
$1.5 trillion Omnibus spending bill snuck by Congress in the dark of night last night by democrat controlled Rules Committee under Pelosi!!!!!

They posted an announcement on the website after midnight, met 1.5 hours later at 1:30am…and passed the 2741 page bill by 2:30am without anyone being able to read it!!!!

This is $1.5 trillion dollars of your tax money…your hard work…which they have no regard for. No accountability. No stated goals or outcomes. Just blatant procedural violation.

Every single one of them should be removed…

Where is the money going? Wonder if it is going toward hiding their crimes in Ukraine…and at home.




Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=237405&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1014869

Why only Pence, is Trump out of nowhere to do photo-op too? Maybe he can go only to Poland, not in Ukraine, he is pro putin and even called him genius and was responsible for holding US military aid for several months and made the putin-supported rebels in Donbass, more strong. Now, where is Trump, genius? The world is laughing on the genious as he can't even get KHYIV in shorter time even if he has more than 17 miles of forwarding russian soldiers, tanks and armed with missles vehicles, UKRAINE, has no too much arms to counter Putin's advancing invaders but, people that are willing to defend and die for their country.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=237405&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1014865

You are a Failure and Fraud to Mike Pence, where was this Mike Pence while the Trump Administration unleashed a war against there own America People to Remain in Power in there Disgraceful Intentional Mishandling of the Coronavirus, the Exstortion of Ukraine the same ones you are talking to in this Post. The Election Fraud Scheme that you were 100% good with all the way up to the Deadly Attempted Coup and after, without stepping up and Standing up for the Constitution the Rule of Law, and the Oath you Swore to them, not Donald Trump's Best Interest? Where was this Mike Pence that chose to Serve Protect Defend and Uphold Donald Trump's Best Interest over everything else? When your Country and the American people needed you the most, you turned your back on them and chose Donald Trump! The American People won't Forget and they won't Forgive!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=237405&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1014867