time of Bush.
(pain Writer)
... Llli iii Lll l... Lllii... .. . Li..

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=228427&lang=EN#vin3Comment-987273