The far left, and Joe Biden, are responsible for this crisis in energy and inflation ... period! Upon taking office in 2020 Biden reversed all of the energy policies of our country and gas prices soared by over 50% in his first year ... long before Ukraine was a subject. Ukraine simply amplified his historic mistake. Let's be clear about Joe Biden... he's a career politician. His only thoughts are the next election. While EVERYONE that had an ounce of brain matter knew that we were funding Russia while they were murdering people, it took Biden 2 weeks to ban Russian oil ... why? Polls showed he was getting killed politically, that's why ... no other reason. And to suggest this is "Ukraine's gasoline price increase", is ludicrous. For 4 YEARS Trump (and I'm not a fan of the man) railed against Europe and especially Germany being dependent on Russian oil, and he fostered an American producing mentality toward energy that had the price of oil at $41 a barrel. So when you fill your car, and fork over the $100 ... and the $3000 cost increase you're going to pay if the prices just stay the same this year (no chance of that happening), remember it was Joe Biden that wanted to reverse our energy independence and restrict oil before he had any reasonable alternative in place for an emergency ... like a war Russia starts in Ukraine. And just so we're clear ... the money you got from the government for COVID won't come close to covering the inflation costs and fuel cost you're going to pay thanks to Democrats and Joe Biden. Once again the country will learn that career politicians are interested in one thing and one thing only ... elections... and it ALWAYS costs more listening to them. The ONLY reason Joe Biden banned Russian oil is because he and Democrats are getting hammered in the polls.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=237130&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1014048

America is the beacon of freedom for the world. Our ideals are attractive to humanity. We must help those that have chose our ideal of liberty & justice for all. The pursuit of happiness and to build wealth separates us from those that pretend their way is best. Authoritarianism, Autocracy and dictatorships are quickly being seen by the people as oppression and limits free enterprise and healthy societies. This war has been coming for a very long time! And the sooner we declare it the better our chances are to have stable geopolitical Leaders. We will show that the people of this globe will no longer tolerate anything other then government for the People by the people. American must declare war against Russia or war will find us anyways. The options we do nothing or declare war. We must stop this insecure man named Vladimir Putin from destroying the thing that Humanity desires! Peace & Serenity. Happiness & Love.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=237130&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1014063

A comment copied from my friend. An excellent statement.

Under Trump we were not only energy independent, we became an energy exporter. The Keystone Pipeline would assist us, but it was never completed so the left uses it as an argument that it wouldn't help us right now. There is validity to that, but this administration cancelled exploration leases, stopped drilling in many government land sites, put other areas off limits, and put restrictions on fracking, all of which caused us to be in this situation.

The real proof in the pudding is that the day before Biden took office we were a net energy exporter, the day after we became energy dependent. The blame falls entirely on the Democrat Party and their fixation on and obsession with their dubious man made climate change. Just like the pandemic, the actual data and statistics are based in lies and playing with the numbers. The Democrats are not concerned with science and facts, their concentration is on propaganda and control.

They have saddled us with high priced foreign energy to try to force us to turn to high priced foreign made electric vehicles and batteries.

They do not serve the American people, they serve other masters that finance them so they create policies that drain our citizens of the fruits of their labor.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=237130&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1014047

If we cut buying fuel from Russia and open our markets to other countries or our own line, it would hurt Russia like no other, but we keep buying it from them, what’s the motivation from stopping the war? We’re financing his war with Ukraine. Last thing we want is to go to war with Russia, it would be catastrophic what the outcome could be. Finally, our president has lost the respect of our people unfortunately. I think the government did all this so a handful of people can run to the bank and cash their checks, we will never know the real truth

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=237130&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1014040

The United States imports a very small percentage of crude from Russia compared to the amount of oil we import from Canada, Mexico, and Saudi Arabia. The reason our country does import Russian oil is because about 100 years ago, Congress passed legislation that limited the size of vessels that transport oil to the East and West Coasts. Thus, oil producers in the Southern Gulf aren’t going to transport that oil to either coasts in small ships because it isn’t profitable. Thus, Russian oil winds up on those coastal regions. The coasts don’t have the luxury of being connected by pipeline to the Permian Basin in Texas. Also, oil companies in America buy Russian oil because it is high in sulfur content which is necessary for top capacity fuel. There is strong bi-partisan support for the banning of Russian oil. Some U.S. oil companies have gone rogue like Exxon Mobil and Shell who have disconnected from Russia. And there are banks that have refused to be involved in any oil transactions with Russian oil and gas.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=237130&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1014043

So instead he let's a terrorist go back to Saudi Arabia or Iran gets to have a nuclear weapon or hey you could have a murderer from Venezuela help America. Joe Biden is the worst President and the media is complicit. The terms he put on America's energy is unreasonable that's why those 9000 new contracts that Jen Psaki keeps bringing up is a distraction and she knows it, it's to make it look like Joe is trying to help when it's a lie he wants us to buy electric cars and go solar so that his big democrat donors are happy...remember Solindra with Barack Obama? They went out of business after Barack gave them almost a billion dollars and now they are magically back for the good of America. They are all corrupt

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=237130&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1014065

US is now at the negotiation table with Venezuela to remove sanctions so that Venezuela can release theur crude oil supplies. so the Venezuela citizens don't matter anymore. and the US said they were fighting for human rights for Venezuela citizens.

Is Maduro no longer a dictator? This is the same Maduro that the US wanted to remove from power few years ago.

This just shows you that everything is all about interest. when the Western power need you to satisfy their interest, they use you. and after that they dump you. Ukraine should be guided and learn from history.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=237130&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1014059

obama allowed the invasion of crimea,,,, biden ukrain... trump tried to get all NATO countries to pay their way and be strong.... see a pattern.... russia invaded ukrain because of bidens polices as follows; destroyed american energy independence,,, defunds police and lets crime run rampant which is a sign of weakness the chinese and russians pick up on,,,, open borders,, allows illegals to come in and get welfare,,, he wants illegals to vote in america becuase he knows they will vote democrate,,, democrats in america pushing a socialists agenda which china and russia also want,,, horrible afganistan pull out and 13 service members killed in the process which shows the world he can not lead the military... all these policies are why russia has moved and why china may invade tiawan... democrats create chaos in america and abroad... vote them out and pick up a history book to see why... oh wait,,, they also want to destroy history so do that now...

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=237130&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1014064

Why does it even have to be announced?? When I go into a store looking to buy something I don’t start telling everyone in the store what I’m not buying.

From what I understand we don’t get any natural gas from them opposed to Europe getting 40% of theirs. I bread we get from one. Three to anywhere around seven or 8% of our oil. I’ve also read the only reason why we buy this oil is because it’s a different weight and we use it to mix to make higher octane gas.

Someone please correct me if I’m wrong and be sure to use a source so I can check it myself

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=237130&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1014068

For those people complaining that Biden is stopping the drilling of oil:

1. There are over 9,000 permits to drill more oil on private property that have not been used. Why? It’s the oil companies who want to keep the prices high. Do you really think every gas station in the US got a new tanker of gas on Monday, or were they really raising prices on the lower-priced gas they already had in their underground tanks? US oil companies have had record profits last year (15 to 18 billion depending on the company) and that is projected to increase this year. This is all about greed.

2. Also, Biden stopped one pipeline from being built, that wouldn’t have been finished and ready for service now. That pipeline extension was to transport oil that is already being transported by other pipelines from Canada down south, and slated to sell in Mexico.

3. What Biden is trying to do is create other sources of energy, like wind and solar, so we are no longer dependent on any foreign countries for our energy. Benefit: cleaner air and a healthier earth for our children.


Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=237130&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1014055