Josh Will - You are free to say what you want. You are not free from consequences. Go ahead and yell fire in a crowded movie theater and see what happens. Go ahead and yell “ bomb “ on an airplane and see what happens. You’re free to do it. And what was deemed “ misinformation “ with Covid ? You mean Ivermectin ? As for platforms like Facebook and Twitter, and other social media platforms, you can either abide by the rules they set, or you can leave. It’s totally within the rights of these platforms to remove you if you break the rules. Get it ?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=244016&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1114848

Brian Richmond BLM is the name of an organization and a movement. LGBT isn't an organization or a movement. It's a community encompassing members who fit that label.

There is not a singular LGBT political activism group.

So are you saying to me that any activist group devotes their whole life to that activism? That they don't do anything different when they aren't acting in the role of an activist? This seems more projection than reality.

No one is telling you not to raise a family, or that you have to have LGBT people in the family. It's literally just one statement: They exist and don't deserve discrimination. That is all. Everything else you are tacking on to this is either projection or a pushback response to discrimination.

A gay and a straight man getting the same service is still very recent, and there are still quite a few politicians who want that to go away as well.

Republicans do not support gay people. They have made that quite clear. Individual Republicans may but the party does not.

Attention != non-oppression. They still face very real legal and social challenges. Just because they have popular support does not mean their fight is over.

No one is indoctrinating anyone into any religion called LGBT. That is NOT a thing, and shows a blatant lack of understanding of both the word Religion and what LGBT means.

All the activists want, behind the counter-culturalism, is to not have this bigoted mindset used against them.

I've noticed a pattern: You don't know what a religion is. You call every activist movement that disagrees with you a religion, but can't recognize that you are quite literally in a cult. But that's by design. The cult you are in has to paint all opposition as an enemy to keep you entrenched in it, to give that "us vs them" mentality that makes you feel invested in staying in the cult.

They do this by projecting issues they have onto others who do not hold those same problems.

You can't differentiate the extreme examples from the norm, you can't see that it is very likely the gay/bi/etc people you know IRL probably do talk about LGBT issues because they affect them simply for being gay/bi/etc. Because the modern conservative cult has to treat them all as a monolithic entity out to destroy -insert-fake-core-value-here-.

These conversations around the issue show that you do not actually respect the LGBT unless they remain in the closet or otherwise passive to the continuing social pressures they still face at no fault of their own and for aspects of themselves they couldn't change if they wanted to.

Are you really so blind as to believe that all this backlash against the LGBT is targeted only at the activists? That it somehow doesn't apply to literally anyone not in the closet about it?

I'm done here. I have better things to do than to correct you. I could literally write books correcting you. And I am legitimately afraid of your response if either of my kids turn out to be LGBT. Because while you can try and rationalize it with "I have gay friends" and "the activists are indoctrinating blah blah blah", the fact of the matter is you are treating literally any lesbian/gay/bi/trans/etc person who sticks up for themselves as predators acting in the role of cult recruiters.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=244016&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1114862

#3 The era of unipolarity is over

Some statements regarding the issue of the transition to a “multipolar world” have appeared during the past short period, including, but not limited to, what Lavrov said on March 30, during his visit to China, that “the world is going through a very dangerous stage in the history of international relations... We will proceed.” And you towards a multipolar, just and democratic world order.” In a related context, Lavrov places the Russian military operation in a broader framework than the operation and from Ukraine as a whole, in what appears to be a kind of development of the discourse that dominated the beginnings of the first phase of the military operation, when the focus in the Russian official discourse was on “defense of the Donbas” and “disarmament of Ukraine.” ” and “uprooting Nazism from it” and being a “neutral country” and so on, while we hear Lavrov speaking on the 11th of this April to the “Russia Television Network” about preventing Washington and NATO from dominating “the world arena,” where he said: “Our operation was designed To put an end to the unlimited expansion of NATO and to prevent the United States and other NATO countries from achieving complete hegemony on the world stage.”
With regard to Putin’s statement that what is happening is “the abolition of the unilateral world order,” it came in a joint press conference with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko on April 12, and within a context as if he was responding to those attempts to narrow the view of events, which confine them to a mere “local” military conflict. or “regional,” which is usually shortened to three words, “the Russian invasion of Ukraine.” Thus, apart from that, Putin emphasized that the issue is much larger than Ukraine, saying that “the main thing is not even the tragic events that are taking place in Donbass and Ukraine.”
#Important signal for the key to economic strength
It was also remarkable what Putin mentioned in the same speech regarding the link between the end of unipolarity and one of the indicators of the economic core of the issue, saying, “Just looking at the trends in the global economy over the past decade, in the volume of economic growth at purchasing power parity, and where the leaders are located in this, and what It's the pace, everything will become clear."
This economic fact was already evident and years before the Ukrainian event, the USA had already fallen to second place after China in the index of GDP PPP. But it seems that many were either underestimating the importance of this, or blinding it with a defeated mentality and short visions, re-ruminating the discourse and practice of some leaders that “99% of the cards are in the hands of America.” He referred to the importance of shifts in the global economic balance of power, as “Beijing has excelled for years in the size of The real output measured by purchasing power, and the weight of industry and agriculture within this output, after a quarter of a century of growth rates that ranged between 6-9%, while the growth rates in Washington were between 2-3%” as well as to the difference in the measures of relative justice in the distribution of wealth Which no one misses its importance in the stability and development of any civilization or its destabilization and collapse, as that editorial pointed to the importance of the difference between China’s achievement of raising real wages “four times during a quarter of a century, lifting more than 600 million Chinese from below the poverty line” while “there remained Real wages remained unchanged in the United States over the same period, and the fortunes of the oligarchs swelled in the opposite direction.
Mohamed Kamel Gaffer

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=244016&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1114849

Joey Nash that’s not true. Just like being Black doesn’t make one a member of BLM. Aren’t there supposedly “Allies” that aren’t gay?
Democrats market their political action groups to insinuate that they encompass more people than in reality.
Being gay has nothing to do with being involved in the LGBT political activism group.

They should have other aspects of their life that they focus on instead, but many base their whole existence on their sexuality and insist on others playing along with their beliefs.

Disagreeing with the political cult isn’t denying anyone’s existence. It’s simply choosing to live and raise their own families different than what this group pushes.

If a gay and straight man go into a store, both will receive the same service.
Most corporations and both major political parties support gay people in some form.
They are not some oppressed minority.
In fact, they get far too much attention for their size of the population.

LGBT activists are intolerant bigots.
Gay people have the right to be gay. It’s not my choice, but let them do them.
What LGBT activists don’t have the right to do is force children to be indoctrinated into the LGBT cult using taxpayer dollars at institutions paid for by the taxpayer.
Again, homophobe doesn’t work here.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=244016&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1114861

Joey Nash gays for Trump isn’t LGBT.
Being gay doesn’t make one a member of the LGBT cult.
It’s a political action group, it doesn’t encompass all gay people.
Do I pray to Trump? No.
Yes. They go around shouting that they are gay, they call it Pride.
They lobby corporations to push their message and seek laws to promote their cause.
They literally make everything in their lives about it, yes.
People wanting to raise their children away from the propaganda of the LGBT political action group doesn’t mean they hate them, it means they hold different beliefs and have the right to hold differing beliefs.

Racism has nothing to do with LGBT. Race is an undeniable reality to everyone, where discrimination is based on genetics, not actions.

The term homophobe is a false term used by LGBT activists in effort to shame those who disagree with the activists.
It holds no water any longer.
Believing and choosing differently isn’t fear of homosexuals.

I’m tolerant of gay people, but that doesn’t mean I give up my own beliefs because a political activist group insists on pushing too far and goes after children.

I have known gay people and they are fine, as they aren’t trying to push sexuality onto children or shoving their cult beliefs down my throat like those in the LGBT political action group.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=244016&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1114859