It is just a lefty nonsense comparing a 5.5 million population country, with a very homogeneous cultural and ethnic composition, to a 350 million population country of such a diverse range of people and cultures. Not to mention many other advantages that the US has over the small Nordic countries.
And it is clear that fake news make such nonsense propaganda about female leaders just because they have lefty bias and inclination, and are female! not the other way around! I mean Margaret Thatcher was one of the strongest and best leaders in the UK history, but I dare you if you can find anything positive having been said by the mainstream media about her!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=237133&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1014077

This is from an article from Frankin Graham... Finland is not a free society. Please read:
Finland Would you join me in praying for Finnish Member of Parliament Päivi Räsänen, who is facing three criminal charges that could send her to prison for two years for publicly expressing her Christian faith? I’ve met MP Räsänen, and she is a wonderful person. One of the “criminal” offenses she is accused of is posting Scripture—Romans 1:24-27. Prosecutors said that the use of the word “sin” could be harmful. Can you believe that? Telling people what the Bible says about any issue should never be considered hate speech. MP Räsänen is in a battle for religious freedom for her country—a battle that will eventually impact all of us. She warns: “Now is the time for Christians to be open about their faith, and tell openly about the message of the Bible, and especially about the message of the Gospel.” She is one gutsy lady—a tough Viking! And she’s exactly right. Please pray for her and this case.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=237133&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1014073

Now do taxes.
82,900 uros 31.25%
Municipality 16.5-23.5% depending on municipality.
State Church tax 1-2.2% bet that will drive liberals crazy.
Public broadcasting tax.
Foreign expert tax.
Personal income tax for non residents
Social security + Medicare.
Vax tax varies max for most goods is 25%
Inheritance/gift tax
Transfer tax 2% on real property.
Luxury tax on tobacco, suntan oil, alcohol, soft drinks, beverage containers.
Economic freedom index 9th freest in the world.
Personal debt to GDP 117% vs US 85$
Demographics. 5 million population with only 5.2% immigrants vs USA non Latino white 57%
Finland 2 official languages, US none.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=237133&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1014078

Selective facts.

Yes, Finland is and has been far more gender equal than other countries for more than 100 years. But that is due to multiple aspects of the culture, not just roles in governance by women.

All that is necessary to call the premise of the posting headline and the OpEd into question is to remind everyone how governance declined in the UK under Margaret Thatcher and the course she set for regressive conditions, privatization, and reduction of programs for the benefit of women and children.

It takes more than just being a woman to deliver improvements in national governance.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=237133&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1014074

This article is supposed to be a feather in the left wing liberals cap, right ? Finland is prosperous and peaceful. It is also WHITE !!! Chicago is led by a black WOMAN. How is that working out ? In reality, the metrics of this article is more in line with espousing what the liberals call white supremacy or white privilege than an article about the glowing benefits of left wing progressive liberalism. Do a little research. America is ranked very violent by global standards. Remove the heavily minority populated major US cities from the metadata. The remaining portion of the United States is just as peaceful and prosperous as any Northern European country. Knowledge is Power, Power provides Information; Information leads to Education, Education breeds Wisdom; Wisdom is Liberation.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=237133&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1014079

A world run by women with good heads on their shoulders that don’t cackle when asked a question, would be a wonderful thing. Instead of who’s got the bigger deadlier weapon it would be about who’s wearing the best shoes at the summit and how we can make all the men sit down and be quiet and behave. Run the countries like a household rather than deep pocketed half century politicians that have done nothing and enter the presidency and make things worse for everyone. If you disagree, you can buy my gas or let me frack in your backyard.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=237133&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1014075

What's interesting to me is the United States seems not willing to let a female become president yet look at Finland, Germany and New Zealand. Their leaders are definitely making their countries stronger and seem wiser. I think too many elder men still believe they should hold power in the west keeping control somewhat of what a women can or can not do. Religion suppose to be separated from state yet look at just the abortion laws especially these elder mainly white men want to make law over a womens body. As a Christian I don't believe in abortion, yet I'm aware not everyone is a Christian and shouldn't be ruled by a Christian law. Just my take.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=237133&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1014076