Robert Quirion you missed the part that he is autistic? If he is homeless and autistic how is he supposed to jump on Facebook and contact his parents? If he had prior contact with law enforcement and never said who he was, who he Parents are, that he was lost etc… he clearly didn’t have the level of capacity it would take to do as you suggest. Thankfully he is found and safe and getting the medical care he needs after being lost for 3 yrs on the streets.

Also what does moving have to do with fb access? The two things are not correlated to each-other. Not everyone, especially older people, are on social media.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=242765&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1107909

Audra Van Vliet it was a wildfire. Please learn about what it takes to build after a wildfire. It wasn’t just like the house had a fire. The Cache fire wiped out all of their homes and over 80 acres. The vegetation is gone. People lost everything. It’s not that simple. Look at how much has been rebuilt after wildfires.
They needed shelter and thought going back to their hometown, their son would go back there.
Just put yourself in her shoes for just a second. You’ve lost everything, you can’t go back, your son is still missing, where do you go?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=242765&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1107907

Ira Bradley i don't think its because the familyvgave up. Sometimes when you age out your family can only do so much and this young man needed a social worker to help him get state help because he has special needs. The family should have kept looking for him thank God he wasn't exploited thru human trafficking.... but who knows he was missing for a long time so sad. Sometimes this is how people with " autism, mental illness end up homeless". Either they left home got lost, met up with the wrong people and if your family stop checking on lookin for "special needs" love ones they become vulnerable as easy victims and sometimes its too late

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=242765&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1107904

Chelsea Parten Project Lifesavers is administered by law enforcement agencies...it provides a bracelet that can be located, when the person is reported missing by family...this is provided free to families for special needs children or seniors with dementia...our. Moose Lodge donates to this program, and my grandson wears a monitor on his ankle...there are other privately run products that do continuously track by GPS at various costs...some autistic children and adults are extremely good at sneaking out...and even the first time can be tragic...I can't imagine what this family has gone through these last years...so grateful their son is alive.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=242765&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1107908

I’m glad this story ended well with a happy reunion.
Something stuck out to me, because it’s not often practiced in my community.

“Though authorities had previous interactions with Oswalt prior to that day, he had not shared who he was and police "didn't have reason to demand his information because he wasn't violating the law," Wright said.”

We’re constantly being demanded to show Id. I was in the passenger seat with my mom and son in Houston County, GA. My mom was driving and got stopped. They were demanding to see Id from me and my child. My son was 14 with no Id, and I was in the passenger seat. They threatened to arrest me and charge me with obstruction of justice, if I didn’t identify myself. They had no legal right to see my Id. But that’s rural Georgia.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=242765&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1107903

Shaunetta Wilson they moved back to the home they just moved from because they thought that’s where he was heading. Which they were right he almost made it there. To answer the other person question they cannot release him to the parents. He is an adult and they do not have guardianship over him. Because of the situation the state needs to make sure he is safe at his home. He is basically a ward of the state. Which will probably take a lot of court to figure out. Why his mom wasn’t there has been a little confusing. From other articles I read the mom was there at some point. It sounds like the step dad is a great dad and has probably has been dad since he was little.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=242765&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1107905

Susan Malove Project Lifesaver is a nonprofit organization - ie, a private organization, which is exactly where I said such monitoring services for at-risk people that have a tendency to wander should remain - in the private sector and between that organization, their partners, and the family/medical professionals. And I already said such services already exist, because Ziggy’s comment seemed to imply that they didn’t think such services were available. I was responding to Ziggy’s comment that said “if we can fit drunk Karens with monitoring devices….” which is a government mandated monitoring program for criminals and shouldn’t be compared to these voluntary private monitoring services for at-risk family members.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=242765&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1107910

Lisa Zucco Pirelli not that anyone in this string of comments seems to care…because you’ve already judged and juried this woman into being a horrible mother. But there are other comments on this post that state they moved because that was where he was born.

Just for perspective. Maybe the mother is up to something. But what if she isn’t???? What good does putting this energy out on the internet do? These are real people with real loved ones. And if the mom or her loved ones read these kind of comments can you imagine how hurtful it would be. “In a world where you can be anything…be kind.”

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=242765&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1107906

The comments in this thread are ridiculous your thoughts are so far off base it’s disturbing. When your house is burned down in a wildfire situation it takes months for them to clean up, then you have to wait for hazard inspections to make sure it is safe to rebuild, it takes at least a good 6 months for these things to happen. As far as insurance money goes if you own your home out right they cut you a check, you can do whatever you want with the money, if you have a mortgage you have to pay that first and walk away with whatever is left or rebuild which is a whole other situation. I speak from experience, I live in the same county this child went missing from and my house also burned in the major fires we have had here the past 5 years. So you arm chair “detectives” might want to actually Google some stuff before jumping to ridiculous conclusions.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=242765&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1107911