How do all you American Fascist and neo-Marxist feel about Bidens decision this week when he took steps toward the foreign policy Republicans have pushed him to adopt? (1) RUSSIAN OIL BAN ...To ban imports of Russian oil. Biden has also reversed some other policies that Trump put in place. (2) NORD STREAM2...President Trump approved sanctions on companies assisting with Nord Stream 2 in 2019 to stop Russia from growing its monopoly on the European energy market. (3) VENEZUELA ...Remember when President Trump in June 2020 said the U.S. should be open to meeting with Venezuela's Maduro because of Venezuela alliance with Putin and the security issues it caused for the U.S.? Yesterday Biden dispatched a team of top officials to Venezuela to meet with aides to Maduro. Does it make all you American Fascist and neo-Marxist mad as hell that President Trump was right? These are just 3 of the many reasons why democrats will take a shellacking this November in the midterm elections.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=237404&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1014862

If Russia is the only one invading or offensive stance then, Russians will not feel that there is war going on especially, when the leader is a liar and circumvent what is bad event to good and who used his KGB, style system when he is still a colonel in a former communist east Germany, where his authority has done to kill a lot of east german escapees crossing the wall. Now, he is using same tactics in
Russia, they didn't tell the truth how many escapees were killed at the same time, east german pampered him of what he wanted. Now, that he is president of Russia, the more he'll do what he wanted. He already fooled the russians for a long time, one of which is, when put Chechen rebels on their knees, where he is good only in fighting helpless enemy as he only good to push on creating war machines, does not know to uplift the economy of Russia, the biggest country in the world that could not even matched on big state of US.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=237404&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1014857

788 / 5 000

We shall now forever live with the memory and probably the guilt of having fed hope into the Ukrainians' souls and then abandon them to their doom. The guilt to watch a People so humble but so brave, so humiliated but so worthy, to watch that people, I repeat, still having to endure one more humiliation and being forced to surrender, just to try not to be massacred. There is no dignity in war. War is the greatest tragedy that can happen to any of us. I hope,once all this is over, that the West will at least have the Dignity to BAN forever, until the day of his death, Mr Putin from all International Diplomacy. Ukrainians are willing to DIE for their dignity. So, i am sorry. But the Russians have to do THE SAME and get rid of what they have at home.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=237404&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1014858

Jake Tapper, about Russia's Appalling Tactics, your lead story, I agree it is appalling, but what really baffles me is your appallingly hypocritical positions and coverage. It also seems to me that CNN and MSNBC and Fox, etc, are deliberately trying to steer public opinion toward US intervention and possible WW3. I can't imagine why. WW3 won't be good for Ukraine, to say the least. I can't believe what I am seeing. Imagine if Russia had been doing this when we were killing hundreds of thousands, or possibly over a milllion, Iraqi civilians. I'm sure you may remember this, although we didn't really focus on the horror. You and your media counterparts certainly aren't mentioning it now. Who--or what-- are you in league with? What are you after? https://www.abc.net.au/ne...tnesses/1829066 and https://theintercept.com/...ian-facilities/

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=237404&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1014863


Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby, JUST LIED TO THE WORLD.

US has funded Ukraine Lab Pathogen and Bio Weapon Research since 2005

A publicly-available document shows a $15MN agreement signed between the US DoD and Ukraine’s Health Ministry to support research into biological weapon research in Kiev, Lvov and Odessa.

The US govt provided materials and training for “cooperative biological research, biological threat agent detection and response, and improving biological material protection, control and accountability”.

Details were withheld from public disclosure, but “state secrets of Ukraine” were to be shared with the US Defense Dept.

Checkmate. Time to reveal what really went on there for almost two decades?


Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=237404&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1014864

These Patriot missile defense systems, while excellent, won't take out the 20 or 40-mile "sitting duck' trail of vehicles, tanks and other armored whatever sitting on the highway north of Kiev and waiting to encircle the capital city. Now, old MIG jets can. That's probably why Ukraine wants the 30 or so jets offered by Poland, and why the US DOD says no--the Biden Administration probably realizes these jets can do real harm to Putin's aggression and so as not to offend him and jeopardize the spread of the invasion, the DOD is willingly letting Ukraine bleed and lose its independence.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=237404&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1014855

Chapter of History

No matter what anyone says, the truth on earth is undeniable. I wish peace to our planet. I have the same view of Ukrainians and Russians. I have no special feelings for any of them. I also have no support in this war. I do not support war

But I want to talk about a hero who, in the twenty-first century of the planet Earth, broke a hole in the ground with a high-powered nuclear weapon. A hero who dreamed of a dream that grew up on half of the land where the Soviet Union was the main enemy of the fall. The hero of the land of the giants, who grew up listening to Western rumors ....

The master of the modern day political arena and the architect of the 21st century, the most powerful man that unleashed the new superpower on the shoulders of a hero who buried the spirit of Lenin in the age of the immortal Creator in the age of immortal Creator. this planet earth ever witnessed Someone
Today's great Moscow hero, who grew up in the presence of tyrants, grew up in the face of tyranny in the land of Russia.
As one of the only African heroes of the twentieth century, Menelik II, the only black man of the twentieth century, who wrote the pen of freedom as a man who refused to be enslaved in Africa under the yoke of colonialism
Today, in another chapter of history, King Menelik stands alone in the skies of Moscow and writes the history of the world.

Part One Coming Soon

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=237404&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1014856

Now we need uprising in Syria also in Belarus in other Asian countries that are occupying by the Russian army. Putin will not be able to move these troops to Ukraine. Also free world must find any idea how Russian citizens can see in website or phone application true about war because they don't know that Russian soldiers are murdering civilians independent UKRAINE.
Many people mainly from Pakistan, from Arabian countries support Putin but they live in our free democracies and they don't want to go to life in Russia. Why they support it, because they are listening to Putin that NATO came under Russian borders, unfortunately these people do not know the history and the truth. The people of Eastern European countries voted to join NATO against Putin's aggressive policy. The countries of Eastern Europe and Ukraine were 50 years or even 100 years as a slave of Russia communism. Russia imprisoned people, robbed countries of raw materials and production and money. the new generation of people from ukraine don't want russian communism, therefore it is fighting with Putin and his gang of oligarchs. UE need also introduce peoples in Arabic countries true history communism Russia and true about Russia now. Ukraine will not in NATO but Ukraine will in UE because Ukrainians want European and democracy values, Ukrainians don't want Russian communism what old Putin and him Oligarchs don't understand. Putin don't want better life for Russian citizens because Putin still lead war but sanctions damage Russian civilians life.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=237404&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1014859