No worries. After this wonderful jab many people have gotten, there will be less and less pregnancies to full term. Bill Gates said it best, being a white guy and knowing what is best for the population of the world, 'If we do a really good job with vaccinations and health services, we should be able to drop the population down to at least 15,% less'. Isn't it great to have some billionaire looking out the peons, serfs, chattel, however one want to put it? Because as Obama said it, 'The people just aren't intelligent enough to know what is best for them'. Anyone picking up what these so called 'Elites' are saying? Or perhaps they may be right in looking at the remarks on this page. Perhaps reduction of the population is needed to perhaps get rid of those that want it to their own end...?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=242762&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1107883

Silvia Hirsbrunner yet these abortion laws don't discriminate. So maybe the problem isn't these laws. Maybe the Democrats are pulling wool over their voters eyes as always. Basically admitting this is the last step to actually fixing a problem. Margaret Thatcher I believe? I may have the name wrong, the woman who started planned parenthood was openly saying her main focus was to control black populations, and she was a Democrat, and the organization she created is still backed by the same party. Maybe instead of supporting her dream of black population control in this country those in favor of this false narrative should read some well documented history.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=242762&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1107881

Baad Jane

If you knew anything about black folks, you wouldn’t mentioned BLM in the same sentence as Antifa. Most black people I know don’t even really follow BLM the way an activist does. They still care about the issue and about their own individual rights, but most aren’t the activist that racists Trump c***suckers think. How many “black nationalists” do you know? Because I don’t know a single one and I know many black people. So what are you even saying? I don’t pretend to speak for black folks, but but I’m a person of color myself and was raised in a multicultural community, and my experience is that most just want to be left alone and be equally protected by the law, and respected as equal citizens of the country they help built. Antafi leans more anarchists, and most black folks aren’t anarchists, so you’re really just throwing out predictable, Trumptard buzzwords that you heard on Fox News from the likes of fellows racists like Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham. No one is impressed by your ability to simply repeat ignorant platitudes. Parrots can do that too.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=242762&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1107878

Those who obviously will be hurt the most are minorities like young black women who usually are poor. They come from bad neighborhoods and using protection is not used often. So if a 18 year old black women still high school senior is pregnant then it's either raise the child and be poor for most of it's life or get an abortion. It's essentially keeping these people down compared to a white middle or upper middle class family where that same 18 year white woman's parents can take them to Mexico or a state like California and do it in secret. Just like the War on Drugs. It was John Eichmann who was policy chief for Nixon came out and said it was designed to go after blacks and antiwar people by framing it as these people use it. Guess who got hurt the most blacks and minorities.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=242762&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1107879

A friend was narrating to me a few hour ago how she managed to deliver her last born in her house all by herself! First she is a victim of FGM.she says the labour pain caught her suddenly ,alone in the home stead. so she picked up a razor and a Bible and placed them on her bed. Then she told God that she is the doctor of herself and asked him to equip her with knowledge and wisdom the way he does to the other doctors at the hospital. she had no phone within reach at the moment. The baby arrived and she cut the cord and tied it the way she thought was right and wrapped it up for warmth. Then she pressed right below her lungs and the placenta was out!! She was so grateful to God for that safe delivery and took her Bible that symbolize God's presence back in the box.(she doesn't know how to read)she says that experience drew her more closer to God.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=242762&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1107873

Karene Be CDC numbers, you can see for yourself. CA is a large chunk of omitted data because it intentionally conceals it, but the data reported by most of the other states are comprehensive.

I’m not sure why you would have difficulty believing that different racial groups would have different abortion rates, given that there are often bug differences between races ranging from predisposition to various medical problems to different average IQs (the later fact tends to make people very uncomfortable, but it is a fact nonetheless).

Are you saying you can’t believe that, say, Asian Americans who have an average IQ of 105 would be less likely to get pregnant out of wedlock than a racial group like, say, blacks whose average IQ is only 85, over a standard deviation lower?   

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=242762&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1107874

David Kelley Clinics are in cities, on public transportation lines, in areas where they are needed most. They exist to help low income people, regardless of race.

Women are not walking past a clinic and suddenly deciding to go in and get an abortion.

Women are fully capable of thinking through and making their own medical decisions. They aren't brought into clinics with promises of free kittens or money or anything else.

They seek out medical care and receive it, whether they want birth control, a papa spear or an abortion.

Your sexism is the problem, not the clinics offering help to those who ask.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=242762&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1107877

Muriel Claudia according the CNN and the radical left the best solution for a black pregnant woman living in poverty is killing her baby...that is the best intelligent solution they can offer and In New York alone

"The abortion capital of New York is at the corner of Bleecker and Mott. That’s the home of Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger Center, the largest abortion provider in New York. Doctors at this one clinic perform some 11,000 abortions per year. “I’m sure we provide a good chunk of the abortions in the U.S.,” says Dr. Maureen Paul, the chief medical officer of Planned Parenthood New York. In fact, the Margaret Sanger Center provides about one in every ten abortions in New York and about one in every thousand abortions in the United States."

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=242762&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1107876

There are plenty of couples that cannot have a child for one reason or another and want to adopt. So why don't we just follow the science? Shouldn't scientific facts support our laws? Medical science has progressed a lot in recent years and we now know that a fetus has a heartbeat and brain waves (the definition of life) as early as 5 weeks. This is well documented by The Mayo Clinic and numerous other highly regarded health organizations. This is how we determine if someone is alive or dead. The American College of Pediatrics has gone even further to conclude there is adequate scientific evidence that human life begins at conception. Their conclusion is supported by many doctors and is documented in their references. Clearly, it's time to update our laws to keep up with the knowledge modern science has given us. So it's not just about you and YOUR body. It's also about the human life inside your body.



Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=242762&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1107875

Karene Be First, that was not what I wrote, so you might want to reread it.

I said that it seems odd for you to assume that any particular behavior would be the same across all racial groups, that makes no sense in light of all of the variance we can document between races and I cited IQ as one example.

Nonetheless, it IS likely true that lower IQ women have more unwanted pregnancies since the personality traits that prevent unwanted pregnancies like impulse control and the ability to defer gratification are much more associated with higher IQs.  

If we look at education levels and net worth as proxies for IQ then we see that women who have abortions are far more likely to be uneducated and poor, thus have lower IQs.  


Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=242762&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1107880