Taisha R. Alvarez I definitely agree. Her natural brows is pretty dense and overall has a good shape. I'm not sure if I like the Sharpie look she currently has going on to non conform. It's on thing to embrace natural body hair it's another to exaggerate it in this manner.

Like I honestly rarely if ever shave my body hair off and what is shaved in most cases is underarms only. Yet people will sit and say hairy women is unattractive which baffles me. My body is my own comfortality. I'm not out here waxing and or shaving often because my skin can't tolerate it for one and two I don't grow much hair as it is. Plus my body hair never stopped a man from asking for my time and attention.

This model is fine by me. I just wish she'd stop being this extra with her brows.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=247322&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1132146

Three years ago I was tested positive for GENITAL HERPES. This virus affected my life because I spent a lot of money on treatments but still it wasn’t cured so I lost hope until a friend of mine who was diagnosed with CHRONIC LYMPHOCYTIC LEUKEMIA got cured by Dr. OMORAWO roots and herbs. So I called him on WhatsApp and he told me what to do and how to use his products. When I taught all hopes where lost Dr. OMORAWO cured me with his 100% root and herbs all thanks to him you can contact Dr. OMORAWO on his email dromorawotraditionalhome@gmail.com or add him on WhatsApp (+2348118766996) he also cures OBESITY, ANEMIA, COPD, ULCER, DIABETES, STROKE and so many more Dr Omorawo Herbal Cure

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=247322&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1132145


Attorney Reiner Fuellmich and Partner Attorneys launched the Corona Investigative Committee in July, 2020 in Germany. He holds licensure in both the USA and Germany.

Several hundred doctors, scientists, Pfizer employees, big pharma whistleblowers, health administrators were interviewed. Attorney Fuellmich provides details including names, dates and motive behind the globalist medical mafia launch and execution of their long planned pandemic upon humanity.

Many have received lawsuit filings from numerous attorneys and more are and will be filed as medical fraud is now overwhelmingly obvious. Many criminals will be in receipt of lawsuits and face trials and God willing, justice for their nefarious actions including WHO, WEF, UN, Gates Foundation, FDA, CDC, NIH, Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins, Deborah Birx, Bill & Melinda Gates Rockefeller, Peter Drosten, and many regulatory oversight offices in many countries around the world since they became prostitutes of big pharma money.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=247322&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1132147

I once had a roommate who was dating a girl for a few weeks. He would come home and complain about how she was soooooo gorgeous but had a few hairs above her lip and on her chin, and how it was soooooo gross. Meanwhile I'm (someone who has PCOS, Endometriosis and hormone issues) sitting there in my chair, listening to him, while I'm literally plucking the hairs off of my chin right in front of him. If I attempted to shave instead of pluck, I could grow a full on beard. I would stare at him right in the eyes and just pluck away as he was so oblivious to him being a total douche canoe. I can't believe I lived with that man for a year. he destroyed my confidence in so many ways.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=247322&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1132148